Storytelling 101


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just observe her from a distance. Then in walks a lawyer representing the owners of The Wizard of Oz. He says "this is an injunction barring further use of our wizard". With that news Ed says cut to the boat ride where Louixo has just.....


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lips,and he's also just found the key wich mypie found behind the stump and we have yet to find out what it goes to so we better...


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Well the last place they had seen Doug was in the Walmart parking lot so they took the boat back to shore, They saw a truckstop and saw 2 drivers arguing about whether to sell all you own and hit the road or have bills. It turned out to be Big John and Phil and while they were arguing they hopped into A-teams truck and yelled out the window as they sped away from them "We're on a mission from yesteryear"
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Seasoned Expediter
Hurry, fellas, the satelite tracking system has spotted Doug at the Walmart. The rush on over to the Walmart and ran up and down the isles searching for Doug and finally found him in the model isle sitting on the floor with all the model packages ripped open and glue everywhere! Moose and Wellarmed tried to lift him to his feet, but there he was in a sniffing stupper, glued to the floor with model glue shoved up his nose. Doug, "What did you do with the map?" Doug only laughed and said . . .


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I forget, then his eyes rolled back into his head and he rolled over and then they couldn't believe what was glued to his backside, the map. They started to try and pull it off but it began to tear, they decided they would have to take him and the map, they grabbed his arms and threw him into a cart and...


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every body around them wondered why they kept looking at his butt,then finaly they relized if they just payed close attention to the story they wouldn't need a map at all that the story would lead them in the right


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they headed out of the store and on to the parking lot and three little pickups pulled up with yellow lights flashing and two young guys jumped out of two of the trucks wearing security uniforms that were two sizes bigger than they were and an old guy got out of the third truck and his uniform was two sizes two small they said we do not allow truck parking here so we are haveing your trucks towed and one of them reached over and ripped the map from dougs backside leaving a bald spot,not to mention leaving him in doug snached the map back and as he looked at the map he knew it was no good it looked like a chia pet so they ran to their trucks and....


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there was Natasha, "we believe we have failed our mission" said one of our heroes. "Don't give up just yet" Natasha replied, "You just need to.......


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Get rid of that hairy map and get some lotion from your bag and I'll rub some on your bald spot while we think of a way to succeed in our mission.So doug starts taring the sleeper apart to find some lotion but all he could find was some caramel dip from Mcdonalds and a couple peanut hulls so he turned to her and said....


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look Natasha my "butt" problems are going to have to wait for now. They saw the wreckers coming so everyone hopped into their trucks and headed down to.....


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Meet with the other heroes to regroup and get back to the task at hand. Just a few miles down the road mypie realized by discarding the map that was torn from dougtravels butt they had left Dna and the two headed cat could use this to clone an army of dougtravelers with one bald butt cheek,she called dougtravels on the CB and brought it to his attention and after all the other drivers on the CB ran out of bald but cheek jokes she told him they must go back to get the map, so they turned around and headed back. They were to late,a two headed cat sprinter had already got there and there trucks were no match for him he jumped on the toll road and disapeared into the distance.Again they turned around and went to regroup with the others.When they finaly arrived and told yesteryear what had happened she.....


Veteran Expediter
the beach where pjjjjj was admonishing Yesteryear for blaming her for blighting the air when it was actually Yesteryear's hobbitfeet causing the commotion, as she had taken off her black pumps.. but then they saw Moot in the water, washing his feet, his workboots hidden behind a palm tree.. they were full of cheese powder, left over from his last load which took him to.....


Veteran Expediter
.. what's known as The Black Hole.. pjjjjj discovered that wellarmed was interrupting her and trying to change the conversation.. she was ready to get out of the pool without being told to tell him a thing or two, but then she saw his guns.. along with... what is that? his zipper is undone?? 'Where have YOU been wellarmed??..
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Veteran Expediter
Wellarmed informed he had just got here from crashing ATeam's party and running off with the whole row of portapotties, and he had been checking one out since nature had called..


Veteran Expediter
... and yet, the two headed cat must be neutered. "Hand me the binoculars, the duct tape, the Vaseline and boxcutter" said a grizzled veteran from afar. "Must I do everything myself, or...


Veteran Expediter
... or.. WAIT! Wasn't that him I just saw lying in the sand rocking back and forth in the fetal postion petting his chinchilla pelt??? Maybe you can count on....


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your eyesite at times to accurately depict the things you see, but sometimes the images are so disturbing that a chinchilla pelt petting can be substituted for the horrific petting you have just witnessed. The group finally all arrived back at the J, and this plan was hatched.....


Veteran Expediter
To dispatch all avaible trucks to the V.Sectrets warehouse in Ohio and distruibe the freight to all the fuel attendents along the way..Whats left will be X-docked in chicago.Fuel and service the trucks because we must countinue into minnesota where.........