The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
The fellow that publicly lied about where he served in the Military. That’s the guy you’re quoting?



Yes, it is ... but possibly not for the reasons you are thinking.

It is (interesting) because it shows how that kind of thing has followed him around for quite a period of time.

Fortunately, it appears that, on balance, his accomplishments throughout the rest of his life outweighs the negatives that attached ... which appear to have been rather minor (given the context and likely motivations)

In Durham's case he faces a somewhat more difficult situation ... he's likely on his last hurrah ... so what he does now will likely color his legacy.

He's kind of like Billy Barr in that way.


But hey - like Billy says (or not):

"Everyone dies ..."

Opinion: William Barr: Death is inevitable, legacies are meaningless



Veteran Expediter
I’ll just leave this here:

Posobiec is always a hoot !

And Julian actually seems to believe what he's saying ...

I don't think he's quite figured out what confessing that The El Donaldo was very, very hungry for Daddy Vladdy's love (and coin) actually implies though.

Personally, I think all those years of not changing the cat litter in a timely fashion while he was holed up in the Embassy finally effected his mental state.

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
But do you agree most Dems have a dislike for Hillary and Repubs still cheer over the prospect of the return of Trump?
A few weeks ago, I would have easily agreed. Today, it's probably safe to say this is generally true, but the popularity of political figures ebb and flow over time.

Hillary never drew enough Democratic support to put her over the top and it's been downhill for her since then. Regarding Hillary, this recent bit is interesting:

"Nearly three out of four of those polled who are following the story said they think it’s important prosecutors investigate Clinton for her role in the Russiagate scandal along with her top campaign advisers.

"That includes two-thirds — or 66 percent — of the Democrats polled who said they have been keeping up with the case."

Some of the Clinton's undying loyalists have made recent news, speculating out loud about a Hillary 2024 run. But there is little to suggest this is anything more than a pipe dream maintained by Hillary's devotees.

Both Hillary and Trump will forever have a certain number of such devotees. Every person of prominence has those. But those fiercely and blindly loyal few are never a good indicator of what is happening among the masses.

Last December, Republicans overwhelmingly favored a Trump return.

"Former President Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over other potential Republican candidates in the 2024 presidential election, leading Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis by 43 percentage points, ... ." (Source)

More recently, the Trump star burns less bright.

"An Economist/YouGov poll released this week found that Trump had a favorable rating of 40% and an unfavorable rating of 55%. A large portion – 45% – described themselves as "very unfavorable" toward the former president.

That survey also showed marked slippage among groups Trump carried easily in 2020 and would need to shore up a run in 2024. Among voters 45-64 years old – a group exit polls show the former president won, 50% to 49% in 2020 – 57% see the president unfavorably, with 39% viewing him favorably. Among 65-plus voters – a group Trump won, 52% to Biden's 47% in 2020 – more than half (54%) view Trump unfavorably, with 44% seeing the former president favorably. A Morning Consult poll this week found that 60% of voters 65 and older have an unfavorable view of Trump, with 40% having a favorable view.

White male voters without a college degree overwhelmingly supported Trump in 2020, with exit polls showing the Republicans taking that voter group by a 70% to 28% margin. But YouGov's poll found that half of that group see Trump in a favorable light now, with 46% of them disapproving of Trump."

Directly to the question you raise about Republicans, Ragman:

"Further, rank-and-file Republicans are moving away from a more direct identification with Trump himself. An NBC poll found that 56% of GOPers describe themselves as supporters of the Republican Party, with 36% saying they are supporters of Trump. That's a reversal from late 2020, when 54% described themselves as supporters of Trump and 38% supporters of the GOP." (Same Source)

As I said, poll numbers like these ebb and flow over time. For now, I'll generally agree that Republicans are more enthusiastic about Trump than Democrats are about Hillary, and that is likely to be the case forever. But that does not mean Trump's star will continue to shine bright for self-identified Republicans overall.

For perspective, check out George H. W. Bush's approval rating history. His approval rating ranged from 89% to 29% while he was president. Popularity or job approval polls provide interesting snapshots of a given day, but it is unwise to assume that just because the numbers are what they are today, they will be the same tomorrow.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

Yes, it is ... but possibly not for the reasons you are thinking.

It is (interesting) because it shows how that kind of thing has followed him around for quite a period of time.

Fortunately, it appears that, on balance, his accomplishments throughout the rest of his life outweighs the negatives that attached ... which appear to have been rather minor (given the context and likely motivations)

In Durham's case he faces a somewhat more difficult situation ... he's likely on his last hurrah ... so what he does now will likely color his legacy.

He's kind of like Billy Barr in that way.


But hey - like Billy says (or not):

"Everyone dies ..."

Opinion: William Barr: Death is inevitable, legacies are meaningless

There is no evidence Durham is acting unethical or without integrity with this investigation. And throughout his career for that matter. Just a desperate attempt by some to PROTECT a phony Russia collusion narrative that is crumbling before their eyes.
And it is glorious to watch.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
There is no evidence Durham is acting unethical or without integrity with this investigation. And throughout his career for that matter. Just a desperate attempt by some to PROTECT a phony Russia collusion narrative that is crumbling before their eyes.
And it is glorious to watch.
Why is it glorious to watch? What do you like about that?
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Mazars USA accounting to Trump:

You're Fired!
(And, you are soooo screwed!)

Every bank that has lent money to Trump based on his financial statements must now confront the fact that those statements, once assumed to be reliable, are confirmed to be unreliable. So too with every entity that has a lease or contract with Trump under which Trump's financial statements were relied upon when inking those deals. Watch that space.

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Veteran Expediter
There is no evidence Durham is acting unethical or without integrity with this investigation.

There's plenty of potential circumstantial evidence for those who are willing to see and consider it.

One doesn't mislead Federal Courts if one is acting competently and ethically.

So I suppose there could be a case that Durham and his crew could just be incompetent (and weren't acting in bad faith)

That seems a little odd that given the man's professional reputation.

Some seem to think that he may have already made up his mind - perhaps very early in the (so-called) "investigation" - as to what happened and has only been investigating those things which seem to support that conclusion and ignoring evidence that is exculpatory.

That would seem to account for his blunders thus far - which themselves seem pretty out-of-character for a man of his supposed stature and vaunted reputation.

And throughout his career for that matter.

Well, there's the CIA tape destruction investigation and the CIA torture investigations ... ;)

Just a desperate attempt by some to PROTECT a phony Russia collusion narrative that is crumbling before their eyes.

Russian collusion is not a phony narrative.

What's contained in the Mueller has not been refuted - and it is highly unlikely that it ever will be.

The predication for the investigation into Russian election interference - which is what this was all about in the first place - has already been investigated by both the DOJ Inspector General and US Attorney John Huber who former AG Jeff Sessions assigned to the task. Both found that there was ample valid reasons for the investigation and that it was proper.

However, that didn't square with former AG Billy Barr's fever dreams - so he assigned Durham, to again plow ground that had already been turned over.

Thus far, Durham is batting a big fat ZERO.

And it is glorious to watch.

Check back with us ... after Durham's current cases are tried and actually get to the point of adjudication in court.

We can talk about what is "glorious" at that point.

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Veteran Expediter
Mazars USA accounting to Trump:

You're Fired!
(And, you are soooo screwed!)

Every bank that has lent money to Trump based on his financial statements must now confront the fact that those statements, once assumed to be reliable, are confirmed to be unreliable. So too with every entity that has a lease or contract with Trump under which Trump's financial statements were relied upon in inking those deals. Watch that space.

Ya absolutely gotta love the take on this from Trump Org:

"Because their accountants fired them, it renders all the investigations moot"

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This Tour de Farce and purveyor of fake Russia collusion narratives Jake Sullivan shouldn’t be anywhere near foreign policy advising. What else is he willing to lie about?
He has a credibility problem.



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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Excellent article explainer by the Professor, even for LSL’s who are still in denial about the impending doom of future indictments and flips that will eviscerate the whole Russian collusion fantasy that they bought hook, line, and sinker.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

The Federalist as a source? Lol....

A website known for conspiracies, falsehoods and lies.
Lol lol
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