I used to get swollen ankles all of the time when I was driving. If you are worried about blood pulling, you can buy a pair of 20/30 MMhg compression socks. They will force the blood out of your feet and calves back up to your heart and prevent it from pooling. I'm going to wear them when I come back out on the road. I am as protected as anyone can be from blood clots and heart attacks now that I am on blood thinners, statins, and Metformin which is known to have protective properties for the heart. Most people never think about their health until something happens to them. I still ignore stuff. I get bouts of left-sided chest pain and I have a few borderline EKG's for left ventricular hypertrophy. I need to get an echocardiogram myself. I don't really fear death anymore. What I do fear most is disability. When you survive a catastrophic medical event/trauma, sometimes you remain severely disabled for the rest of your life.