The Cain Mutiny


Veteran Expediter
Why on God's green Earth would anyone in the Obama administration not want to see Cain as the Republican nominee?

Ann Coulter should be looking into those in the Republican party for a scandal if she want's one.

Again, nobody cares if he is innocent or not, the story is how he has handled the situation. Why does anyone think that this was leaked by anyone? Any decent investigative reporter could come up with these allegations.

Maybe he would lose to Obama, maybe he wouldn't. But IF Cain ran on the Republican ticket, there goes the idea that blacks are automatic Democrats, and Republicans are "masters of the plantation" bs. They're afraid of his message... a black man's message to other blacks that you CAN rise above, regardless of what the Dems tell you; and you don't need the government to do it!

Why should she look into the Republican party for a scandal? She'd be stepping on the toes of the MSM looking for the same thing. By looking at the Dems, she's all alone. :D

Ann Coulter, IMO, is a decent investigative reporter. The rest of the media either dropped the ball by not figuring this out, or just tossed it in the garbage, cause it didn't fit their agendas.


Veteran Expediter
Why on God's green Earth would anyone in the Obama administration not want to see Cain as the Republican nominee?

Ann Coulter should be looking into those in the Republican party for a scandal if she want's one.

Again, nobody cares if he is innocent or not, the story is how he has handled the situation. Why does anyone think that this was leaked by anyone? Any decent investigative reporter could come up with these allegations.
Witness what is your opinion of the Ann Coulter article? If this is true it is very daming of Obama and Axelrod.


Veteran Expediter
But damming to whom? Yeah, Republicans will know about it. Democrats will find it funny. The rest of the zombies won't find out about it, since they can't stop watching the MSM, who will never report it.


Veteran Expediter
You know what? Upon further review, I agree, I think that this whole scandal has been perpetrated by the Obama administration. They knew this would make Cain look like a victim and would help him in the polls as well as campaign donations so that he will eventually become the nominee.


Veteran Expediter
You know what? Upon further review, I agree, I think that this whole scandal has been perpetrated by the Obama administration. They knew this would make Cain look like a victim and would help him in the polls as well as campaign donations so that he will eventually become the nominee.
That is all you got out of the article? I thought better of you. :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Witness what is your opinion of the Ann Coulter article? If this is true it is very daming of Obama and Axelrod.

It read like one of Glenn Beck's conspiratorial chalk boards.



Veteran Expediter
Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I rest my case.

Well sh*t gosh, Billybob! Since that ther Rush Limbo feller read it, it must not amount to a hilla beans then!

Perhaps if we can get Joe the Wino to read it, between slurps of ripple, you'll consider it possible fact? :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Well sh*t gosh, Billybob! Since that ther Rush Limbo feller read it, it must not amount to a hilla beans then!

Perhaps if we can get Joe the Wino to read it, between slurps of ripple, you'll consider it possible fact? :rolleyes:

witness said:
Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I rest my case.
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