September Banter thread


Expert Expediter
ldb is wrong in one point i didnt start the location thread many many months ago in consul with others. i started it for expediters to met up on the road if they wanted to. period.
From the beginning it mutated into something different. in someways into something better. A catch all for all things. topics in themselves not warrenting a new thread. but added to gether i believe added to the EO community.
So i never cared that it changed but some seem to still see the value of a location thread. so people mentioned it to ldb. ldb then started this new thread. contrary to what some people are feeling it is not a attempt by communist to take over EO. or the Obama thought police taking your free speech away.
i have now started a new thread re-occuring monthly (september BAnter Thread).
This new thread is a open to any subject except cussing. second benifit is to clear up other threads. threads that want to be point specific and not cluttered with mindless dribble. mindless dribble is what the monthly banter thread is for.


Veteran Expediter
Perhaps this could be titled--General Forum Banter Magnet-September, since everything in the Layover Lounge is for the purpose of chit-chat already. Either way, I'm game.

The first challenge. Who can highjack this thread?



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I may not have worded it well but my meaning was a member started that as a way to see who's nearby and meet up if one wanted to.


Expert Expediter
i bet either ovm or greg. and both are welcome. but than again it isnt possible to hijact this thread. this is for free for all.


Expert Expediter
ldb your intentions were good and where needlessly attacked on here for your efforts. i think what the location thread became was a good thing but it needs a knew title. lets keep old thread title but keep it true to its purpose. and use the knew thread for our EO family drible, arguements, jokes. I admit i am one of the driblers.


Expert Expediter
ok to help get started I'll start.

Obama is a great president. We are lucky to have him as our leader. All are free to respond.
Greg, turtle, ovm, eddie, layout, jack, dakota, jarhead, davek, charlesd, pjjjjj, cheri etc. i am issuing a personal invitation to voice your oppinion


Veteran Expediter
I great at mindless dribble, this thread is made just for me SO I am highjacking it:D
I actually enjoyed what the Loaction thread turned into and it was a great place to post different subjects without having to start a new thread for ever single subject.
I didn't realize our Kentucky friend was the inventor...Way to go Mr. T :)


Expert Expediter
dakota if you plan on to continue to be my official spell checker you are going to have to learn how to spell location not loaction


Expert Expediter
welcome aboard juju. i still have dakota as my official spell checker. he was just slipping a little. it was probly from all that mall perfume going to his head. hey juju are you using raised garden beds


OVM Project Manager
welcome aboard juju. i still have dakota as my official spell checker. he was just slipping a little. it was probly from all that mall perfume going to his head. hey juju are you using raised garden beds a kid with a plow that can turn the dirt deep and faster than a tiller, so am doing it the old fashioned way.


Expert Expediter
ovm where are you at? you havent graced me with your presence.
come on in to this thread your welcome. its basically the same as location thread just with a more appropiate title the location thread is just that now location only. so come on in here kitty kitty here kitty.