The Cain Mutiny


Seasoned Expediter
What makes it criminal?How do any of you demanding to know every detail know he has not told everything he knows about it.What I find sad is some on here seem to want to see the end of this man yet admit to not knowing everything that happend.My how fast some on here forget guilty untill proven inocent.I guess that only matters when its some one that has the same belifes as you do.

The only person who has any right to know what really happend is his wife no one else no matter what any of you think it is that simple.And something tells me after 43 years of marriage she knows everything that happend.

Something tells me that he could tell all on monday and it still will not be enough for some of you.Know matter what he says it will not be the truth to some,If some admit it or not they have already made their dission about cain and are now just looking for a reason to smear a man they dont really know.Heck for some that goes for anyone who calls themself a republican.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Although, according to Mr. Cain, foreign policy is like making a pizza.

link: Herman Cain Compares U.S. Foreign Policy To Making Pizza - YouTube

What difference does it make? We now have a president who has NO idea what a foreign policy was, had NO experience in that field, had NO budget experience and NO leadership or even management experience. Besides, IF the lack of experience is NOT an issue when Barry ran , it is not one for Cain. You know what they say in here, experience is NOT a requirement for the office of president. It shows.


Veteran Expediter
The issue here isn't if he did or did not sexually harass someone, it is that Mr. Cain has made a simple matter worse than it is, by his own doing.

For 10 days he and his advisors knew that this may come out in the press, 10 days! And this is how he handles the situation?

His rebuttal to the question if he had ever been accused of sexual harassment:

Cain:"Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?

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Veteran Expediter
His rebuttal to the question if he had ever been accused of sexual harassment:

Cain:"Have you ever accused of sexual harassment?
Well .... it appears as though he received the question at least ... even if he was uncertain what was appropriate to do with it, after it arrived ...... :rolleyes:

I suppose that's better than suggesting the questioner give a woodchuck a tuna melt :D

..... or just whipping a little gospel on 'em, acapella:

Herman Cain sings at the National Press Club
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well, the question of, "Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?" was kind of a cheap shot, ambush journalism, since the reporter already knew the answer. Plus, there's the nagging little detail of how it's easy to accuse someone of anything. Sexual harassment is one of those things that when a woman makes the accusation, the man is instantly guilty until he proves his innocence. It's always her word (and those who believe her without any evidence to support her charge) against his. He may very well have engaged in sexual harassment, but those allegations were, in fact, settled. They are history. I can also see how false charges could have been brought, and the Restaurant Association chose to settle the charges quickly and quietly rather than risk the publicity, even for false charges (because even if false, there will be some who believe him guilty, solely because the accusations were made). There are already people coming out of the woodwork to get their 15 minutes of fame, which is standard operating procedure for this kind of thing. It's not like they had ample time to file their own charges, but they waited until now, where they'll get the press.

All of that is irrelevant, whether the charges are true or false, because, as I said, they were settled. What's important is, the unbelievably horrible and utterly incompetent manner in which a potential President of the United States is handling it. He and his staff knew these charges and questions would be brought to light, and knew it for 10 days, yet they've handled it like a Saturday Night Live skit gone bad, everyone's forgotten their lines and they're just making it up as they go along.

Sexual harassment isn't something to be taken lightly, but in the scope of the types of national and global problems the President will face on a daily basis, it's a pretty minor thing. This is something that should be easy and straightforward to deal with. I cannot imagine how he would deal with a real, actual crisis. OMG.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"This is something that should be easy and straightforward to deal with. I cannot imagine how he would deal with a real, actual crisis. OMG."

He would just blame Bush, then the "hateful" congress and then spend a lot of money on something else. Then he would go play golf with a zillionair.


Veteran Expediter
I wasn't paying close attention at the time either but anything you ever wanted to know about the ordeal is a few mouse clicks away.

Why would I want to know about it NOW? If we're comparing the private behavior of past presidents, there's a few with an R after their name that 'fooled around', too. My point is we should stick to the man in question, because that's what matters NOW.

Clinton was accused of criminal behavior, dating back to the 70's. Of course we all know that this wasn't the only woman that accused him.

You may not believe that Clinton was guilty of any criminal behavior with Lewinsky but we need to remember a couple of things. She was very young and I'm going to assume, easy to intimidate. Maybe she was a willing partner but if this were one of your own daughters wouldn't you at least think that he used his position for his own sexual gain?

Maybe another example would be John Edwards and how the MSM wouldn't touch that story for the longest time. They don't have that same reluctance when it comes to conservatives.

Again: water under the bridge. Irrelevant. A distraction from the topic. [Would also be true if the topic were on the other foot, so to speak.]

Mr. Cain was accused and yet that seems to be the only thing we really know about this incident. Even the attorney for the woman said it wasn't touching, it was gestures, just as Mr. Cain said.

As I said from the start: there's enough 'smoke' to require some answers from the candidate, so we can see how he handles it, and decide how we feel about that. What I've seen is arrogant and ugly - that's how I feel.

Now, I'm not trying to say I believe he's totally innocent, what I am saying is, even after finding out what we did about Clinton, it didn't keep him out of the white house. Why should these accusations keep Cain out of running for the white house? So far no one has brought anything to light that proves anything. Many are questioning whether or not this should have been reported unless and until there's more to go on than "anonymous" sources.

Where do you get that he's refused to respond to questions? He's done nothing else for almost a week and then yesterday he began to refuse. What if he has nothing else to tell, nothing else to say on the subject? How long should one let these reporters go on asking the same things and getting the same answers? I mean, when does one put their foot down and say enough?

During the first week, when he was answering questions, the answers kept changing, is why it kept going. Only after he changed his 'explanation' several times did he suddenly say he would answer no more - very bad move, that one.

The woman's attorney has said that she refuses to speak on the story, doesn't that make it look a little "fishy" to you?

Fishy? You've never seen or heard of victims of rape, assault, abuse, being treated like they 'deserved' it?! I understand her refusal perfectly well. [I don't say she was perfectly honest, or that Cain actually did what she accused him of doing, but I understand why she won't put her name out there now, either way.]

The association has said that Cain did not sign the "agreement", what does that mean to you?

That he's a "very busy and important man who has people to take care of things like that"?
Jeez, I don't know - I have no idea whether that's a standard procedure, or what - do you? In the one statement, he said he turned it over to his attorneys and let them deal with it.

All of this tells me that the story shouldn't have been written to begin with, there just wasn't enough proof of anything concrete but now that it's done, no one knows what to do with it.

I'd probably agree, if it were just one accusation - but how many are there that were made then [years ago]? That needs addressed, and Cain's arrogant attempts to make it go away only make him look even worse.


Veteran Expediter
Video of Herman Cain being "Presidential":

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

This guy is clearly a masochist ... absolutely no political sense at all .... only ego ....

It's just painful to watch.
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Veteran Expediter
Well, the question of, "Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?" was kind of a cheap shot, ambush journalism, since the reporter already knew the answer. Plus, there's the nagging little detail of how it's easy to accuse someone of anything. Sexual harassment is one of those things that when a woman makes the accusation, the man is instantly guilty until he proves his innocence. It's always her word (and those who believe her without any evidence to support her charge) against his. He may very well have engaged in sexual harassment, but those allegations were, in fact, settled. They are history. I can also see how false charges could have been brought, and the Restaurant Association chose to settle the charges quickly and quietly rather than risk the publicity, even for false charges (because even if false, there will be some who believe him guilty, solely because the accusations were made). There are already people coming out of the woodwork to get their 15 minutes of fame, which is standard operating procedure for this kind of thing. It's not like they had ample time to file their own charges, but they waited until now, where they'll get the press.

All of that is irrelevant, whether the charges are true or false, because, as I said, they were settled. What's important is, the unbelievably horrible and utterly incompetent manner in which a potential President of the United States is handling it. He and his staff knew these charges and questions would be brought to light, and knew it for 10 days, yet they've handled it like a Saturday Night Live skit gone bad, everyone's forgotten their lines and they're just making it up as they go along.

Sexual harassment isn't something to be taken lightly, but in the scope of the types of national and global problems the President will face on a daily basis, it's a pretty minor thing. This is something that should be easy and straightforward to deal with. I cannot imagine how he would deal with a real, actual crisis. OMG.

Sheesh, you could've saved yourself some time and just clicked the "Like" button on my comment.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Sheesh, you could've saved yourself some time and just clicked the "Like" button on my comment.
Saving time wasn't my goal.

While your comment was certainly agreeable, it just wasn't wordy enough for my tastes so as to be "Like"able. :D


Veteran Expediter
There is something about your last set of comments that worry me. I don't know what it is but I have to tell you that sexual harassment is not abuse, rape or assault, it is on many levels a conceived notion based on being offended if it is not actually being a situation where one is told to do something outside the ethical boundaries. I don't know if you went through any training for this or went through the process either as a victim or as a witness but I do find that one thing that stands out clear about this issue is that all parties involved are told not to talk about it and if there is a settlement, it is done to keep things quiet for the 'victim' whether they are a true victim or not. In cain's case, it is clear, he should not answer any questions about it but refer to the non-disclosure agreement in place. With the other allegation of the other women, she should come up with some proof that either she was paid off or that she had a legit case. Without proper evidence, it is just speculation on the public's part and for the accuser, it is nothing more than a political ruse to damage someone no matter if it is true or not. You have to ask yourself why didn't she go to through the same process as the others before trying to say he is guilty.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What's the difference between sexual harassment and flirting?

Whether or not she thinks you're cute.


Veteran Expediter
What's the difference between sexual harassment and flirting?

Whether or not she thinks you're cute.

You hit that nail on the head. What gets me everyones so touchy about talking to a female but a woman will meet a total stranger in a strange place because they met them online in a dating service. :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What's the difference between sexual harassment and flirting?
Whether or not she thinks you're cute.
Yes indeed...
They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.
She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.
She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”...
“I don’t know if what she was giving him was a sucker punch, but he didn’t put his arm down while she was talking to him,” said the Sneed source.

◆The “he”... is GOP presidential contender Herman Cain, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women.
◆The “she”... is Chicagoan Sharon Bialek, who held a news conference Tuesday as the only woman to PUBLICLY accuse Cain of sexual harassment.

Witness: Cain accuser hugged him during Tea Party meeting a month ago - Chicago Sun-Times
This whole deal has turned into a political carnival, which was probably the intended result to begin with - it's a good distraction from the more important issues going on in Washington. We can google "Sharon Bialek" and get countless articles about her and the history of her adult life. We can each make up our own minds as to the credibility of this woman. However, the more I think about the scenario she's describing the more incredible it gets. Consider:

  • Unemployed administrative person books hotel two blocks from the White House for travel to DC to meet executive for job interview. Think about that for a minute - how much did that cost, air fare notwithstanding?
  • Executive upgrades her room to an even more expensive suite. Personally, I'd like to see confirmation of that from the hotel - wanna bet those records aren't available any more?
  • With this suite supposedly available, said executive tries to do the hanky-panky with female interviewee in the front seat of a parked car like a horny teenager
  • Unemployed administrative female person who has just been sexually assaulted returns home and tells no one except her boyfriend and a "mentor", even then leaving out details. Time passes and all is seemingly forgotten.
  • Fourteen years later, this "victim" shows up on TV with celebrity lawyer / Democrat activist; reveals being victim of assault by leading presidential contender - implied message is "I dare you to sue me for libel or slander". TV appearances, interviews, articles happen immediately, books and movies soon to come. But it's not about the money.
As for myself, I'd like to see how the other GOP candidates would have reacted to these attacks. We know how Bill Clinton handled it and the MSM accepted his counter-arguments with open arms.

Granted, Cain and his staff haven't been too graceful with their responses. But these situations should be handled by staff, not so much the candidate himself. Herman had better be finding somebody that's good at putting out fires that will get the truth out in an acceptable manner and put this situation behind him. Don't forget that McCain's opponents tried to smear him with accusations of bimbo eruptions during his campaign in '08 and he got the nomination anyway.


Veteran Expediter
Okay, I have no idea about this woman Sharon Bialek, only what I saw when she gave her press conference about what "allegedly happened between her and Mr. Cain. I am in no way trying to make light of the situation, but, did anyone else think that she was reading a script for a porno flick?

Specifically around the 2:05 mark.

link: Herman Cain's Accuser come out - Sharon Bialek - YouTube
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Ah, Gloria Allred. Truth, Justice and the American Way, she is.

Back in April Gloria appeared at a press conference with the family of a guy named Justin Quinn, who was allegedly threatened at a San Francisco Giants game by Roger McDowell, an Atlanta Braves coach. Quinn was deeply offended, deeply, mind you, when McDowell uttered aloud a few choice "homophobic" slurs at Quinn and a couple of guys he was with, and then used a baseball bat to simulate a sex act in the presence of Quinn's daughters. At the press conference, in the presence of those same daughters, Allred recreated the simulated sex act.

Sharon Bialek, Allred's newest client, has filed for bankruptcy twice, has had more jobs than your average expediter, and is deeply in debt.


Seasoned Expediter
Myself I think was smiling to much heck even giggling during press conference.Also dont think if someone really went through something so trumatic she would have had to read from a prepard statement.Its as if she thinks she is reading to a class of school children.She says she was to embrassed to tell her story then yet know she has no problem telling her story to the world with the camers rolling,smilling and giggling about it.

part 1
Sharon Bialek: The Fourth Herman Cain Accuser Has a Name and Face Part 1 Of 2 - YouTube

part 2
Sharon Bialek: The Fourth Herman Cain Accuser Has a Name and Face Part 2 Of 2 - YouTube

She just looks to happy to be in front of the cameras.
Every Minute of Cain Accuser Sharon Bialek's Media Blitz - Yahoo! News

Now her Liberal lawyer who is a obama donor keeps saying that she could have sold her story but did not.Just like a liberal to try and pull one over on the dummys of america.Well first Gloria you have to create the story and whip up the media into a he is guilty mind set befor the hollywood buyers come calling.

Sharon says all she did was shake hands with cain the last time she saw him and that was that she says.Yet other people have come forward to say this is not what happend in fact she was very egar to get back stage and she was hugging him.