New charges coming at Pilot


Not a Member
You'd think that most professional truck drivers would know all the minute details of their fuel. Nope.

What's even worse is those who don't have a clue to what their cost per mile is all, or what makes that cost per mile..Really scary.Real educational about the fuel, I printed it out and put it in my folder with my other truck maintenance facts.Thanks for the input.

Gotta go shopping now for black clothes for the funeral..Who would think, a fat man with no black clothes? lol.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I always fueled at T/A when possible for the discounts, sometimes as much as 4x cents per gallon. Combined with knowing about IFTA and fuel taxes my fuel cost was often around 60 cents per gallon after the fsc. I looked at their expedite king program and found it inferior to their standard loyalty card for me. I guess it might be ok for some but I don't plan to change over.

The Pilot magazine wasn't going to be free when it came out I don't think, or maybe free for 2-3 issues and then paid. They waited a lot longer. I rarely picked one up even when free. If I really wanted one for an article in it I'd see if there was a coupon I'd use to offset buying it, otherwise probably pass.


Veteran Expediter
Bosselman shows that someone can run a nice Pilot. First time I stepped into a Bosselman, I couldn't believe it. Now I mark them on my atlas.


Bosselman's can kiss my butt! I won't go anywhere where there's a one-refill limit on your coke at their overpriced restaurant.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
As I read this thread I wonder if it's about entitlements disapearing, or about something else. IF the things that are bothering you that i've read about with a in the world are you taking care of the other important things in life. I understand we have a entitlement society butt.....don't anyone stand on their own hind legs anymore and tak care of themselves??


Veteran Expediter
Well Well Well I was in a pilot the other day and seen the sign on their Mag rack and all it said was please take to the cashier for scanning. That is all. I asked the Cashier why and they told me they were just controlling the flow of the books I asked no cost they said nope. I said thanks.

If its going to change well I don't think many Unless its US Express drivers that will be buying the Mag.

If that happens I bet more of them will be fueling at the Loves instead.


Not a Member
Bosselman shows that someone can run a nice Pilot. First time I stepped into a Bosselman, I couldn't believe it. Now I mark them on my atlas.


Yea, Bosselmans are really nice, arent they? The one on 80 in Nebraska is awesome in so many ways.


Retired Expediter
it is not called an expediter program at least the J makes it easy for Van drivers to get a the 15 gallon mark for a half credit and 30 gallons total for a whole shower...

Could be referred to an expediter perk...if they would just come out and say TA has done....

Any recognition is worthy of a Thank You...

Sooo...... Thank You TA....:D


Veteran Expediter
it is not called an expediter program at least the J makes it easy for Van drivers to get a the 15 gallon mark for a half credit and 30 gallons total for a whole shower...

Could be referred to an expediter perk...if they would just come out and say TA has done....

Any recognition is worthy of a Thank You...

Sooo...... Thank You TA....:D

Otherwise know as Ban the stinky Van driver program, they are giving free showers in there own best interest:p;):D


Veteran Expediter
the pilot sub franchise in the northern plains town and pump i think it's called those are real nice pilots makes any of the rest look second rate


Retired Expediter
It all comes to to the management staff ...some are lazy and are just floating thru and living off the job title....You can if you are observant tell which ones have good managers or bad....the manager that strolls in with his/her coffee and walks by the looong line up and right to the office or the one that chips in and helps out right away...

Then there is the discrimation factor...a white manager is scared to push a black employee too hard...BUT this IS really discrimination in reverse.

I witnessed this the other night....the night manager on the cash, the coffee area was a disgusting mess and a black girl struttin around doing nothing...she walked right by the coffee area...and the manager said nothing.


Veteran Expediter
Worthy of a thank you?

Wait, hold the line, it seems that everyone is so h*ll bent on the shower issue they miss other AND more important things - like a staff who is clean, pleasant and knowledgeable. Or a place that is actually cleaner than a full litter box.

Maybe it is just me, but I don't care about the shower credits as much as I care about seeing employees getting free food or being taken care of before a customer.

I don't care about how shiny and sparkley my card is but care about the person behind the counter knowing what she is talking about or staying off her d*mn cell phone and paying attention to me, the person who pays their wages.

Sorry Pilot, T/A and others but I count more than your employees do, I am the one who makes it possible to turn a profit, not them. SO enforce the simplest rules, like employees getting free food or being served before paying customers or hiring and paying people who actually care.

So in other words if you want to thank me, act professional.

If you want to thank me and think it is all about the card in my wallet, then harmonize your two different systems into one card and don't expire showers, points or anything else because they are already paid for by my purchases.


Veteran Expediter
Dexter MI, the one on the south side of the interstate, 2am, no coffee made.

Piper - "Excuse me miss, can you make some coffee please?".

Cashier (with sass and attitude) - "we only makes it fresh in da morning and day when we have extra help"

Sure, why would a truckstop have fresh coffee for truck drivers at 2am...when we need it

I forget who posted it saying someone would provide better service and take away the business...

We had that (sort of), it was called Flying J...they went broke and were bought out by these idiots. Unfortunately, customer service has nothing to do with business success these days.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
In a restaurant or foodservice setting, employees getting free food isn't free food, it's part of how they are paid. Complaining about employees getting free food is about like complaining that employees get employer-paid health care, or for that matter, about employees getting a pay check.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Attitude starts at the top and works it way down. Working in a truckstop takes a special person, think about it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Attitude starts at the top and works it way down. Working in a truckstop takes a special person, think about it.

It is not all that much different than any other retail store. Cleaning shower is the main difference. When the Cabela's store opened in Dundee, MI, we had just over a million customers go through that store on the first 3 day week end. The restrooms were spotless. It can be done. Management has to want it to work. I have seen just how badly some truck stop employees are treated, I would have trouble doing a good job if I were treated like that.


Veteran Expediter
In a restaurant or foodservice setting, employees getting free food isn't free food, it's part of how they are paid. Complaining about employees getting free food is about like complaining that employees get employer-paid health care, or for that matter, about employees getting a pay check.

Actually Turtle I understand that, but this wasn't about compensating the employee as part of their benefits, it went beyond that.

You may be able to tell me if I am wrong when several of us are standing in line waiting to place an order, out of no where comes a family with 6 kids and 3 adults with one of the adults stepping up to the counter in front of all of us inline and places an order for the entire group then pays nothing all because they work there, isn't that a bit too much?

Does that mean they are getting some part of their benefit package?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Attitude starts at the top and works it way down. Working in a truckstop takes a special person, think about it.

Management has to want it to work. I have seen just how badly some truck stop employees are treated, I would have trouble doing a good job if I were treated like that.

Just to play devils advocate for a minute, subsitute factory for truck stop, would the same apply? Just asking.:rolleyes: