Allow me to suggest......
Stop wasting your time with Beck and move up to someone that can teach you something valuable......
You mean this book?
Yeah.....already got it and read it(about a year ago). And I do listen to him on occasion, he is not on locally but on 760AM out of Detroit in the evening. Not really impressed, rants way too much, and if he is that unhappy with our Nation, States, Local Govt., etc, etc, (just like the others) run for office. He's just another Beck, Limbaugh, etc, etc. You do realize they are entertainers right?
You sound like the addict that started with alcohol(local radio personality), moved your way up to marijuana(Limbaugh), then graduated your addiction to cocaine(Beck, FoxNews Channel) and now are on crack(Levin).
I edited the post with the oversize image so it no longer affects all the posts on the page with it. It means slightly more work for anyone to view the image as they'll have to cut and paste. I can't resize the image to put it in and see no other solution.
Some of you may be unhappy/annoyed/agrieved/whatever that a moderator did something. Some of you will be pleased it is fixed. Until/if/when admin chooses to edit/change it that's how it will be. Now we can get back to discussing how Juan Williams is a much better liberal than some in that he at least will have civil discussions without throwing tantrums and walking out.
I edited the post with the oversize image so it no longer affects all the posts on the page with it. It means slightly more work for anyone to view the image as they'll have to cut and paste. I can't resize the image to put it in and see no other solution.
No reason to delete it that I can see. Anyone that wants to can copy and paste it and view it. Obviously do what you want since it's your post but I thought that was a good compromise to bring everything back into view and still have it available for anyone that wants it.
Mark Levin, Hannity, Savage, Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly are all political commentators who primarily are there to lecture.
John Gibson, Joe Pags, Dennis Prager, and a few others are conservative talk show hosts. They are not entertainers.
You're welcome to your opinion of course. I didn't say they were qualified to lecture. I said that's what they do. The latter group spends a good deal of time in discourse. They aren't there just to hear themselves talk. They discuss the issues with their callers, not just preach and lecture. Definitely a better group to listen to.