You guys are so funney this thread went from be carefull in a certain truck stops to mace and peper spray to the Race for the white House.
Here is somtlhing to ponder. If you think that for one min that peperspray works on all people think again it dont. Tell ya what if you see me running in a truck stop Ill let ya spray me but when you find it dont bother me I get to spray U. Deal. Another issue is Tazers. Works on alot of people unless they are used to the voltage such as a person that welded with High Freq Tig weld Alu. Ect. or used a Plazma Cuttter all the time. Nip that one too they dont work just ask the man at the Petro in Atlanta that sells them. He couldnt believe it. It just gave me a tingle sensation about like sticking your tounge on a nine volt battery. any questions.
Now People as far as Mcain or Obamma.
If Mcain get the election You can kiss your son or daughter good bye as they board the plane to do duty overseas as we will be in a war with Iran mark these words.
By the way the Draft will be instuted back in as because of this stupid junk with Iraq the Service members are getting out. Example the Marines are getting out then going into the army National guard so the marines cant get there sticky fingers on them.
So what has the country done think it about it they are sending our reserves over there becasue they dont got enough active duty to support the cause. Tell me Im lying.
Next thing wake up this country cant fight a war on two fronts it dont have the manpower or the Resources. Been that way since Bill Clinton been in office. He downsized the military. Say Im wrong again. NOPE
Next Mcain Obamma whos better whos worse.
Well Mcain nothing more than a Mustang that is a Joke he had a chance to make admiral in the Navy and choose politics and being a senator. His ideals follow bush weather he wants to admit to it or not.
So go ahead be a fools fool and choose him an like I said we will be in a war. I wont mind to tell ya the truth Ill get recalled back to active duty. Shinga all that tax free monie again ya I can dig it. So while You vote make sure its for Mcain got that as I sure could use that extra loot to pay off some bills.
Now Obamma I see nothing wrong with him If he can turn this country around then so be it Im not a afarid to say I voted for the Man. By the way the color of his skin or where his parents came from I could care less. The point is he is an American and if he can fill the shoes and do the Job and stand up for the people vice big wigs Companies ect that is a good thing. I been in many a Truck stop and have herd Fellow Truckers put him down because they say they dont want a black man in office to me they are racist and Fools to boot. That kind of attitude I will not condone Do you here that. I can feel the vibs in this forem about the resentment of him running and getting the Democratic nomanation for the Demo party. Look for some of ya your using his mom and dad heritage and aunt uncles as a crutch
He is an American and he Christian not Musslum.
So get off it. If any one on here can see the real deal I can and that is Many here are still living with that southern Rebel past and need to move on. Im being polite.
Now as far as truck stops go yes be careful and watch your back. there is a lot of Bad things that goes on muggings, stealing fuel ect. just because. Truthfully we are heading for a recession if by chance we are not already in it.