Leaving the warmth for the cold...actually it’s not to bad up here in the north/northeast hitting 50’s at least all week I think. Sounds like a good trip, Drive safe.
Don't really care for cold weather. Just couldn't stand to sit any longer. Wanted to get some good runs in right away to make up for the weekend. There may still be hope. Weather was super nice in Texas but the area we were in was super rural and dead looking. Made for very boring drives and not many truck stops to choose from, so you get stuck at some shotty ones.
Funny story... we're heading down some rural roads in Texas heading to a loves after our drop off on Monday. We turn a corner onto a road and first sign I see "WEIGHT LIMIT 58,000lbs" ok, no issues. Come to find out once we get to the bridge the ACTUAL weight limit is 12,000lbs. Hmm. Well we're a little past that so, wife stops in the middle of the road (no shoulder), throw on the hazards, and come up with a plan. Our options are "haul ass over the bridge and hope for the best

" (the loves is RIGHT on the other side) or, back up until we can turn around (about a mile?)
I didn't fee like being on the news for truck falling through bridge, and I'm afraid of heights, and I can't swim, so I opted for the backing up until we can turn around.
Now, just thinking out loud here.. figure a 12,000lb truck goes over the bridge heading south, meanwhile another 12,000lb truck goes over the bridge heading north, since the engineers(?) can't assume there won't be two 12000lb trucks on the bridge at the same time heading in different directions, one would think it can handle at least 24,000lbs. I think we would have been fine. Better safe then sorry I suppose.
Side note. Picked up and on our way. (Deadhead was 400miles)