Paul has no chance of getting the nod and some of you should accept this now so it is not so hard to take when it is givin to someone else.
Lemme see if'n I can make this very plain for ya - if Paul don't get the nod,
we ain't comin' to the party - therefore anything (else in the current neo-con field) y'all wanna nominate with an "R" after it's name is
In casin' y'all dunno what that means, it be
Apparently someone (Plush, Hannuty, or Marxist Levin) has been recently paying attention to what's going in the media with Paul's coverage and his support - the media is starting to "get it" in terms of the level of support and Paul's organization - and has alerted the troops. Either that ... or one y'all turned on the TV within the last 24. ...
This is likely
why y'all be on here within the last 24, cryin' and whinin' - like a bunch of pre-schoolers who dumped in their drawers, large and wet, and whose mommies just dropped them off at daycare without cleanin 'em up:
Wah, wah ... Paul oughta drop out ! ..... Wah, wah .... Ban Paul from the Party !
I tell ya, I'm just laughin' my *** off .....
You see here is the thing for many people that dont like NEWT there are 20 times that, that dont like paul. Since 1997, he has acted as the primary sponsor of 422 bills. Just four of those have ever made it to the floor of the House for a vote with only one of them passing.
That don't like Paul
where .... in Congress ?
ROTFLMAO .... take a look at what Congress' poll numbers are .... they're lower than Obama .....
so that's probably more to Paul's advantage than to his detriment.
Well Bubbie, all I can say is, apparently youse are havin' trouble with your math here chum (Hint: use the toes if you have to) .... the relevant number is not what you cite - but the fact that the Paul camp
possesses enough support (that crosses into the middle) to deny the GOP a neo-con victory.
Don't believe me ?
Vote for Newt or Romney .... and see what happens then
You guys are screwed ... and some are apparently starting to wake up to the fact.
If paul did some how get the nod he would not stand a chance. Think about this for a minute and I mean really think about this. Here we have our first Black president. With Ron Paul we have the RACIST news letters.
You know what I did yesterday ?
I watched a couple of YouTubes videos from a couple different "guys" .....
from "down in the 'hood" ... you'd probably call 'em "thugs" and "gangsta's .... get my drift ?
Wanna know what they had to say ?
They supported Dr. Paul and/or denounced Obama ... they were aware of this crap ..... and saw it for what it was (BS) ....
You see, here's the thing ....
people - as long as they are not thoroughly brainwashed by a
political ideology - have a rather uncanny ability to detect and see honesty, sincerity, principles ..... and recognize those that possess them.
The converse of that is that they can also detect those that don't.
The above is why Dr. Paul has a fairly broad appeal - across party lines. (It's also why he terrifies some - he has integrity) I spend a good time of time reading the comments to articles on websites which are more left/liberal in order to get a sense of what those folks think. I don't comment myself. You might be surprised at the level of support out there - from people who voted for Obama, or are life-long democrats.
Most folks (men and women) just want a chance to get on with it, to do the best they can, have an honest shot at building their lives, raise a family, own property, etc.
IOW: Just Live
And they recognize that this is the case with the
remainder of humanity as well. They see that they can have mutual interests and common goals. They see that their fellow man is not necessarily
a threat to them.
This differs substantially from those that have been infected with the
neo-con virus and suffer from that malady - these folks tend view the remainder of their fellow man as a
absolutely terrifying threat to their survival - this ranges from poor people, people of different colors, liberals, people of different religions (even when it's just a variation of their own), conservatives, Hispanics, people that speak different languages, the Russians, law professors, the people from south of the border, falafel vendors, people from north of the border, the Chinese, and on and on and on .....
All threat .... all the time .....
These pitiful folks live their lives in a
continual, apparently never-ending state of
mortal fear ..... unaware that it is their own
mindset and
actions, and the actions that they advocate
others take, that actually makes the world a
more dangerous place.
It's a
sickness of the mind.
Frankly, I never thought that I'd see such a substantial portion of the American people ....
sink to such a level of cowardice ....
Maybe it's time they grow a spine .... and join the rest of us.