September Location


Veteran Expediter
What's the fascination with Penera bread?

There is one in Monroe, on Telegraph I think north of M50.

But again I and about ten others got sick off of their sandwich a year ago and won't step into another one because of how we were treated.


Veteran Expediter
What's the fascination with Penera bread?

There is one in Monroe, on Telegraph I think north of M50.

But again I and about ten others got sick off of their sandwich a year ago and won't step into another one because of how we were treated.

Good food albeit expensive, good coffee, FREE wifi and clean restrooms, nicer then a truck stop:)


Veteran Expediter
Sitting at the T/A in Monroe ,MI....The Qc says Detroit beach..I have not found the beach...I was sitting here last week and will be p/u sunday night the same load I p/u last week and it takes me home where I will take a 34 reset and be ready to go. it has been a busy as I have ever seen it,hope it keeps up


Veteran Expediter
Sitting at the T/A in Monroe ,MI....The Qc says Detroit beach..I have not found the beach...I was sitting here last week and will be p/u sunday night the same load I p/u last week and it takes me home where I will take a 34 reset and be ready to go. it has been a busy as I have ever seen it,hope it keeps up

Did you bring your surfboard?:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Delivered early Saturday morning in Elkhart, IN and now in Phillips, WI .... waiting to pickup in few hours, predispatched on another one going into Canada after I deliver the one I'm waiting to pickup now. This is the 2nd weekend in a row that I've gotten loaded on the weekend ...


Retired Expediter
RLENT;329867[B said:
]Delivered early Saturday morning in Elkhart, IN and now in Phillips, WI .[/B]... waiting to pickup in few hours, predispatched on another one going into Canada after I deliver the one I'm waiting to pickup now. This is the 2nd weekend in a row that I've gotten loaded on the weekend ...

you delivered in Elkhart and now picking in Wi...thats a 450 DH to phillips?????I hope you didn't DH all the way up there..please tell me you forgot to mention that you picked around elkhart that delivered to Wi... you forget something?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sitting at the T/A in Monroe ,MI....The Qc says Detroit beach..I have not found the beach...I was sitting here last week and will be p/u sunday night the same load I p/u last week and it takes me home where I will take a 34 reset and be ready to go. it has been a busy as I have ever seen it,hope it keeps up

Detroit Beach is a small housing community on Lake Erie. It was once the summer homes of rich Detroiters that went there to get away from Detroit for a bit. (it sucked back then too!!) Then, as the suburbs grew the beach communites became slums. If you living in the beaches (there are several "beach" communitties) you were likely to be a drunk, druggie or used up hippie. That has AGAIN turned around and housing on the beaches is now nice and EXSPENSIVE!!!

If you want to see the beach and/or Lake Erie drive east on M125 (same road the TA is on) go back over I75 and you will see Sterling State Park. You can also drive down to Luna Pier, MI but that beach is not very nice.


Veteran Expediter
Detroit Beach is a small housing community on Lake Erie. It was once the summer homes of rich Detroiters that went there to get away from Detroit for a bit. (it sucked back then too!!) Then, as the suburbs grew the beach communites became slums. If you living in the beaches (there are several "beach" communitties) you were likely to be a drunk, druggie or used up hippie. That has AGAIN turned around and housing on the beaches is now nice and EXSPENSIVE!!!

If you want to see the beach and/or Lake Erie drive east on M125 (same road the TA is on) go back over I75 and you will see Sterling State Park. You can also drive down to Luna Pier, MI but that beach is not very nice.
I used to live at a real beach Hermosa, Redondo, Manhattan Beach California and the Carlsbad, Ca(North County San Diego)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, Lake Erie beaches are smaller, not as much drug use though. Lots of "illegals" come across in the area. Bet you NEVER ice skated off those beaches though!!! LOL!!!:D


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, Lake Erie beaches are smaller, not as much drug use though. Lots of "illegals" come across in the area. Bet you NEVER ice skated off those beaches though!!! LOL!!!:D

It snowed one year, if you can call it snow, didn't stick. No ice skating in Southern California LOL. I came to my senses and moved out of California and now can afford to live :)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When I was a kid Lake Erie used to freeze hard enough to drive a car out several miles. Not lately though. The Nuke plant has warmed the bay up too much now. It is a LOT cheaper around Monroe than CA. LOL!!


Veteran Expediter
Pilot in Syracuse NY. 2 loads yesterday, the last one dropping here. I pickup here today after 6 and head back to within 20 miles of home. Last time I got home (friday) I was there all of 20 minutes and the phone rang, my dog was quite ticked when I turned around and left again. September has been an awesome month, and this is the second weekend in a row I have been running. I will have to remember this in January!!

To the food discussion about Monroe MI, Layout's suggestion of the Michigan Bar and Grille is well worth checking out, fantastic food and easy parking even for a truck. Layout actually gave me a whole list of places in Monroe for food and I can say without a doubt he knows his food! All that food expertise makes me wonder how come he ain't fat like me?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Pilot in Syracuse NY. 2 loads yesterday, the last one dropping here. I pickup here today after 6 and head back to within 20 miles of home. Last time I got home (friday) I was there all of 20 minutes and the phone rang, my dog was quite ticked when I turned around and left again. September has been an awesome month, and this is the second weekend in a row I have been running. I will have to remember this in January!!

To the food discussion about Monroe MI, Layout's suggestion of the Michigan Bar and Grille is well worth checking out, fantastic food and easy parking even for a truck. Layout actually gave me a whole list of places in Monroe for food and I can say without a doubt he knows his food! All that food expertise makes me wonder how come he ain't fat like me?

LOL!!! Man, Piper1, You MUST need NEW glasses!! I am SOOO fat they call me "ROUND MAN"!!!!! Of course, since I have SOOOO much money tied up in my gut I can no longer AFFORD to lose weight!!! HEHEHEHEHE :rolleyes:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Yeah, I might should have checked the weather before I came here. It was nice mid-to upper 70's in Utah. As I drove through St George the thermometer at the bank showed 113°. It is triple digits here today, too. Was gonna go up into the San Gabriel Mountains, maybe to Mount Baldy, but it's 95 up there. Sheesh.


Retired Expediter
Yeah, I might should have checked the weather before I came here. It was nice mid-to upper 70's in Utah. As I drove through St George the thermometer at the bank showed 113°. It is triple digits here today, too. Was gonna go up into the San Gabriel Mountains, maybe to Mount Baldy, but it's 95 up there. Sheesh.

Going to in the mid 30's at my place 2nite...:D