Newt & Pailen


Veteran Expediter
Newt & Palin 2012????

2012 good question.

We shall see. She is a Hot Number so to speak.

MCaine should have been a Mustang vice a Maverick

Food for Thought.
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Re: Newt & Palin 2012????

2012 good question.

We shall see. She is a Hot Number so to speak.

MCaine should have been a Mustang vice a Maverick

Food for Thought.

after reading her book and doing some more research on her, on any ticket that Palin is on I do believe she should be the headliner


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One thing for sure, the democrats think she has something. Look at all the effort and money they are throwing to shut her up or discredit her.
"Watch what they do, and not what they say".


Veteran Expediter
One thing for sure, the democrats think she has something. Look at all the effort and money they are throwing to shut her up or discredit her.
"Watch what they do, and not what they say".

She excites the base. The conservative base. I don't remember anyone with such "WOW" power since Reagan. Their personal narratives have similarities.


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Have to agree. Not sure about her as a presidential candidate, but she does bring something to the table that the republicans have been lacking.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'll say again, Palin needs to run for and get elected to the Senate to add some gravitas to her resume. She needs to do it in one of the lower 48 states, and there are a number of them she could relocate to and get elected in a landslide. It worked for Hillary with her move to NY, it would work even better for Palin. Right now the perception is that she just doesn't have the experience necessary to handle the presidency, and that's probably correct. However, she is certainly more prepared than the current president and the consequences of his ineptness become more evident with every passing day. As for Newt, he needs to decide what his governing principles are and stick to them. It's doubtful he'll ever run for elective office again because he's alienated too many people in the GOP.


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Can't do Newt. Smart guy but I have a hard time getting past the fact that he left one of his wives when she had cancer.
I would go for Huckabee long before Newt.


Veteran Expediter
We have to take these candidates as we find them. I didn't think Clinton, George W. or Obama were really ready to be president. Yet, each knew how to get elected... and that's what happened. All of them were diamonds in the rough. Serious candidates for president will start forming exploratory committees after the midterm elections in November. Most all the big money will move behind one or two candidates quickly, narrowing the field. Palin's popularity is so intense she has the ability to raise hundreds of millions $$$$ in small donations. She can run without backing from the Establishment.


Senior Moderator
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We have to take these candidates as we find them. I didn't think Clinton, George W. or Obama were really ready to be president. Yet, each knew how to get elected... and that's what happened. All of them were diamonds in the rough. Serious candidates for president will start forming exploratory committees after the midterm elections in November. Most all the big money will move behind one or two candidates quickly, narrowing the field. Palin's popularity is so intense she has the ability to raise hundreds of millions $$$$ in small donations. She can run without backing from the Establishment.

I am sure that is one of the reasons they are so scared of her.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Palin's held public office since 1992 with GUT'S and a SPINE and can prove it! She doesn't need the MSM to build her up like ALL on the left needs!! SOLD!! Newt's smart, but needs to be at cabinet level!


Expert Expediter
Newt caved in to the enviro-leftists about four years back, and I'll never trust him again even if he attempts to regain his genuine conservative status now that it's popular. He supported action on global warming, etc. apparently because he thought it'd help him in the polls. (Anyone who's studied geology in any depth knows that there has always been radical climate change on Earth, long before we began burning fossil fuels. Nothing ever stands still very long.) Principled people, the kind that deserve high office, stand by their beliefs and don't blow in the wind. If I learned one thing from twelve years of Bush I/II, it's not to accept anything less than a genuine conservative.

Pailin, I'm still researching.


Veteran Expediter
Palin is raw material... she needs a little polishing and refinement. She needs to move to the Lower 48 and make a strong presence. Palin is from the common folk and that alone drives liberals crazy. She didn't attend an elite Ivy League college and she is not a lawyer. In spite of all this, she has the conservative ideology down cold. She can speak intelligently on conservative philosophy for hours without note cards. It's in her DNA.

Palin is much tougher than her critics first believed. She took an unbelievable beating from the media and actually emerged stronger as a result. That is encouraging. She doesn't wilt under pressure. There will be political shockwaves if and when she announces for the presidency. If it's Palin versus Obama, Americans will be presented with a stark choice. The Democrats fear her and the Republicans cannot control her.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I agree with the "raw material" statement. She's clearly not ready for prime time. She's anything but Reaganesque at this point. Reagan was as comfortable in the spotlight as someone with their feet up in their favorite easy chair. Palen clearly isn't. Some time in a higher profile position would be a great help. People might forget that she was a quitter.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
While I think Palin should run for National Level office, not the Senate the House. There is ONLY one thing in this country that is more worthless than a U.S. Senator and that is T"a"Ts on a Toad!! Why should she HAVE to move to the lower 48? That makes NO sense. Alaska is EQUAL among the States. In fact, one might argue that it is MORE important than most considering it's energy reserves AND it's stratigic importance. Do NOT belittle anyone from the two "out land" States, that sounds like prejudice to me.


Veteran Expediter
Being headquartered in Alaska is a logistical nightmare for anyone seeking national office. Palin could set up a second residence in Cincinnati or Atlanta, for example. She helps herself by being easily accessible. No way Palin could run a national campaign from Wasilla, Alaska. She can't lead a grassroots movement from a place with no grass. *L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That does NOT say much for our country if we are willing to write off any candidate that comes from States other than those in the lower 48. It say little good about our political system OR the attitudes of the American people in general. I am NOT commenting on Palin or ANY particular candidate, just the idea that you have to live in the lower 48 to be EQUAL! Either Hawaii and Alaska ARE states or they are NOT. Carry further, no one from Idaho or Montana, either.


Veteran Expediter
Layout, you're missing my point. Palin doesn't have to give up Alaska as her primary residence. Nor should she. I love she is an outsider... you can't be farther away from the Washington insiders than Hawaii and/or Alaska. However, if she cobbles together a national campaign, she will need lots of media coverage. They aren't going to come to Alaska at Palin's beck and call.

In a nation of 300 million people, Palin cannot stay secluded in Alaska which she would carry in a landslide anyway. What does Alaska offer electorally... 3 electoral votes. Pretty much insignificant.

If Palin does run, she will have to canvass the Lower 48 full-time, 365 days a year until it's over. Many politicians maintain two or more residences. She will need to establish one as her Southern Command.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are right, I DID miss your point, sorry.

I don't know about Palin, I KNOW I DON'T like NEWT!!!

It would be INTERESTING to have a TRUE conservative run JUST ONCE in my lifetime. There has not been one yet. I would LOVE to see a race with one of the normal left wing wackos and a REAL honest to goodness conservative.

I promise you one thing, you won't find even ONE of them in the Dumb-O-Crat OR ReBumLiCan parties. Just left wingers populate those two criminal organizations.


Veteran Expediter
Palin is raw material... she needs a little polishing and refinement. She needs to move to the Lower 48 and make a strong presence. Palin is from the common folk and that alone drives liberals crazy.
You know what drives me crazy? That she is a "me first" politician who doesn't let ethics get in the way of 'providing' for her family. She was busted 'revising' an expense report, when reporters questioned her taking all 3 daughters to a speaking engagement in NYC to which they were not invited or expected [though she did call ahead and ask if she could bring "a daughter", and the organizers, put on the spot, agreed]. Palin charged travel and hotel expenses for all 3 girls, and only changed the expense report when questioned - typical "get what you can" attitude, and NOT what we need more of in a leader.
She didn't attend an elite Ivy League college and she is not a lawyer. In spite of all this, she has the conservative ideology down cold.
And her daughter, the unwed teenage mother, to show how well "abstinence only" works in real life, too.
She can speak intelligently on conservative philosophy for hours without note cards.
I bet I could do it too, if there were a lot of money at stake - so what?
It's in her DNA.

Palin is much tougher than her critics first believed. She took an unbelievable beating from the media
Only half - the other half praised her to the skies. Either way, it goes with the territory, she knew it was coming, and had expert help available.
and actually emerged stronger as a result.
She QUIT!!!
That is encouraging. She doesn't wilt under pressure.
I repeat: she QUIT her position as Governor!! With zero credible reason!!! This is not what a LEADER does, IMO. There will be political shockwaves if and when she announces for the presidency. If it's Palin versus Obama, Americans will be presented with a stark choice. The Democrats fear her
Most Democrats fear the Republicans who are shallow enough to support Palin solely on the [faked] photo of her in a bikini with a weapon. [Is that the "wow factor" you referred to?]
and the Republicans cannot control her.
Because she thinks she's smarter than everyone else, is my take on it. And I very much disagree.