The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
This is scary spot-on accurate. And it pisses me off to no end.
I have never seen a stronger argument for Congressional Term Limits.

I agree, completely infuriating!
How long would you last at your job if you verbally spewed so much manure & showed up that unprepared?
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Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.


Retired Expediter
Or go back to square one... just finance Medicaid thru the states and lower qualification by income levels
And let the states deal with it as it should be done by what each state can afford ...


Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
You have Trump!! No bigger can of worms than that! Lol
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
You have Trump!! No bigger can of worms than that! Lol
So true, so true!


Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
You have Trump!! No bigger can of worms than that! Lol
So true, so true!
I meant that in a good way... if anyone has the balls to wipeout the criminal system that exists now it's him


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
It will, because it's government-controlled socialized medicine, straight up. But that WILL work, albeit at the expense of insurance companies and shareholders. The reason it will work is because Obama, Hillary and the left, particularly the Progressive wing, has been able to convince a really, really lot of people that health care is somehow a right (even though it's not). And once you go down that road, government-controlled and administered health care is the only place it leads. The alternative road is to just repeal Obamacare and be done with it, let the market decide. Exactly the way things were before Obamacare was introduced.
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Veteran Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
It will, because it's government-controlled socialized medicine, straight up. But that WILL work, albeit at the expense of insurance companies and shareholders. The reason it will work is because Obama, Hillary and the left, particularly the Progressive wing, has been able to convince a really, really lot of people that health care is somehow a right (even though it's not). And once you go down that road, government-controlled and administered health care is the only place it leads. The alternative road is to just repeal Obamacare and be done with it, let the market decide. Exactly the way things were before Obamacare was introduced.

Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered!


Retired Expediter
Well gang... healthcare here is and will be a joke... it is just not possible in the present form
If the government wants to control it they need to control it... 100% not this or that with so many fingers in the pie ....
Government with consultation should set prices ...
a routine birth with no complications say 2500$ that includes 3 prenatal appointments and 1 ultrasound and 2 post natal exams...
Doctors ..nurses... hospitals all should be under control ... no private enterprise at all ... that's the only way to control prices
No more insurance company involvement kiss them good bye
Everyone gets equal access to all services regardless ...
If people want they could upgrade to a better package deal if they can afford to do so and they feel the need.
You're really going to open a big can of worms going that route.
It will, because it's government-controlled socialized medicine, straight up. But that WILL work, albeit at the expense of insurance companies and shareholders. The reason it will work is because Obama, Hillary and the left, particularly the Progressive wing, has been able to convince a really, really lot of people that health care is somehow a right (even though it's not). And once you go down that road, government-controlled and administered health care is the only place it leads. The alternative road is to just repeal Obamacare and be done with it, let the market decide. Exactly the way things were before Obamacare was introduced.
Exactly in for a dime... in for a Dollar
Or leave the table... this hodgepodge is just one big mess with no solution
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Retired Expediter
Hey, did ya see where that federal judge in Wisconsin ordered that Trump's new travel ban cannot be applied to the wife and child of a Syrian refugee already granted asylum in the United States? The order applies only to this one family. The father was granted asylum in the US in 2014, and he has been trying to get his wife and child into the country ever since. His wife and child were granted asylum last year and their application had cleared the security vetting process and was headed for final processing when that process was halted by Trump's original travel ban on Jan. 27 (and was then resumed when the Washington State judge put a stay on the order).

Trump's Muslim Ban 2.0 explicitly exempts anyone who has already been granted asylum, such as this man's igfe and daughter.

So, the judge, U.S. District Judge William Conley, an Obama appointee, has essentially said, "Even though the revised executive order doesn't apply to this family, it therefore really, really, really, cannot apply to this family. So there."

And, of course, it's being presented in the media as a "major setback" to the new travel ban. Even though it doesn't affect the travel ban in any way whatsoever.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Here, let's try this. One of those bouncing balls. I will use myself for an example. This is for insurance bought in TN. Two people, both now 55. Original polo y was 400 a month two years ago and 3k deductible and covered most items in network and 80 percent out.
Fast forward to today. Past two years cancelled by two carriers. United and BCBS.
What do we have today? 2500 a month 12k deductible and 50 percent coverage. Or, 14k deductible and 2800 a month for 80 percent coverage. No subsidies. So, a policy that costs more than many make for a fraction of the coverage. So, how many want to pay 33k for insurance and can't get better coverage than those for free? Right there is your problem and why it is collapsing.
So, what do we do? Be a strain and not participate or file for exemption, and go to a outside carrier for less than have the cost and twice the coverage.
Have to address that or I will still show you a sinking ship.
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Retired Expediter
The Left (and of course The Press), along with the Deep State, a term popularized by Glen Greenwald (and illustrated in this disturbing article), want nothing less that Trump and his associates destroyed, personally, Trump impeached and in prison. It's pretty clear that they've been going after Trump ever since he won the election. And they've tried to pick off his associates one by one, not merely to undermine his presidency, but to bring it down, and they're not going after them on any issues, they're trying to destroy them on a personal level, character assassination. I mean, look what they did to Monica Crowley, who as it turns out didn't plagiarize anything at all, and gave full attribution for everything she wrote. But they assassinated her character in a purely political hit job.

Michael Flynn, who turns out to not have done anything wrong (other than not tell the VP the full truth) is politically assassinated, and replaced by a globalist (a member of the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations). Jeff Sessions, who technically didn't tell the full truth, however he did tell the truth in the context of his line of questioning, nevertheless he should have answered it in such a manner to cover all possible meanings of the question in all possible contexts. Nobody had a serious problem when Clapper told a bald-faced lie within the context in which he was asked, but Sessions needs to resign. They've attacked pretty much everyone they can, including Melania and 10 year old Baron. We know about Kellyanne Conway's hit job. Every time she starts to fade from the headlines, there's suddenly a new story, usually resurrected, like the how the Office of Government Ethics is outraged that she wasn't punished for her egregious act of casually endorsing Ivanka Trump's clothing and accessories line. You'd think by the level of outrage that Kellyanne had killed, barbecued, and eaten little babies, instead of giving us an off-handed comments on an informal morning talk show.

Next up, in earnest, with character political assassination, will be Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon. They've been dancing around Bannon ever since he was named to the campaign staff, but it's mostly been as a means for calling him names, mostly Hitler, in the hopes that guilt by associate would also harm Trump. But now they're going after him for real, on a personal level, to demonize him, to either force his removal or, even better, criminal charges. We have the Washington Post digging through utility bills, court records, real estate transactions, state driver reports, and the checks he wrote to pay municipal taxes in California. They have interviewed neighbors, spoke with landlords and tracked his Breitbart-related activity. You won't believe the level of obsession they have already gone through to dig up something they can use to string him up. And after doing all that, you can be they won't stop until they have it. They don't want all of that work to go to waste. The truth doesn't matter - winning matters.

Trump can withstand this, but he'll have to weed out anyone in the Executive Branch that might not be in sync with his agenda, and are instead entrenched in the Obama agenda they still believe in, and are still trying to put in place. But there are liberal opposition groups with millions of dollars at the ready to fight his presidency, including financing the narrative that needs to happen to achieve his impeachment. Some of these groups are openly financed by George Soros and headed up by David Brock, neither of whom try to hide the fact that bringing Trump down is their goal.

Brock is already creating the narrative that Trump fired US Attorney Preet Bharara because Bharara is investigating the Fox News sexual harassment allegations, and because he's investigating Trump for violating the Emoluments Clause (which is the purview of Congress, not Justice). They claim Bharara is as apolitical as they come, not even a little bit political. Just in case you didn't know, Bharara used to be the Chief Counsel for Senator Chuck Schumer for the Intelligence Committee, and it was Schumer who convinced Obama to appoint Bharara as a US Attorney.

The fact is, Trump fired Bharara because Sessions asked him (and the other 45 Obama holdovers) to turn in their resignations, which is normal when a new president takes over, especially one of a new party, and Bharara straight-up refused to do so. Several of the resignations are not expected to be accepted, and those US Attorneys will remain in their jobs. Asking for those resignations is mostly a housekeeping process, and they are then accepted or rejected (7 of the US Attorneys asked to resign have been in those jobs for 13 or more years). Bharara would have likely been one of those rejected, if he hadn't decided to stand up to the President.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Preet Bharara apparently investigated some Russians a while back. So that must have been the reason Trump fired him.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Here, let's try this. One of those bouncing balls. I will use myself for an example. This is for insurance bought in TN. Two people, both now 55. Original polo y was 400 a month two years ago and 3k deductible and covered most items in network and 80 percent out.
Fast forward to today. Past two years cancelled by two carriers. United and BCBS.
What do we have today? 2500 a month 12k deductible and 50 percent coverage. Or, 14k deductible and 2800 a month for 80 percent coverage. No subsidies. So, a policy that costs more than many make for a fraction of the coverage. So, how many want to pay 33k for insurance and can't get better coverage than those for free? Right there is your problem and why it is collapsing.
So, what do we do? Be a strain and not participate or file for exemption, and go to a outside carrier for less than have the cost and twice the coverage.
Have to address that or I will still show you a sinking ship.

I'm in my mid 40s. When I got my first job in NYC during the early 90s healthcare wasn't even much of a thought. Back then if you were employed full time it was standard to receive healthcare benefits from your employer after some period of employment; in my case it was after 6 mo. I don't believe vision & dental were included, I can't recall. Companies small, medium & large were able to provide health care for their employees as part of their compensation/salary packages. It was affordable! I'm talking entry level jobs. I had a $10 copay for each doctor's visit.

Somewhere along the line, some bloodsucking vampires down on Wall Street realized the ONE expenditure of people's personal finances they LITERALLY can't live without ... is healthcare. Instead of healthcare being part of a compensation package, employers started to straight-up charge their employees for healthcare. What started as a trickle is now a downpour.

I think the position that healthcare is a right is a byproduct of people living through experiences like Dave's. If you don't think that healthcare is a right, then how do we rectify the price gouging? Price gouging like we've witnessed should be considered criminal behavior. I've been pushed to think healthcare is a right. Call me a socialist ...


Veteran Expediter
On this health care BS before oboma care I had health care aforable for me not fancy if I when doc for a cold flu etc it came out of my pocket drugs pretty much came out of my pocket but it was affordable for me. Then along came oboma care unaffordable for me the expense for out of pocket is higher than what I was spending before the cost went thru the roof Health care is now totally stupid but that is what happens when government is in charge of something more time is spent on making sure all the i. have dots and t are crossed now than doing the actual work wake up America


Retired Expediter
just think of Dr's wages, Nurses, the WHOLE system....OVER paid board of directors on hospitals....and the the upkeep on the whole system.....MAYBE just maybe....this country has outgrown even the old system and just can not operate at the rates you once paid....something had to give and or collapse.....socialized medicine might the the only road to travel down for everyone to be covered equally and fairly....