There is no evidence Durham is acting unethical or without integrity with this investigation.
There's plenty of potential circumstantial evidence for those who are willing to see and consider it.
One doesn't mislead Federal Courts if one is acting competently and ethically.
So I suppose there could be a case that Durham and his crew could just be incompetent (and weren't acting in bad faith)
That seems a little odd that given the man's professional reputation.
Some seem to think that he may have already made up his mind - perhaps very early in the (so-called) "investigation" - as to what happened and has only been investigating those things which seem to support that conclusion and ignoring evidence that is exculpatory.
That would seem to account for his blunders thus far - which themselves seem pretty
out-of-character for a man of his supposed stature and vaunted reputation.
And throughout his career for that matter.
Well, there's the CIA tape destruction investigation and the CIA torture investigations ...
Just a desperate attempt by some to PROTECT a phony Russia collusion narrative that is crumbling before their eyes.
Russian collusion is not a phony narrative.
What's contained in the Mueller has not been refuted - and it is highly unlikely that it ever will be.
The predication for the investigation into Russian election interference - which is what this was all about in the first place - has already been investigated by both the DOJ Inspector General and US Attorney John Huber who former AG Jeff Sessions assigned to the task. Both found that there was ample valid reasons for the investigation and that it was proper.
However, that didn't square with former AG Billy Barr's fever dreams - so he assigned Durham, to again plow ground that had already been turned over.
Thus far, Durham is batting a big fat ZERO.
And it is glorious to watch.
Check back with us ... after Durham's current cases are tried and actually get to the point of adjudication in court.
We can talk about what is "glorious" at that point.