The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Sorry, wrong pic.... How's this.... Still, hardly just protesting....


It looks like her right arm may have been raised and extended towards the officer there.

So that she might have assaulted the officer cannot be easily discounted.

We know she was capable of violent behavior from her past history.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

It looks like her right arm may have been raised and extended towards the officer there.

So that she might have assaulted the officer cannot be easily discounted.

We know she was capable of violent behavior from her past history.
Arm “may have been raised”. Lol. You can’t even see her arm. But so what? The officers weren’t even looking at her in the picture.
What were the past violent behaviors of the officer that shot her prematurely? Could be an anger issue with the officer.
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Veteran Expediter
Arm “may have been raised”. Lol. You can’t even see her arm.

Maybe upgrade your phone from whatever junk was included with that pay-as-you-go cellphone plan ?

Or use a desktop with a nice lcd monitor ?

But so what? The officers weren’t even looking at her in the picture.

So what ?


What were the past violent behaviors of the officer that shot her prematurely? Could be an anger issue with the officer.

Are you suggesting that the officer had some ?

Have any evidence of that ?


Veteran Expediter
The fact that you rlent are ok with a woman getting shot in the neck by a cop shows your double standard in full swing.

Wrong ... on multiple counts ... as usual.

A. She wasn't shot in the neck.

She was shot in her chest, below the clavicle.

B. It's not a question of "being ok with a woman getting shot in the neck by a cop".

It's a question of that particular woman being shot - lawfully - by a cop ... while she was part of a mob which was engaged in an attack on the officials of my government while they were performing their sworn duty to uphold their oaths to the Constitution ... and I am totally fine with the officer's actions, given the carnage that might have occurred otherwise. The incident was investigated, and the officer was cleared. Case closed.

C. There is no "double standard".


Veteran Expediter
Wrong ... on multiple counts ... as usual.

A. She wasn't shot in the neck.

She was shot in her chest, below the clavicle.

B. It's not a question of "being ok with a woman getting shot in the neck by a cop".

It's a question of that particular woman being shot - lawfully - by a cop ... while she was part of a mob which was engaged in an attack on the officials of my government while they were performing their sworn duty to uphold their oaths to the Constitution ... and I am totally fine with the officer's actions, given the carnage that might have occurred otherwise. The incident was investigated, and the officer was cleared. Case closed.

C. There is no "double standard".
Investigation was run by internal investigators within Capitol hill police.....yea like they are going to say anything different.
Lethal force was not justified when she was climbing through a window while unarmed. It doesn't matter if there is a mob at her back because swat was coming up the stairs at their backs....
There was nothing.....nothing justified in shooting a unarmed person....I could see it if she had a knife or club.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Are you suggesting that the officer had some ?

Have any evidence of that ?
How would the public know for sure? Everything was kept so quiet. No press conference or transparency. Much different than what would have been done with any other department in the country, especially if it wasn’t a Trump supporter that was unjustly killed. You would know everything about that cop. Instead you had a department sweep it under the rug with complicit “news” outlets that didn’t care. But they were willing to try to dig up anything wrong that Babbitt did in her life. That’s a clear double standard.
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Veteran Expediter
Investigation was run by internal investigators within Capitol hill police.....yea like they are going to say anything different.

Way to "Back The Blue !!!"


After interviewing multiple witnesses and reviewing all the available evidence, including video and radio calls, the United States Capitol Police has completed the internal investigation into the fatal shooting of Ms. Ashli Babbitt, which occurred in the Speaker’s Lobby on January 6.

USCP’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) determined the officer’s conduct was lawful and within Department policy, which says an officer may use deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that action is in the defense of human life, including the officer’s own life, or in the defense of any person in immediate danger of serious physical injury.
The officer in this case, who is not being identified for the officer’s safety, will not be facing internal discipline. This officer and the officer’s family have been the subject of numerous credible and specific threats for actions that were taken as part of the job of all our officers: defending the Congress, Members, staff and the democratic process.
The actions of the officer in this case potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death from a large crowd of rioters who forced their way into the U.S. Capitol and to the House Chamber where Members and staff were steps away. USCP Officers had barricaded the Speaker’s Lobby with furniture before a rioter shattered the glass door. If the doors were breached, the rioters would have immediate access to the House Chambers. The officer’s actions were consistent with the officer’s training and USCP policies and procedures.
On April 14, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia announced it would not pursue criminal charges based on insufficient evidence. The case was investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Metropolitan Police Department. The administrative investigation was launched after the criminal investigation was closed.

I will note that the DOJ through the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia - along with the DC Metro Police Department - investigated the shooting as well.

So it was three different law enforcement agencies.

Lethal force was not justified when she was climbing through a window while unarmed. It doesn't matter if there is a mob at her back because swat was coming up the stairs at their backs....There was nothing.....nothing justified in shooting a unarmed person....I could see it if she had a knife or club.

The authorities - who are far more qualified than you or I - found that not to be the case.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Way to "Back The Blue !!!"


I will note that the DOJ through the US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia - along with the DC Metro Police Department - investigated the shooting as well.

So it was three different law enforcement agencies.

The authorities - who are far more qualified than you or I - found that not to be the case.
Whitewashed “investigations” that lacked courage to do the right thing.
It’s not about backing the blue if they screw up. Should be obvious to anyone with common sense.
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Veteran Expediter
Whitewashed “investigations” that lacked courage to do the right thing.

If that was said by someone who is too timid to even exercise their own First Amendment rights and carry a protest sign in public announcing to world they don't support the US helping Ukraine defend itself, that would be rather ... ironic.

It’s not about backing the blue if they screw up.

In instance, the blue didn't screw up.

Unfortunate and sad to be sure.

But when you play stupid games ...

Should be obvious to anyone with common sense.

Uh-huh ...

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If that was said by someone who is too timid to even exercise their own First Amendment rights and carry a protest sign in public announcing to world they don't support the US helping Ukraine defend itself, that would be rather ... ironic.

In instance, the blue didn't screw up.

Unfortunate and sad to be sure.

But when you play stupid games ...

Uh-huh ...

Yeah, he screwed up. Failed police 101. You don't just blast away on an unarmed person that didn't pose an immediate threat of great bodily harm. He didn't see a weapon because she didn't have one. Just a dumb thing to do and showed a lack of poise to step in to it and start shooting.
If this wasn't a Trump supporter the officer would have been dismissed off the force at the very least. Everyone knows this.


Veteran Expediter
Another Trumper miscreant - of the Jan 6th variety - showing "the courage of his convictions" ... by running away with his tail between his legs to Belarus to escape justice from the attack on his own government that he participated in:

Hope you enjoy your new found freedom there Sport ... in that authoritarian county.

If there is any justice in this world, you will be conscripted and sent to the front lines of any force Belarus sends into Ukraine and end up fertilizing some UA soil ... so that good things might grow there.
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Veteran Expediter
Yeah, he screwed up. Failed police 101. You don't just blast away on an unarmed person that didn't pose an immediate threat of great bodily harm. He didn't see a weapon because she didn't have one. Just a dumb thing to do and showed a lack of poise to step in to it and start shooting.
If this wasn't a Trump supporter the officer would have been dismissed off the force at the very least. Everyone knows this.

Wrong ... on multiple counts.

As usual.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another Trumper miscreant - of the Jan 6th variety - showing "the courage of his convictions" ... by running away with his tail between his legs to Belarus to escape justice from the attack on his own government that he participated in:

Hope you enjoy your new found freedom there Sport ... in that authoritarian county.

If there is any justice in this world, you will be conscripted and sent to the front lines of any force Belarus sends into Ukraine and end up fertilizing some UA soil ... so that good things might grow there.
Add treason to the charges.
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