The Duggars


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Retired Expediter
I must confess I have never seen any of those shows. When the Duggars hit the headlines I had to go look them up. When I saw they were on a reality show, they instantly had as much of my attention as Honey Boo Boo, the stars of The Jersey Shore, and of the Bachelorette. Turn the page, change the channel, I happily remain ignorant about the Duggars.
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Veteran Expediter
Bliss is the average voter, who has no idea of how many evangelical Christians think, and are using home schooling to teach their children to think.
In the book I'm reading, I came across an editorial in the Tulsa Tribune, from December, 1934, when the high schools had reinstated dances, 14 years after banning them.

"There has been, in this town, for a number of years, a bigoted prejudice on the part of a small percentage of population, against dancing. They hold to the ancient idea, inherited from the time of the Pilgrims, that dancing is evil.The idea belongs to the same era as the belief that it is a sin to kiss your wife on Sunday, or own a deck of cards."

Though I believe the editor confused Pilgrims with Puritans, he was spot on: the bigoted "beliefs" of a tiny percentage of the populace can make life miserable for everyone else, simply because they are so needful of others to go along [in order to reinforce their beliefs] that they will take the steps necessary to impose those beliefs officially. Evangelicals still blame women for being a 'temptation' to men, rather than blame the men [boys] who fail to conduct themselves properly.


Veteran Expediter
Bliss is the average voter, who has no idea of how many evangelical Christians think, and are using home schooling to teach their children to think.
In the book I'm reading, I came across an editorial in the Tulsa Tribune, from December, 1934, when the high schools had reinstated dances, 14 years after banning them.

"There has been, in this town, for a number of years, a bigoted prejudice on the part of a small percentage of population, against dancing. They hold to the ancient idea, inherited from the time of the Pilgrims, that dancing is evil.The idea belongs to the same era as the belief that it is a sin to kiss your wife on Sunday, or own a deck of cards."

Though I believe the editor confused Pilgrims with Puritans, he was spot on: the bigoted "beliefs" of a tiny percentage of the populace can make life miserable for everyone else, simply because they are so needful of others to go along [in order to reinforce their beliefs] that they will take the steps necessary to impose those beliefs officially. Evangelicals still blame women for being a 'temptation' to men, rather than blame the men [boys] who fail to conduct themselves properly.
Based on the frequent stories of female school teachers being arrested for having physical relationships with young male students, it appears temptation works both ways.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
he was spot on: the bigoted "beliefs" of a tiny percentage of the populace can make life miserable for everyone else, simply because they are so needful of others to go along [in order to reinforce their beliefs] that they will take the steps necessary to impose those beliefs officially.

So we're back to discussing the way gays are unwilling to go to the business down the street that would welcome them. You pretty much nailed it there.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Jim Bob Duggar supports killing of people who commit incest. ..but as typical for everyone but his family apparently. .
Well, first, you use the word supports, with an "s" as in present tense, when the story you linked to clearly has it in the past, as in supported, with an "ed." So right off the bat you're stating something as true and factual for which there is no evidence whatsoever. Second, the article took a sentence out of context, even edited the sentence to make it say what the author wished, and displayed it as a standalone thought in a new context. That's almost as scummy as the Duggars are. His comment was within the context of abortion. It was wrapped in that context, literally. There is no way any intelligent being can strip that out and make a blanket statement like that, unless they wanted to deliberately twist the truth and mislead for an agenda.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Well, first, you use the word supports, with an "s" as in present tense, when the story you linked to clearly has it in the past, as in supported, with an "ed." So right off the bat you're stating something as true and factual for which there is no evidence whatsoever. Second, the article took a sentence out of context, even edited the sentence to make it say what the author wished, and displayed it as a standalone thought in a new context. That's almost as scummy as the Duggars are. His comment was within the context of abortion. It was wrapped in that context, literally. There is no way any intelligent being can strip that out and make a blanket statement like that, unless they wanted to deliberately twist the truth and mislead for an agenda.

@ some point in the last 15 years,Jim Bob SUPPORTED the idea of killing people who commit incest..not my words. .his...just reporting facts..and sure i have an agenda. ..exposing these hypocritical religious wackos for who they are. .NOT what they portray themselves as..


Veteran Expediter
He did say rapist should be executed. Not sure if I agree or disagree but I would love to ask old Bob if that's what Jesus would do.


Veteran Expediter
And incest should be treated as a capital crime.....well unless it's his son doing the feeling up. I don't blame his son really, those Christian nut jobs have those kids heads so screwed up that those kids have no realistic view of the world. Kids like that are more confused than anything els.


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Retired Expediter
A capital crime is an offense taken so seriously in which a death sentence may be considered as an appropriate punishment.


Veteran Expediter
A capital crime is an offense taken so seriously in which a death sentence may be considered as an appropriate punishment.
I know, that's why he didn't want his son charged and the corrupt judge was trying to get it thrown out. I understood the article just fine.


Veteran Expediter
So we're back to discussing the way gays are unwilling to go to the business down the street that would welcome them. You pretty much nailed it there.

How you got that out of what I wrote is beyond me. No one should have to pick & choose from vendors who serve the public, looking for one who 'welcomes' them. If they prefer, they can, but those who serve the public must 'welcome' everyone, whatever their beliefs.
You never answered a question: is it ok for someone to publicly disrespect [or embarrass] your wife or daughters, because of their beliefs?
How do we decide whose beliefs prevail, when they don't agree?
Why should 'beliefs' [not founded on fact] hold the same place in law as actual facts?


Veteran Expediter
Sounds similar to the GLBT Movement.

Except that they are augmented by a great many people who are not themselves G, L, B, or T, [like me], but feel they deserve the same rights as the rest of us. And that is not "a tiny percentage of the population", it is the majority. That's why bills [like Indiana's] that legalize the practice of discrimination against gays are not created in response to popular demand, or put to popular vote, but written and passed by legislators following their own agenda. That is not why they were elected, it's what they do after- when they can get away with it. Sometimes, [as in Indiana], the public forces them to reverse it. Too often, the public isn't even aware of the 'fine print' in legislation, and it goes unchallenged.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is no answer to a vague question. It depends on what someone says whether it will be totally ignored, litigated, or just whupped and then ignored. As to who prevails, in most cases it will be the side that is not attempting to infringe upon the beliefs of the other and force them to do something against their will, provided alternative equivalent products and/or services are readily available.