Newt & Pailen


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else, is my take on it. And I very much disagree.

And how is she any different than Obama? He TOO thinks he is smarter than anyone else. Today's politicians are ALL the same. If you put them ALL in a big room you would be hard pressed to find an honest bone between them all!!

They are ALL ego-maniacs looking for their OWN glory and to pad THEIR own pockets at OUR expense.



Veteran Expediter
Cheri, did you notice I said Ronald Reagan had the "WOW" factor, too? It's about an ability to connect with everyday conservatives in a genuine way. That Sarah Palin's daughter had an unplanned pregnancy has no bearing on whom I choose to support. Obviously, I like Palin. The naysayers don't. If the election comes down to Palin or Obama, which candidate do you favor Cheri?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey Aristotle, can we get a THIRD choice PLEASE??? I KNOW I don't like Obama, too inexperienced and WAY too far left wing. Palin, while having more experience than Obama did when elected does NOT have enough either. I like SOME of what she thinks, on hunting, guns etc but I still know NOTHING about her really. TOO much an unknown and too much a rookie for my likes.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Aristotle, can we get a THIRD choice PLEASE??? I KNOW I don't like Obama, too inexperienced and WAY too far left wing. Palin, while having more experience than Obama did when elected does NOT have enough either. I like SOME of what she thinks, on hunting, guns etc but I still know NOTHING about her really. TOO much an unknown and too much a rookie for my likes.

Sarah Palin may be the third choice. I doubt the Republican establishment will embrace someone who isn't beholden to them.


Veteran Expediter
Cheri, did you notice I said Ronald Reagan had the "WOW" factor, too? It's about an ability to connect with everyday conservatives in a genuine way. That Sarah Palin's daughter had an unplanned pregnancy has no bearing on whom I choose to support. Obviously, I like Palin. The naysayers don't. If the election comes down to Palin or Obama, which candidate do you favor Cheri?

As my Daddy [a genuine hillbilly, BTW] used to say: damifino. I would have to make a decision as more facts become available, cos so far, I'm not crazy about either of them. I do think that many decided against Obama before he had a chance to DO much of anything, and that is sad.
I never liked Reagan, either - just can't help but wonder why there are no real statesmen anymore: men who run to make America a better place [for the PEOPLE, not for 'business!'] instead of for their own enrichment.
Where's the modern Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin, even?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They could NOT get elected today. TOO much for independence.

I did NOT like Obama because of his left wing radical friends and beliefs. He is a liar, as are ALL politicians and now his lack of experience is HURTING the nation BIG time and his leftist ideas will destroy us. OTher than THAT he is OK!!


Veteran Expediter
BTW, Cheri... Barack Hussein Obama is the product of a tryst between an unmarried teenage female and a much older man. Obama's father married pregnant Ann Dunham in Feb 1961 and baby Barack was born six months later in August. To me , this is irrelevant... but I wonder how you square that with the put down of the Palin family?


Veteran Expediter
If Obama's father or mother had been running for political office on a platform of conservative 'family values' [including the reliance on abstinence only sex education], I'd have certainly mentioned it. It's pertinent in Palin's case, and if the unwed teenage parent were Obama's daughter, I can't even imagine the howls we'd be hearing over it.
Those of us who aren't conservatives, and somehow managed to raise daughters who didn't become pregnant as teens [I have 2 myself] are offended at Palin's failure to parent girls who wait until the time is right to become mothers. Teenage mothers are NOT an asset to society.


Veteran Expediter
While teenage pregnancy is unadvisable and fraught with difficulties, I don't hold it against anyone. It happens to the best of families. Conservatives are not immune from the risks of passion.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Tell me Cheri, IF Washington or Franklin ran today, with the SAME political views that they had back then, VERY Ultra-Conserative by today's standards, would you vote for them and the ideals that they set this country up on?

As to Palin, SHE did not knock up her daughter. There is NO evidence that being a conservative or liberal has ANY bearing on someone's off spring getting knocked up or knocking someone up.

I DO, however, think that it IS better if a MAN and a WOMAN, raise their children TOGETHER!! Men and women think DIFFERENTLY. Children NEED BOTH parents to learn the lessons they need. While it is intirely possible for a woman OR a man, to raise a child ALONE, a child learns MORE when BOTH are there for them.


Veteran Expediter
I have a bad feeling this next election is going to have a fairly large ABB voter segment,this time it stands for Barack and not Bush, This is bothersome becouse it is a very poor way to vote. We in Ill have done this for Govenor several times and we ended up with Blowhard in jail So lets find a way to break this anybody but x cycle


Veteran Expediter
While teenage pregnancy is unadvisable and fraught with difficulties, I don't hold it against anyone. It happens to the best of families. Conservatives are not immune from the risks of passion.

Conservatives who insist upon teaching abstinence only sex education are a lot less immune to the risks of passion, as Ms Palin would admit if she weren't a hypocrite, IMO.
I don't generally blame the parents for kids gone wrong, but the connection here is just too clear - teens need honest and effective sex education, not unrealistic platitudes. Abstinence only is an ideal that runs contrary to human nature, and if it's all the education teens get, society gets a whole lot of teenage pregnancies in return.
I'd have more respect for Ms Palin if she could admit to having been wrong, but I don't think she's capable of that. On any subject.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Does Obama? Does ANY politician? Palin MAY be wrong on somethings, SO was Bush, SO IS Obama now. Do you REALLY think that Obama would EVER admit that HE is WRONG?


Veteran Expediter
Tell me Cheri, IF Washington or Franklin ran today, with the SAME political views that they had back then, VERY Ultra-Conserative by today's standards, would you vote for them and the ideals that they set this country up on?
I like to think I would vote for men who wanted to put the best interests of all the people above their own self interest, but I don't think I've ever seen one, so who knows?

As to Palin, SHE did not knock up her daughter.
Ummm - did someone say she did?
What I said is that her blind allegiance to 'conservative values' got in the way of proper parenting.
There is NO evidence that being a conservative or liberal has ANY bearing on someone's off spring getting knocked up or knocking someone up.
There's plenty of evidence that the conservative ideal of abstinence has a tremendous bearing on the problem of unwed teenage parents.

I DO, however, think that it IS better if a MAN and a WOMAN, raise their children TOGETHER!! Men and women think DIFFERENTLY. Children NEED BOTH parents to learn the lessons they need. While it is intirely possible for a woman OR a man, to raise a child ALONE, a child learns MORE when BOTH are there for them.
How insightful an observation. But are all the caps [ aka internet shouting] really necessary? :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Does Obama? Does ANY politician? Palin MAY be wrong on somethings, SO was Bush, SO IS Obama now. Do you REALLY think that Obama would EVER admit that HE is WRONG?
Actually, yes, I do - but it's still very early days, so we'll have to wait to see whether he can, or does.


Veteran Expediter
No presidency is ever free of scandal. Eventually, the Obama administration will get their turn as a pinata.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My family is very conservative. We managed to parent 2 girls to adulthood. Neither had sex prior to marriage. Both completed difficult college degrees in 3.5 years. One already has her Master's and the other will have hers next May. Conservative values and good parenting are not mutually exclusive. The opposite is likely more true.


Veteran Expediter
Obama's turn began before the election was over.
And I still say Palin is a hypocritical opportunist who couldn't govern properly [she QUIT!!!]
The "Woman on top" ran out of energy before finishing what she started - not a woman whose example I'm inspired by.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I should also add a very strong religious/moral foundation, something lacking in far too many homes anymore since the few have dictated to the many.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Actually, yes, I do - but it's still very early days, so we'll have to wait to see whether he can, or does.

First off, It is NOT shouting, it is emphisising a point, I know no other way.

Second, His foriegn policy is killing more and more people and he has NOT done what is needed. Terrorist attacks are way up since he took office. MOre and more countries are under attack. The civilian death rates in Iraq and Afghanistan are WAY up since he took office.

Washington etc believed in everything that Obama does NOT belive. LIke the ownership of private property, private unlimited gun ownership, LIMITED government etc etc

Abstanace does NOT increase teen out of wed lock pregnacy, LACK of morals does. That is the problem. We ACCEPT immoral behaivor and reap the results.