The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It sometimes takes longer than we'd like, but the truth always has a stubborn way of becoming known. Lies fail. The truth persists.
Most of the time it does.
This does not relate directly to this thread's Trump topic, but it provides yet another example of it being unwise for broadcasters and/or influencers to lie, and to defy the courts.

Influencers and especially politicians lie all the time, with no consequences whatsoever.
Unless your a Democrat.
No better example of this than Adam Schiff and his defamation of Trump that went on for three years about the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax. What consequences will be imposed on him for his lies? And this doesn't include the scores of broadcasters and commentators that promoted the same false narrative. When will these scores of broadcasters and influencers be sued by Trump for defamation, libel and slander?

"On it went, a parade of former Obama officials who declared under oath they’d seen no evidence of collusion or conspiracy—Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power. Interviews with Trump campaign or Administration officials also yielded no collusion evidence. Mr. Schiff had access to these transcripts even as he claimed he had “ample” proof of collusion and wrote his false report."



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Retired Expediter
No surprise. Trump's contempt for and manipulation of the courts for his own corrupt purposes is well established.



Veteran Expediter
It was also reported today that the Manhattan DA announced that he has NOT discontinued the criminal investigation into Trump.

Whether that is simply a face-saving measure for PR purposes remains to be seen.


Veteran Expediter
Most of the time it does.

Influencers and especially politicians lie all the time, with no consequences whatsoever.

No better example of this than Adam Schiff and his defamation of Trump that went on for three years about the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax. What consequences will be imposed on him for his lies? And this doesn't include the scores of broadcasters and commentators that promoted the same false narrative. When will these scores of broadcasters and influencers be sued by Trump for defamation, libel and slander?

"On it went, a parade of former Obama officials who declared under oath they’d seen no evidence of collusion or conspiracy—Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power. Interviews with Trump campaign or Administration officials also yielded no collusion evidence. Mr. Schiff had access to these transcripts even as he claimed he had “ample” proof of collusion and wrote his false report."

Do not forget adam schiff lied about the phone call between mark meadows and trump on January 6th.....Adam I believe might get sued over that.
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Retired Expediter
It was also reported today that the Manhattan DA announced that he has NOT discontinued the criminal investigation into Trump.

Whether that is simply a face-saving measure for PR purposes remains to be seen.
I was disappointed to see that DA's disinterest in investigating and prosecuting Trump. I was disappointed to see two investigators/prosecutors resign from that office. These two had special expertise in such investigations, but their work counted for nothing because of the disinterested DA. With this DA's disinterest, I have zero hope that the so-called continuing investigation will amount to anything at all. This seems to me to be yet another case where Trump succeeded in slithering away.

Fairness compels me to admit that I have no inside knowledge. It could be that the skilled investigators actually found no evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part and the DA, now knowing that, had no choice but to drop the matter. It could be, but I doubt that. Trump is brilliant at avoiding accountability by using the system against itself. He did it here and he seems to be pulling it off with the James investigation too.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I was disappointed to see that DA's disinterest in investigating and prosecuting Trump. I was disappointed to see two investigators/prosecutors resign from that office. These two had special expertise in such investigations, but their work counted for nothing because of the disinterested DA. With this DA's disinterest, I have zero hope that the so-called continuing investigation will amount to anything at all. This seems to me to be yet another case where Trump succeeded in slithering away.

Fairness compels me to admit that I have no inside knowledge. It could be that the skilled investigators actually found no evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part and the DA, now knowing that, had no choice but to drop the matter. It could be, but I doubt that. Trump is brilliant at avoiding accountability by using the system against itself. He did it here and he seems to be pulling it off with the James investigation too.
The grand jury was about to expire. Not enough time to ramrod a prosecution in such a short period. That may have played into it, as well as the hissy fit from Leftists demanding to get Trump regardless of the facts.


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Retired Expediter
Truth Social Update:

"The app ... has seen its downloads plunge so low that it has fallen off the App Store charts." (Source)

I'm looking with interest to April 15 to see if the company behind Truth Social files its report with the Securities and Exchange Commission as it is required to do.
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Retired Expediter
Jan. 6 Committee Update:

"The committee is looking to slow down its current frantic pace of interviewing two to three witnesses day, so it can soon turn its attention to public hearings. Its goal is to issue an interim report this summer, and final report in the fall." (Source)

Knowing there is a strong possibility the Democrats will lose the House in the 2022 mid-term elections, and that if that happens the Republicans will likely dissolve the Jan 6 committee, the will complete its work and issue it's final report before such a change in House control happens.

The committee's investigation and report is likely to be the most comprehensive and publicly available account to date about the events of Jan 6 and those leading to them. Whether the evidence revealed in report leads to accountability will remain to be seen.
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Steve Bannon's Case is Weak and Getting Weaker


The highest-placed and closest adviser Donald Trump ever had, Ivanka Trump, did not assert executive privilege as Bannon is trying to do. Ivanka voluntarily appeared before the committee and offered 8 hours of testimony. Trump himself did not try to assert executive privilege regarding Ivanka. Ivank's actions (and Jared's similar actions) makes it difficult for Bannon to make the case that his status as a presidential advisor makes it necessary for him to not testify to the Jan 6 committee.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Jan. 6 Committee Update:

"The committee is looking to slow down its current frantic pace of interviewing two to three witnesses day, so it can soon turn its attention to public hearings. Its goal is to issue an interim report this summer, and final report in the fall." (Source)

Knowing there is a strong possibility the Democrats will lose the House in the 2022 mid-term elections, and that if that happens the Republicans will likely dissolve the Jan 6 committee, the will complete its work and issue it's final report before such a change in House control happens.

The committee's investigation and report is likely to be the most comprehensive and publicly available account to date about the events of Jan 6 and those leading to them. Whether the evidence revealed in report leads to accountability will remain to be seen.
Translation: Lefty Democrats concocting a pre election smear paper on Trump supporters to influence the vote because Dems can’t run on their lousy record.


Veteran Expediter
Jan. 6 Committee Update:

"The committee is looking to slow down its current frantic pace of interviewing two to three witnesses day, so it can soon turn its attention to public hearings. Its goal is to issue an interim report this summer, and final report in the fall." (Source)

Knowing there is a strong possibility the Democrats will lose the House in the 2022 mid-term elections, and that if that happens the Republicans will likely dissolve the Jan 6 committee, the will complete its work and issue it's final report before such a change in House control happens.

The committee's investigation and report is likely to be the most comprehensive and publicly available account to date about the events of Jan 6 and those leading to them. Whether the evidence revealed in report leads to accountability will remain to be seen.
And Adam schiff will of course write this comprehensive report.
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Veteran Expediter
Translation: Lefty Democrats concocting a pre election smear paper on Trump supporters to influence the vote because Dems can’t run on their lousy record.
If the Democrats could win without cheating or trying to impeach trump then it might truly be a free and fair election. But we know they can't do that....why else would they try to block every forensic audit in every state. I mean if you say it was a good vote why block the audit?
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Retired Expediter
If the Democrats could win without cheating or trying to impeach trump then it might truly be a free and fair election. But we know they can't do that....why else would they try to block every forensic audit in every state. I mean if you say it was a good vote why block the audit?
I think the Democrats have already learned the futility of running against Trump when they themselves are up for election or re-election. That strategy did not work well in 2020. Voters want more to say yes to than a candidate who says little more than "Trump is terrible."

That does not mean Democratic prospects are good in 2022. They still have a lot to figure out if they hope to win the people's confidence and votes.


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An Indicator of Justice Department Activity

There are those, myself included, who would like to see the Department of Justice vigorously investigate the crimes related to the insurrection of Jan 6, developing leads and following the evidence to the highest levels, and then charging and prosecuting people as appropriate, up to and including Donald Trump, the then president of the United States, if appropriate. And it has been frustrating for us to see DOJ focus on the "small fry" while higher-ranking people seem untouched. As time passes, the fear increases that DOJ head Garland is asleep at the switch and, due to his shortcomings, the accountability train will run out of steam long before it reaches the White House.

This development provides a sliver of hope for those who want to see more public signs that the DOJ is indeed moving toward high-level targets.

"Alexander’s confirmation of a grand jury subpoena is the first public acknowledgment that the Justice Department’s probe of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has expanded to include organizers of the events that preceded the attack, including some figures adjacent to Trump himself. The issuance of a grand jury subpoena suggests prosecutors believe crimes may have been committed in connection with those events." (Emphasis mine)
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Retired Expediter
View attachment 21591
The accountability knife cuts both ways. Entrapment and over-zealous prosecution is just as harmful to America, if not more so, than kidnapping, insurrection, or coup attempts. In the end, it can be said this was both a case of entrapment and a case where the justice system worked. Two of the four people charged, who were not guilty, were found by a jury to be not guilty.

The jury could not agree about the other two. They may have to stand trial again. We'll have to wait and see about that.

Nevertheless, entrapment operations conducted by law enforcement officials are serious matters. Now it's their turn to stand under the accountability spotlight, to be charged as appropriate, and to answer for their anti-American deeds.
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