NBC forgets things that make Obama look bad, Fox News makes up stuff that makes him look bad. Two sides of the same coin.
There are two key things you need to see how a news organization stacks up in a journalistic sense. One is a basic knowledge of journalism. By that I don't mean watching the news and reading Blogs and thinking you know what journalism is. I mean studying it, knowing the nuts and bolts of it, learning how it is crafted. The more you know about journalism and how it's supposed to be done, the easier you can see through what gets presented as journalism these days. The second key, and it's the most important one, is the willingness to look for and see it where it exists without regard to whether or not you agree with the messages being conveyed. If you don't have a knowledge of journalism you can still see it, and if you can't, then the best approach is to not take anything at face value simply because you agree with it, but take everything with skepticism.
If you can do that, then you can sit back and watch Fox News the way it was designed to be watched - with the sound off and in High Definition.
Incidentally, for those who love the numbers, once again the annual
PPP Poll shows that Fox News is the most trusted news source, and it's also the least trust news source. Fox News reports the first, and
conveniently omits the latter. The mere fact that an overwhelming majority of Republicans think Fox News is the most trusted, and an overwhelming majority of Democrats think Fox News is the least trusted, should scream at you that it's biased partisan news and shouldn't be trusted at all.