The British Royal Family


Veteran Expediter
As an American watching the British from afar, I have grown to admire the maturity and responsibility shown by Prince William and sibling, Prince Harry. Born to extravagant wealth, they have, for the most part, led exemplary lives. Unlike young Hollywood celebrities, William and Harry have shown a serious devotion to duty and country. Despite the trauma of losing their mother, both young men have flourished. In the decades ahead, one or both as advisor to Parliament, will exert considerable influence over the direction of Western Civilization.


Veteran Expediter
As an American watching the British from afar, I have grown to admire the maturity and responsibility shown by Prince William and sibling, Prince Harry. Born to extravagant wealth, they have, for the most part, led exemplary lives. Unlike young Hollywood celebrities, William and Harry have shown a serious devotion to duty and country. Despite the trauma of losing their mother, both young men have flourished. In the decades ahead, one or both as advisor to Parliament, will exert considerable influence over the direction of Western Civilization.
Why do you think that?


Veteran Expediter
If either William or Harry ascend to the British throne someday, as the reigning monarch(though largely ceremonial) considerable power and prestige rests with such position as head of state. While not the head of government, the monarch is often a key advisor to Parliament. The current Queen has held the throne for what? 50 years? The monarch, if well respected, can help set a moral tone for his/her country.

The United States often acknowledges its 'special relationship" with Great Britain. In addition to Canada, the UK has always been our staunchest and most reliable ally. Great Britain faces many serious threats on the economic and social level. Demographics are destiny. We Americans need strong, vibrant allies and none more so than our friends in Great Britain. It is in our best interest, collectively, to wish Prince William and his brother well. There is a clash of civilizations looming. Let us hope William and Harry will continue to be stalwart defenders of the West.


Veteran Expediter
I'm sorry but I can't see it at all. There is an entire system behind and in front of them, they grew up restricted, very restricted and I bet the up and coming wedding (which date is kinda' weird for another reason) is not what you may call natural but rather 'approved'.

Their public persona is much different than their private one and they have handlers as did Diana, Fregie and other Royals. Even the Queen has handlers who see that there is nothing that is shown in a bad light for the Royals. I think Charles put it in a good way when he said his limitations were not because of him but rather because of his station in life.

Will the influence be great?

I doubt it, this isn't Japan, it is England and a lot of people seem to think that the Royals are on the way out. I prefer to see them continue but as the Queen said this year, everyone has to feel the pain - which means she got the signal that people are not too happy.

Will they be like the old guard?

I can't see it, I think they will be like another one of their relatives, the Nazi loving guy Edward, who wasn't all that thrilled to be king.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The very idea that a person is somehow worth more, worthy of "special honors" or needs to be paid homage too, just because they were born to a certain family is absurd.


Veteran Expediter
The very idea that a person is somehow worth more, worthy of "special honors" or needs to be paid homage too, just because they were born to a certain family is absurd.

I agree! Tell it to the Bushes, Clintons and the Kennedys. BTW, Layout, I am in no way advocating for a monarchy here in the States. The British have chosen for themselves the form and structure of their society. The United States is largely a hybrid spin-off from old England as is the remainder of the English speaking world. Still, we can admire Great Britain for its many contributions to far-flung places all around the globe.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree! Tell it to the Bushes, Clintons and the Kennedys. BTW, Layout, I am in no way advocating for a monarchy here in the States. The British have chosen for themselves the form and structure of their society. The United States is largely a hybrid spin-off from old England as is the remainder of the English speaking world. Still, we can admire Great Britain for its many contributions to far-flung places all around the globe.

Don't forget the "Dingel's" in that mix.

Contributions? Many of the problems in the Middle East we face today is due to those "contributions". I have great respect for the English people. Their government is just another government and only out for themselves.


Veteran Expediter
I agree! Tell it to the Bushes, Clintons and the Kennedys. BTW, Layout, I am in no way advocating for a monarchy here in the States. The British have chosen for themselves the form and structure of their society. The United States is largely a hybrid spin-off from old England as is the remainder of the English speaking world. Still, we can admire Great Britain for its many contributions to far-flung places all around the globe.
I'm not sure that the people made that choice.


Veteran Expediter
Are we not the only country in the world to cast off our mother country to become more powerful than they were ever?

I find the link through the language being the only link that is substantial and not evolved as with other parts we taken. We evolved from the English to form our government independent of any monarchy while our justice system is based on theirs to a point but other's too.

They have little choice in what their government is, even today the rights of the individual are still governed by the grant system through the agreements during their great history, but not one right has been God given. Even today, they still live in a different world that has been an extension of that of the early 20th century and there is still a class system at work, albeit being torn down more every year.


Veteran Expediter
I'm not sure that the people made that choice.

If a majority of British people aren't pleased having the monarchy as a revered institution, they can seek a legislative remedy and give it the kiss of death. Having a representative form of government, the will of the British people, supposedly, carries the day. I wasn't around for the formation of Britain's present government. One can conclude a compromise was made to keep the monarchy in a ceremonial role. The United States is a relatively young nation. The nation we know today as Great Britain has its own history, customs and traditions going back millenia. For many centuries, a monarchy is what held that unique and splendid nation together. The British people can choose to honor that historical fact or not. The monarchy survives at the whims of the British people.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We have a economical class system here. It is, however, NOT fixed. People can move up OR down based on their own abilities. Much of the class system in Europe is based on birthrights or grant only. There is a difference.


Veteran Expediter
Please slow down gentlemen :eek:

the Royal family have no say so in how the British Government is conducted - they have not for MANY, many years.

As mentioned above 1640 -1660 English History

The Queen/King may advise all they want but they have no power.
They are indeed a figurehead only.

Our Government, is very much, as I understand it, as the US.

It is made up of a "party" the party choose a leader, if that party wins the Election of THE BRITISH PEOPLE, then that leader becomes Prime Minister.
The visit to the Queen etc is all ceremonial.
The opening of the Houses Of Parliament & the Queens speech is all ceremonial (the speech is written for her by the Government in power at that time.)

Hope that helps a bit ;)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Please slow down gentlemen :eek:

the Royal family have no say so in how the British Government is conducted - they have not for MANY, many years.

As mentioned above 1640 -1660 English History

The Queen/King may advise all they want but they have no power.
They are indeed a figurehead only.

Our Government, is very much, as I understand it, as the US.

It is made up of a "party" the party choose a leader, if that party wins the Election of THE BRITISH PEOPLE, then that leader becomes Prime Minister.
The visit to the Queen etc is all ceremonial.
The opening of the Houses Of Parliament & the Queens speech is all ceremonial (the speech is written for her by the Government in power at that time.)

Hope that helps a bit ;)

I am confused. When I lived there many of my English friends said that while the Families role was mainly ceremonial the Family/Monarchy "retained" the "right" to take control of the government if they saw fit. Did I misunderstand or were they goofy?


Veteran Expediter
Do you not see a class system here in the US Greg? :confused:

Not really.

I don't see peerage here at all, and neither do I see subclasses of people who are relegated to specific stations in life.

No matter what NPR/BBC have said (they had some special on class in America in the last month where they claimed there is a very clear class society in the US), the opportunity is still there to move out of what you were born in and become something - Obama is a good example even though some would think it is a bad example.

The thing that matters is not that there could be a class system or is, but with many who see that they can't achieve anything beyond what they have and think life is unfair. It used to be that kids were brought up to think they could be something great, using people like some sports figures (Ruth, DiMaggio and a number of others) as examples of achievement and a lot of them achieve that level of success but now unless you are well off right from the start, the message is that you need government help and government needs to punish people for their achievements.

Another example is the immigrant who comes here from say India where the Caste system is alive and well and becomes more than just a worker - a shop owner or landlord. I know a number of Russians who came here with nothing but built up large businesses because of the opportunity. A few of them lived in Europe and said it wasn't possible because of the class they were in.


Veteran Expediter
I wonder about something.

The government has some approvals by the crown, the crown also is a big part of the law but who is the crown?


Veteran Expediter
. The monarchy survives at the whims of the British people.

That has never been more evident than at the time of Princess Diana's death.
Tony Blair (Prime Minister at the time) had to do some serious, blunt talking with HM.
If the Palace had done nothing at that time I seriously believe that there would have been a revolt against the Monarchy.


Veteran Expediter
That has never been more evident than at the time of Princess Diana's death.
Tony Blair (Prime Minister at the time) had to do some serious, blunt talking with HM.
If the Palace had done nothing at that time I seriously believe that there would have been a revolt against the Monarchy.

Refresh our memory, please. What was the nature of those conversations?