Sure didn't hear of any problems a few weeks back when you made between 5&6 grand to the truck in a single week!
I understand your frustrated .... Well very frustrated but cmon don't you think your over reacting maybe just a little? We can't be "fair weather" friends here! There is give and take in every business and I understand as of late you have been doing a lot of giving and yes I admit it does get frustrating but I'd be willing to bet if looked at your overall numbers VS miles ran for the last 2 quarters you might actually impress yourself!
And don't take this post as I'm nagging on you, scolding you, I'm trying to single you out, picking on you ect ect because your speaking out.... This is not the case im simply "reaching out" to the family member in dire need of help. I do hope your comment about not coming back out until March was due to being extremely upset at the moment and speaking without thinking clearly. I am often guilty of that myself!
Any how if you do stay home until March I hope you enjoy your time.... See ya around!
I appreciative you reaching out. Yes, your right. I did have 2 fabulous weeks in August. From July till then it was ok. From then until now, it wasn't. I know its been slow. The numbers good and bad is not the issue. That's not the problem. Suffice it to say I have witnessed personally attitudes upstairs that have no place in this business directed towards o/os and drivers. It's very sad that a large percentage of the fleet won't even talk to a specific dispatcher or nicknames are being tagged to a few all because of these changing attitudes. We should be working together, not against each other.
Perhaps we are all guilty, me included, of cheerleading to the point that an air of arrogance has taken over upstairs because they can do no wrong or we have built them up and put them on a pedestal.
Sometimes when things happen to other folks, its hard to put ourselves in their shoes and know what they are going thru until something happens to you.
We as o/os are held to accountability. Pickup and deliver on time, paperwork scanned on time, logs and maintenance reports in on time. Treating customers in a professional and curtious manner, securing the freight etc... You all get the point.
Where is the accountability of the company employees. Now maybe its something we are not privy too, and that's fine. We are not company employees.
Over the course of maybe the last 5 or 6 weeks, I have gotten numerous emails and phone calls from o/os and drivers expressing their disdain.
I don't know why I was chosen to be the recipient, none the less, there is great concern out there among the ranks.
The point is, there is a problem. Whether it wants to be dealt with or swept under the carpet is not up to me. Left unattended, it will only fester until it is not fixable.
You all have a great holidays, see you next year.
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