Take Care


Retired Expediter
Out of concern for all expediters I post this...

One of my members on my site was recently attacked and relieved of his money at the Sunbury J north of Columbus Ohio....

2 guys he spotted at the rear of next truck doing what appeared to be a tire check....when my member approached his truck door 2 more men came around the front....it was a set-up...he wasn't injured.

Please be extra cautious in this area....the 4 are still at large.

Thanks Ken
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Veteran Expediter
Wow .... I was just there early Saturday morning after I dropped in East Liberty ..... thanks for the heads up.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You have to be on the lookout every moment. That would have been a good time for 8 well placed rounds and 4 quick funerals. It's too bad those results can't happen more often.


Veteran Expediter
The sad thing about it is this is what the government really wants. To turn us into a bunch of unarmed peasents. At least that's what I think the Socialist I mean Democrat canidate would like to see.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is a state by state reg on firearms. No way in Canada. Both governments want us at thier mercy and the mercy of the thugs. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not for long on the pitch forks after Osama Bama gets elected. No way will he allow ANY weapons in the hands of the people. They might try to stop him from forcing us into a socialist state. I wonder, how many of us is he willing to kill to get his socialist Utopia?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
As many as it takes. Everyone that doesn't believe the way he does. What do they call them? Oh, yeah, infidels.


Veteran Expediter
I'm gonna tell you another thing. If he gets it you can plan on seeing Muslim immigration have a growth spurt. He kinda reminds me of a Milano version of Mussilini. I know I didn't spell that right. You know the Italian leader during WW2.


Veteran Expediter
And our other choice is:

John McCaine

or is it John Liberal McCaine;

Where is the best place to buy a Nose Plug? I am gona need one in November.

First time I can remember, Iny, Meany, Miney, Moe? Gee I hate the though of voting for either of these people. GAAG....


Seasoned Expediter
WOW, you guys. I was gonna use that experience to get in a plug for the Frequent Fueler MoneyCard from TAB Bank (found only at Flying J), but somehow a precautionary note turned into a political bashing of both candidates.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not for either candidate and have pretty much decided to vote for Huckabee (we can still write him in). But, geez Louise! :eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Don't misunderstand, I'm not for either candidate and have pretty much decided to vote for Huckabee (we can still write him in). But, geez Louise! :eek:

You aren't voting for Huckabee by writing him in. You are voting, most likely, for Obama. There are only 2 who have any chance whatsoever of winning and that's Obama and McCain. Anyone who either doesn't vote because their guy dropped out or who writes in a name because their guy dropped out is throwing away their vote as far as having any impact on the election. The only impact that has is giving one less vote to the lesser of two awfuls. I hate the options this time but I will hold my nose and my lunch and vote McCain because as poor a choice as he is he IS NOT an evil choice like Obama. There will be at least one responding to this saying it isn't throwing your vote away. Well, it is. See 1992. Case closed.


Veteran Expediter
I don't like McCain that well either, but like others have said I like him better than Obama. He may be a liberal but at least he's no Socialist/Commie.


Veteran Expediter

The dumbest thing anyone can do right now is to do a write in for a protest vote. If they split the repub vote, we will get Obama and what I am reading more and more is disturbing me and it all points to a change in our government.

I wish people would read history and learn from it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have never voted for ANYONE that I wanted in that office. I will vote for Macain just because he sucks less that Obama. He still sucks, they all did. Maybe there will be a 9.0 earthquake the day before election day that only wipes out the polling places and all exsisting politions. Then we can start over. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
You aren't voting for Huckabee by writing him in. You are voting, most likely, for Obama...Anyone who either doesn't vote because their guy dropped out or who writes in a name because their guy dropped out is throwing away their vote as far as having any impact on the election... There will be at least one responding to this saying it isn't throwing your vote away. Well, it is. See 1992. Case closed.

LDB, Your point is well taken. I don't like Obama more than I don't like McCain. I agree with you, Obama is evil and I don't trust the man as far as I can throw him and that ain't far! I think McCain is a few sandwiches short of a picnic lunch. However, in the 1992 elections, Ross Perot wasn't a candidate for either party. I would have voted for Perot back then had he not dropped out and then come back with someone else's brain. Something happened to him between the time he first ran and then dropped out and then came back. I don't know if space aliens got him or what (LOL), but he definitely stepped back into the race a completely different man.

I'm all about the best man for the job, no matter his party affiliation. I just happen to lean more in the direction of Republican. Huckabee is a Republican just like McCain. As far as I can tell, he dropped out due to lack of funds to continue his campaign. He had a great platform and stood strong on his Christian principals and morals. Maybe I'm being naive, but if the majority of people wrote him in, why couldn't he still get voted into office.

Now I just did what I was saying to all who posted. This wasn't the appropriate forum for a political discussion. This thread started as a warning to take care at the truck stops and watch your back at all times. In fact, I related the original context of this thread to a driver today who carries large amounts of cash with him. He also changed to a locking gas cap after someone siphoned one of his FULL tanks EMPTY. Take heed everyone and be careful out there.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are right, sorry about that. Sometimes things just flow the way they do. I am good for that. Can the suckers anyway!!!!!!! LOL Layoutshooter