All of our equipment (straps, bars, extra oil, coolant, funnel, etc.) has been provided by expeditors. They direct us to a t/a anytime we need something. In the future I want to grab a few more straps and a pallet jack. FedEx said if I pick up a pallet jack to call them and they will pay for it. Expeditors has also been pretty good with issues that may come up. If anything breaks in the sleeper, (cabinet doors or whatever else) we can bring it in, APU, or truck itself, just bring it in. They don't question it.
I'm comfortable at the moment. Got caught in some sleet last night that was a little nerve racking but I enjoy it. I feel it was the right choice for us. It was either this or another 9-5 for her and some

job for me (I cannot EVER find a job that is a straight 40hr work week). I'm cool with some overtime now and again but not 60-80hrs a week permanently.
This is defiantly a life style though. Your hobbies will more than likely take a back seat. All depends on how you want to spend your time off I guess. I don't mind the driving, I don't mind the sitting around when it happens, it will sometimes get boring but meh. I do not care for this c link always going off with a load opportunity. I know it's a good thing but say it's 9pm and we've been at a truck stop all day. It's easy to fall into normal routines, lay down around 9:30 and mentally, your work is done for the day. Nope, you hear the c link go off "a new message has arrived" and you can either decline it (doesn't make much sense to unless it's going to a bad area) or accept it. Now your brain has mentally checked out for the night and you have to wake its lazy ass up because you have 11hrs of driving to do.
Getting into a split shift with your significant other is hard, you want to spend time with them when your having a no load day, but that can change at any moment and you have to be ready. We've been doing ok with about 5hrs of sleep a night.
At our delivery now, waiting for a door to open up.