Okay sure. Just because FactCheck.org doesn't match up with what you want to believe doesn't mean it has a liberal bias. FactCheck.org is probably one of the more trusted fact check sites around. But I won't convince you otherwise.
FactCheck.org is an opinion portal, and is the first cousin to Media Matters - both dressed up as "truth detectors" being promoted by the left to counter conservative points of view.
Like I said, Reagan raised taxes during a recession, a year later after he had lowered them. The hi-lited area was for chickenhawk.
In any debate the first participant to start name-calling is obviously the one who is lacking a substantive argument. You need to break yourself of this bad habit. Regarding Reagan's tax policy - the numbers speak for themselves. Even JFK advocated lowering taxes during a recession because that's what works. In spite of attempted liberal revisionism, the fact remains that Reagan lowered Carter's tax burden considerably and the results speak for themselves.
Socialist advisors? You're contradicting yourself, if Obama was such a Socialist why didn't he let the tax cuts expire, especially when he had a Democratic Congress and role down the street throwing dollar bills out the window to spread the wealth?
They didn't raise taxes for the obvious reasons previously stated, and BHO and his Democrat congress DID throw dollars out the window - they're still doing it.
"...the Bush Tax Cuts have been in place for 10 years and they haven't done what they said they would do.
Absolutely false - they did exactly what they were supposed to and the economy during the Bush administration was fine until the Democrats took over congress the last two years. The average unemployment during the Bush years was the same as during the Clinton years.
Us getting rid of Osama bin Laden is a close comparison, where as, we could start saving money by bringing troops home.
The killing of one terrorist leader is in no way comparable to the defeat and destruction of the USSR. Al Quaeda continues to plug right along, and the fact is that Osama will hardly be missed. Nothing with their operations has changed since the SEALS caught up with him.