I dont care how many times paul has voted no on bills that would raise our countrys debt.He still had his EARMARKS in the bills worth hundreds of millions of dollars.Knowing full well the bills would pass and he could take that money back to texas get keep getting votes.Paul has no chance of getting the nod and some of you should accept this now so it is not so hard to take when it is givin to someone else.
You see here is the thing for many people that dont like NEWT there are 20 times that,that dont like paul.Dont belive me?
Since 1997, he has acted as the primary sponsor of 422 bills. Just four of those have ever made it to the floor of the House for a vote with only one of them passing. Paul says abortion law should be settled at the state level, but in Congress in 2005, 2007, 2009 and this year he introduced the Sanctity of Life Act, which would define life as beginning at conception.
Think about it.Do any of you really think Paul would END THE FED.I know he has been ranting about it since he first got to washington.Well hate to break it to you but the answer is NO!!
If tomorrow we closed the Fed and started using a gold standard, it would be so chaotic nobody would know what to do," he says. "There are interim positions, such as allowing competition in currencies." But, he admits, "People aren't ready for that. It's complicated—it is very complicated." his words not mine.
Do any of you think If he were president he would build a fence or a wall?Nope he sure wont.At least going by what he has recently said about it being used against the american people to keep them from leveing.Or is it he is just flip floping?Do any of you really think he would round up the 30 million plus illeagels here in america and send them home.I dont and you are a fool if you belive he would.
It is funny how some on here talk about us cold blooded republicans that would end welfare.Yet you claim Paul is theman for the job.Makes me wounder if you have ever bothered to see where Paul stands on that.
If paul did some how get the nod he would not stand a chance.Think about this for a minute and I mean really think about this.Here we have our first Black president.With Ron Paul we have the RACIST news letters.Did he or did he not write them.I think we will never know.Way back when they were first brought up he said that they were being taken out of context, he would later change his story and deny he wrote them.You all think cheating on you wife or sexual herassment is bad for a guy running for president.What do you think Racist news letters with under Pauls name.Keep in mind they were written in the first person so for many it wont matter if he wrote them or not he will be seen as a racist that will turn back the clock on civil rights.Not just for Blacks but JEWS AND GAYS ALSO.And for that reason alone he has no,I repeat No chance of beating Obama.But hey maybe Obama and his camp dont know about those letters and if they do maybe they wont use them against Paul.Maybe we wont hear Paul praising his son Rand who just last year said he would not have voted for the civil rights act.And maybe just maybe if we tell Iran we are sorry and ask real nice they will give us our drone back.Nope didnt think so