Veteran Expediter
Keep in mind that additional security and help from the National Guard was refused on Jan 6th.
Also keep in mind that the two officials with primary responsibility for that (House sergeant-at-arms Irving and Senate sergeant-at-arms Stenger), are both no longer there, having resigned in disgrace.
As well as keeping in mind the fact that then Capitol Police chief Sund has said that he requested the National Guard be deployed early or during the riot 6 different times and was rebuffed or denied:
Sund says during a conference call with several law enforcement officials at about 2:26 p.m., he asked the Pentagon to provide backup.
Senior Army official Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, said on the call he couldn't recommend that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy authorize deployment, Sund and others on the call told the Post. Piatt reportedly said, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background," the Post reported.
It would be more than three hours before any National Guard troops arrived, well after the damage at the Capitol had been done.
Piatt's response to Sund was later confirmed by DC National Guard leader Maj. Gen. William J. Walker.
But the Pentagon didn't just deny that request by Sund for deployment of the National Guard, they also denied a request from DC Mayor Bowser to deploy and expand the National Guard's responsibilities to protect the Capitol:
And Chief Sund had some additional insightful thoughts on the events of that day:
“What occurred on January 6th cannot be considered under any circumstances a protest, a rally, or civil disobedience. This was a well-planned, coordinated, armed insurrection at the United States Capitol. The USCP does not have the manpower, the training, or the capabilities to handle an armed insurrection involving thousands of individuals bent on violence and destruction at all costs.”
Prosecution is probably a bridge too far, but why Piatt (and others) haven't been court-martialed, stripped of their rank, and dishonorably discharged is anyone's guess.
The Pentagon needs to conduct a thorough of all personnel and weed-out all extremists and/or terrorist sympathizers.
Had this offer been accepted, the Jan 6 riot likely could have been prevented and the Capitol Bldg would not have been breached.
That assumes they would have actually deployed ... which given the facts covered above is a highly questionable proposition at best.
But even with extra forces in place on inauguration day, millions of dollars in damage was done and a whopping 217 arrests were made. Compare this to the 700+ arrested for their participation on Jan 6.
Sounds like you're making the case that Jan 6th was, in fact, worse ...

I totally agree ... in fact, it was far, far worse.
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