The British Royal Family


Veteran Expediter
Thanks Sue, maybe I will have to find a link to the transcripts of the parliament session where it was all discussed in order to clarify my point.

What no one got the date thing yet? I figured with some of the brightest mind in the universe, those even brighter than Hawkin, someone would have gotten it, Turtle, Rlent, Letz ... even OVM? Anyone?


Veteran Expediter
Recently read that President Obama is noticeably absent from the list of invitees to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Sarkozy's invited. Obama is not. What could account for this deliberate avoidance? I can think of several possibilities.

I have been tirelessly searching on this subject (well.. maybe not tirelessly LOL :p)

It seems, and this is from Buck House, that because Prince William is not next in line to the throne, that this wedding is not a State affair.
Meaning that the happy couple can "more or less" choose who they want. HM & Prince Charles will be advisors on the final list, which has NOT yet been released

"The official wedding guest list is also closely guarded information, with palace officials emphasizing that the wedding is not a state affair that will be driven by protocol concerns"

So President Obama may still get that elusive invitation (unless of course he has heard via Wiki Leaks that he has not got one ;))


Veteran Expediter
I have been tirelessly searching on this subject (well.. maybe not tirelessly LOL :p)

It seems, and this is from Buck House, that because Prince William is not next in line to the throne, that this wedding is not a State affair.
Meaning that the happy couple can "more or less" choose who they want. HM & Prince Charles will be advisors on the final list, which has NOT yet been released

"The official wedding guest list is also closely guarded information, with palace officials emphasizing that the wedding is not a state affair that will be driven by protocol concerns"

So President Obama may still get that elusive invitation (unless of course he has heard via Wiki Leaks that he has not got one ;))
Queen Elizabeth is a great friend of the Bush family. Particularly, Bush the Elder. I have not seen any evidence of warm feelings between the royal family and the Obamas. I can't imagine Prince William or his bride-to-be want Obama anywhere near their wedding. Why spoil an otherwise beautiful event?


Veteran Expediter
Well they all look happy in this pic ..... Oh wait a minute is HM looking for the nearest exit :eek:


  • obama-queen-elizabeth.jpg
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Veteran Expediter
No, the President and Mrs Obama are really giants :p

Seriously though - HM is really tiny

So, no not photshopped in anyway :D

We still have her on our money up here. :D

On another note, what'd you think of that commemorative coin with William and Kate on it? :eek:


Veteran Expediter
LOL thats ok, but I do believe the OP did say .....
Indeed he did - as I quoted (in context) :D

I'm glad you understood the humor as it was actually intended, and who it was, that was actually the butt of the joke ..... even if others apparently did not ........ ;)


Veteran Expediter
My critics would find fault with the Baby Jesus and the crucified Jesus.
Why be so kind-hearted ? ...... why not just dispense with all the niceties, and just call me Judas ..... or maybe Lucifier, instead ?

These are EO's Thought Police who usually label opposing viewpoints as "retarded."
Is that anything like labeling those of differing political philosophy or religion - ones which it might be thought that one opposes ..... as being inspired by Satan ?

Comparing that with "retarded" ..... which seems the more extreme ?

Which seems the more intolerant ?

It is impossible to have serious conversations with such characters.
..... conversations are never possible ..... when only one party is making an attempt to do so ....