Yeah it was crazy in there today. A lot of people. I don’t mind to wait but 2+ hours I would have never thought. I’m glad the test will roughly take 45 min. I guess I’ll probably call off Tuesday or tell them I tryed to go to the doctors today that’s why I changed my schedule and on Monday and could not get me in so made an appointment for noon Tuesday and make some
excuse of why I need to go in just in case. I mean there’s no rush because I got to wait until she’s done with school anyways and that’s 4 weeks but she’s got to finish out her 2 week notice with her job. So still a 1 1/2 months estimating but I guess after I get my permit I have wait 15 days and have to set up an appointment for that and god knows how long they might be backed up on that. Such a hassle lol hopefully being with her, being out in the world and making money will pay off in the end.
So they say that big trucks frown upon the straight trucks. That’s when you act like you can’t park and take 2 spots lol. No i know every place might not be like this but there’s no room with the cars to park. I know the t/a and the Petro and flying j etc... they always park in the car parking. The one flying j has rv parking and they usually park with them but the other J they usually park with the cars to. I mean parking is parking and it may be easier for the straight trucks but not everywhere I guess you will get lucky. You were kind enough to do that, plus you were leaving sooner or later for that load but I’m sure if you didn’t have a load where else would you have gone and known you had a spot so I’m sure you would have stayed there. That’s still crazy and you’re right about holding back a temper. I think I’ll be the easy going one it’s my girl that I worry about haha . I guess my times comming soon hopefully. Life on the road I’m sure will drive me crazy once and awhile.

So they say that big trucks frown upon the straight trucks. That’s when you act like you can’t park and take 2 spots lol. No i know every place might not be like this but there’s no room with the cars to park. I know the t/a and the Petro and flying j etc... they always park in the car parking. The one flying j has rv parking and they usually park with them but the other J they usually park with the cars to. I mean parking is parking and it may be easier for the straight trucks but not everywhere I guess you will get lucky. You were kind enough to do that, plus you were leaving sooner or later for that load but I’m sure if you didn’t have a load where else would you have gone and known you had a spot so I’m sure you would have stayed there. That’s still crazy and you’re right about holding back a temper. I think I’ll be the easy going one it’s my girl that I worry about haha . I guess my times comming soon hopefully. Life on the road I’m sure will drive me crazy once and awhile.