Homosexuals are not forcing there believe on others,...
Oh, yes they are. And they use the courts to do it, finding a sympathetic judge who will legislate their wishes from the bench. The list of homosexual agenda court rulings is extensive.
its the church that's pushing there beliefs on to those who live a lifestyle other than the one the bible preaches,
Religious folks do that, as well. But the two issues (religious folks pushing their beliefs onto others and homosexuals pushing their beliefs onto others) aren't either/or, they aren't mutually exclusive by any means. The religious right tries all day long to have the courts legislate their beliefs, wants and wishes.
and all they are looking for is equal rights,
No, they aren't looking for equal rights, they're looking for special rights. There was a time, not too long ago, when it was called "gay rights", because that's what they are, special rights for gays, but gays no longer use that term because it's too easy for non-gays to be against such special rights. Now, they use "civil rights" as the only accepted euphemism to make people think that what gays want is the same thing that everybody else has, and who wants to be thought of as being against "civil rights?". No one. So they call it civil rights, when it's not.
They redefine terms at will, just like they are trying to redefine "marriage". They invent a phobia, which by definition is an irrational fear of something. No one likes to be known as having an
irrational fear of something. Yet their invented term, homophobia, doesn't even mean an irrational fear of homosexuals, it means someone who doesn't accept and embrace homosexuality and homosexuals as being perfectly fine and normal within society. You disagree with any part of the gay agenda and you're a full-on homophone, you evil homophobe, you!
It used to be known as "same sex marriage" or "homosexual marriage", but the leaders of the homosexual community (and they have them) decided to label it as "equal marriage", because they want people to view their plight as pitiful and unfair, as someone not being given something equal to everyone else, and who wants to be viewed as not allowing someone to be equal? No one. So, they call it equal marriage, when it's not.
The fact is, homosexuals currently, right now, today, have precisely the same right to marry as heterosexuals do. If you're a gay man, go find a woman and marry her. If you're a gay woman, go find a man and marry him. It's real easy. Anybody can do it. Many gays have married heterosexuals. But homosexuals don't have the right to redefine what "marriage" means, and that's precisely what they want to do. They
want it to mean the joining of two people who love each other, and oftentimes it is, but that's not what it means. For centuries marriages were arranged, and marrying for love was the exception rather than the rule. It's really only been since the middle of the 19th century where marrying for love started to become the norm. Fact is, what marriage
means, and always has meant in the context of joining any two people together, is the union of a man and a woman.
When you hear someone talk about equal marriage and civil rights with respect to homosexuals, it's a load of crap. A load...of...
crap. It's not about either equal marriage or civil rights at all,
it's about winning.
Homosexuals were offered Civil Unions that would give them the same exact rights they are clamoring for, the exact legal rights they say they want, the same rights as any other married couple. But they rejected Civil Unions outright, not good enough, because it's not about equal rights or civil rights, it's about winning. They want the M-word, and nothing short of that is acceptable.
Marriage is at it's core a religious institution, not a civil one. The Bible denotes homosexuality as an abomination, and gays don't like that. Not even a little bit. They want to get back at the church by going directly after the Bible and scripture. They want to beat the Christians. They want to thumb their nose at Christians and the Bible. They want to force Christians to accept them. They want to win.
Ironically, if they had accepted Civil Unions years ago when it was offered, most people in society would be referring to it as "married" by now, anyway, and it would be a de facto marriage in both concept and reality. But by pushing their agenda through the courts (AKA forcing their views onto others), sometimes winning only to then have legislatures and voters reverse it in a massive statement of backlash, they have caused state after state to enact legislation, sometimes even alter State Constitutions, to formally define what marriage means, thereby all but eliminating their chances of winning on the scale they want.
you just refuse to get past your own issues with this topic, who gives you or anyone the right to say two males or two females cam or can't be married, if it harms no one do what ye will, love thy neighbor? Only if thy neighbor is a straight republican white middle aged man who can control the public
Hardly. It's perfectly normal for the homosexual to be homosexual, but that doesn't mean homosexuality is normal, by any stretch, much less should it be embraced and accepted by society. In fact, homosexuality not even as pedestrian as "abnormal", it goes far past that to what is known as "anormal", a term primarily used in biological and technological contexts, but is applicable in homosexuality. Abnormal is something that is not normal, not average, not typical, something that deviates from the standard, for which clearly homosexuality fits the bill. Anormal, on the other hand, goes
against the type, is contrary to the rule. The purpose of sex is not for "if it feels good, do it" purposes, it's for procreation, the survival of the species, same as it is for every other species on this planet that reproduces sexually. A heterosexual couple who cannot have children for one reason or another via sexual reproduction (be it in a test tube or the more traditional way), that's abnormal. But a homosexual couple goes against the type, the purpose, the reason that sex exists in the first place. They might as well be having sexual relations with a street lamp or a fire plug for all the good it will do them, for society and for the species. You don't have to have ever read the Bible or believe in anything religious to know that homosexuality is wrong, incorrect and unacceptable to the normals of the species.