Palin is raw material... she needs a little polishing and refinement. She needs to move to the Lower 48 and make a strong presence. Palin is from the common folk and that alone drives liberals crazy.
You know what drives me crazy? That she is a "me first" politician who doesn't let ethics get in the way of 'providing' for her family. She was busted 'revising' an expense report, when reporters questioned her taking all 3 daughters to a speaking engagement in NYC to which they were not invited or expected [though she did call ahead and ask if she could bring "a daughter", and the organizers, put on the spot, agreed]. Palin charged travel and hotel expenses for all 3 girls, and only changed the expense report when questioned - typical "get what you can" attitude, and NOT what we need more of in a leader.
She didn't attend an elite Ivy League college and she is not a lawyer. In spite of all this, she has the conservative ideology down cold.
And her daughter, the unwed teenage mother, to show how well "abstinence only" works in real life, too.
She can speak intelligently on conservative philosophy for hours without note cards.
I bet I could do it too, if there were a lot of money at stake - so what?
It's in her DNA.
Palin is much tougher than her critics first believed. She took an unbelievable beating from the media
Only half - the other half praised her to the skies. Either way, it goes with the territory, she knew it was coming, and had expert help available.
and actually emerged stronger as a result.
She QUIT!!!
That is encouraging. She doesn't wilt under pressure.
I repeat: she QUIT her position as Governor!! With zero credible reason!!! This is not what a LEADER does, IMO. There will be political shockwaves if and when she announces for the presidency. If it's Palin versus Obama, Americans will be presented with a stark choice. The Democrats fear her
Most Democrats fear the Republicans who are shallow enough to support Palin solely on the [faked] photo of her in a bikini with a weapon. [Is that the "wow factor" you referred to?]
and the Republicans cannot control her.