North Carolina voters reject same-sex marriage.


Expert Expediter
See jerk offs like this is why I get fired up.


...butt Buddys... Really so you think if we allow gay marriage we will next be screwing dogs... Wow shows your IQ.
There people ahole...not butt Buddys....
So 2 people loving and caring for eachother is pervsion...

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Here's another thought probably only interesting to me...

How many openly gay people do we, as a society in general, come across every day and don't know it? The stereotype of gay men being like Jack from "Will & Grace" or lesbians are all like Rosie O'Donnell are just that: stereotypes. We never know. Did that hi-lo driver who just loaded the cargo hold get some same sex vodie-oh-doh last night? Does it matter? Of course not. It only matters that they properly place the cargo without damaging the van.

Mechanics, store clerks, heating/cooling technicians, plumbers, delivery people, flooring contractors, truckstop shower custodians, doctors, lawyers, nurses, fast food counter help, waitstaff, the list is endless.

It also doesn't matter, so long as they fix your car right, make you well, don't screw up your french fry order, or leave enough towels in the shower room.

The majority of gay people live their day to day lives like "us" heteros, because they are just people trying to make their way in life like everyone else.

We come across "them" everyday. "They" have been in our homes, handled our food, given us injections, etc.

We didn't know. And we're still alive to have this conversation.

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Here's another thought probably only interesting to me...

How many openly gay people do we, as a society in general, come across every day and don't know it? The stereotype of gay men being like Jack from "Will & Grace" or lesbians are all like Rosie O'Donnell are just that: stereotypes. We never know. Did that hi-lo driver who just loaded the cargo hold get some same sex vodie-oh-doh last night? Does it matter? Of course not. It only matters that they properly place the cargo without damaging the van.

Mechanics, store clerks, heating/cooling technicians, plumbers, delivery people, flooring contractors, truckstop shower custodians, doctors, lawyers, nurses, fast food counter help, waitstaff, the list is endless.

It also doesn't matter, so long as they fix your car right, make you well, don't screw up your french fry order, or leave enough towels in the shower room.

The majority of gay people live their day to day lives like "us" heteros, because they are just people trying to make their way in life like everyone else.

We come across "them" everyday. "They" have been in our homes, handled our food, given us injections, etc.

We didn't know. And we're still alive to have this conversation.

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well put thank you !!

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I just can't believe that hatred towards someone because of who they love ...

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Veteran Expediter
....And for those that think this was a "Law" that was passed in NC that a judge or even the SC can "overturn"..can't happen..this was/is a "Constitutional ammendment" that was put to the "people"...they "voted" and the "majority" of the "states" voters decided the judge or court can do a thing about would take another "vote of the people" of that state to ammend the "stsates Constitution" to remove what they just voted in.....
Unfortunately, that may not be true. Article 6, section 2 of the US Constitution says of the federal constitution says, "This constitution, and the treaties and laws which are past hereunder, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the laws or constitution of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

So if marriage between sodomites is manufactured into a constitutional right the way prenatal infantacide was, it would automatically override all state constitutions.


Seasoned Expediter
Whats that smell smells like you have some ferry dust boiling im your blood?

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Veteran Expediter
I just can't believe that hatred towards someone because of who they love ...

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Look at the hatred you are spreading by attacking religious people. Why are you seeking AMonger's approval for gay marriage? You clearly won't get it. He is not out beating and killing gays so why not accept his beliefs as his own and allow him to have them.

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Veteran Expediter
Whats that smell smells like you have some ferry dust boiling im your blood?

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A common retort, and a false and invalid one. When someone objects to rape, we don't say he harbors deep within him some boiling desire to force himself on a woman. I suppose you could make that case if someone objected on grounds other than moral ones.

But Zane, and everybody else, some things are just wrong. Like homosexuality. It's wrong. Always will be. It's not up for a vote.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
A common retort, and a false and invalid one. When someone objects to rape, we don't say he harbors deep within him some boiling desire to force himself on a woman. I suppose you could make that case if someone objected on grounds other than moral ones.

But Zane, and everybody else, some things are just wrong. Like homosexuality. It's wrong. Always will be. It's not up for a vote.

yes it is up to vote.. it is not wrong

answer me 1 question
did you decide to be straight ??

maybe your book a fairy tales tells you it is wrong ..

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
answer 1 question for me
did you decide to be straight ??

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Veteran Expediter
I just can't believe that hatred towards someone because of who they love ...
:censoredsign:gotry isn't about love. It's about perverted, immoral, unnatural, and unsanitary sex acts.

Do you object to pedophilia? To bestiality? Why object based on who they love? How dare you?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
:censoredsign:gotry ?.
gay bashing again are you
.welcome in my life is pretty normal for a man to love a man or woman to love a woman ..I don't hate like you do ..

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Veteran Expediter
answer 1 question for me
did you decide to be straight ??
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Of course not. It's the normal default setting from the Manufacturer. There are some with defects. I don't pretend to understand how it happens. But the acts they do with each other's rectums is a choice, and that's the sin.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Of course not. It's the normal default setting from the Manufacturer. There are some with defects. I don't pretend to understand how it happens. But the acts they do with each other's rectums is a choice, and that's the sin.

Who said anything about rectums...see your the pervert here I said nothing about that you think gay equals anal sex.. wow see where your mind is....again I think you have some deep down issues do come to.term.with...

And just as you were programed to like the same sex as u claim...gays are born the you are going to shun them because ???

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
I'm sorry you feel that way about the Bible. I hope you change your mind.

I feel sorry for you for feeling this way about gays ..hope you change your mind!!

Don't feels sorry for me...I do a ok with out you religius fakes in my life!!!!!!!!!

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Veteran Expediter
Why are you seeking AMonger's approval for gay marriage? You clearly won't get it. He is not out beating and killing gays so why not accept his beliefs as his own and allow him to have them.
The short answer is because their conscience convicts them. Even the most committed sodomites know inside that what they do is wrong.

Many people can't distinguish between simple opposition and hatred or oppression. I've stated in this thread and others that I'm against violence against sodomites, that they get to walk down the street like everybody else without being assaulted. They have enough problems, both in this life and the next, without normal people going out of our way to add to them.

It's like the fight over prenatal infantacide; those murdering babies used to decry violence at abortion clinics (though they ignored the violence going on inside), but when enumerating violence, they'd count every protester, regardless of what that protester was doing, even if they were only praying quietly, and consider each one an act of violence, and that lie would be what would go in their latest press release.
Likewise, I'm not advocating violence against them, just saying that what they do is wrong and that they can't have society's approval.
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Veteran Expediter
Don't forget the part about you calling for neighbors to forcibly remove children from a house that has gay parents.


Expert Expediter
:censoredsign:gotry isn't about love. It's about perverted, immoral, unnatural, and unsanitary sex acts.

Do you object to pedophilia? To bestiality? Why object based on who they love? How dare you?

Heteros engage in some pretty "immoral" and "unsanitary" acts themselves. They're all over the internet.

I am not threatened by the gay community. I have never once been hit on by a lesbian. Ever. I have, however, experienced numerous unwanted advances from hetero I was supposed to be all enamored with that dude who looked like Captain Kangaroo after a weekend bender. Wearing a ring on his left hand, no less.

The "perversion" amongst gays (as some people feel) will continue whether they marry or not. Many local and state governments have archaic laws on the books banning such contact between people, be they same or opposite sex. Rarely do those laws get enacted. Yet people still go about doing what they want.

Just like heteros.

Pedophilia and bestiality, in my opinion and nothing else, are two topics totally unrelated to the topic of gay marriage. I do not believe that those floodgates will open. I think we know we need to protect our children and animals aren't for THAT; those people who practice such do have issues with humanity and social relationships, wherein I do not for a minute believe gay people suffer from those problems. I do not believe gays suffer from a mental depravity or are carrying forth a learned behavior. I think, as I said earlier, the thought of gay marriage is just a culture shock to our society at this point in time.

":censoredsign:gotry", by my defintion, can be considered a sexual deviation if one is not indeed gay, but rather is the type who just wants to do whatever with whomever, be their partner human male or female. Someone who, by choice, gets their yayas out any way they can...IMHO.

FYI I wouldn't let my gay friend decorate my house. I have seen his. He totally breaks the stereotype.