That is true if the delay happens at the beginning of the work day, but what if your planned stop is two hours ahead and you get delayed from hour six to hour seven? That gives you one hour to find a place to park for 30 minutes.
How easy is that? For a van driver who has no HAZMAT on board, it is no trouble at all. But for a straight truck or big rig driver in a congested area, it may not be easy at all.
While it may be a nice way to pass time to discuss the possibilities, the rules went into effect today so it will not be long until we learn what the true impacts are. One real-life case is posted above (big-rig parked on side of road). Others will follow, I am sure, including those about people who noticed no impact.
Diane and I began our work day today by going back on the road with reset logs after a few days out of service. We have already been affected by the new rules but I'll wait to see how the rest of this day plays out before telling the story.
I can say that nothing appears out of the ordinary roadside, on ramps, at scales or at rest areas as of 7:00 p.m. on this Monday before the Thrusday Fourth of July. Can't say about truck stops since we have not been to one yet today.
Undoubtedly it is going to be a PIA... For some