March locations with banter


OVM Project Manager
I had some, but we did a ilittle shopping today, then enjoyed the pool, sun and the beach. Hung out with a few retired couples from Canada, a good hilarious bunch. All topped off with a night time walk on the beach.

Sucks being broken down, since the compressor is chewing up the belt a bit so we can't drive far distances, but I can't think of a better place to be broken down. At least we get to take a little vacation that we haven't allowed ourselves to take.

Can't wait to do this again tomorrow. Then Tuesday off to the dealer to get fixed up and then back to hard running thanks to the Load 1 crew.

You both are going to have great tans! On the other hand..I'm gonna have to wait for a couple more weeks to work on mine..*L*


OVM Project Manager
Yep....had a hard time trying to sleep....

Maybe you tried too many times? I should sleep good 6 quilts started, some family calls made, a letter to the grandaughters, read part of a book and got facebook figured out again. Found some crafters there..maybe I'll learn something about making jewelry or somethin.. and it looks like we've got a full moon tonight.


Not a Member
Maybe you tried too many times? I should sleep good 6 quilts started, some family calls made, a letter to the grandaughters, read part of a book and got facebook figured out again. Found some crafters there..maybe I'll learn something about making jewelry or somethin.. and it looks like we've got a full moon tonight.

AWoooooooo......werewolf in London....

Good song !


Expert Expediter
Still in Wayland, MO @ the J. Frankie called, we thought we were going to get out of here and go to New Orleans. He must not have gotten the load cuz no call back, so we are still waiting. Hopfully soon. We are in the middle of no where surrounded by farm fields.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Loading in Louisville,KY And heading to Horsham,PA Close to Philly....not my favorite part of the USA But good pay and a good start to the week...


Expert Expediter
Got a load, yea.
Picking up in Pevely, MO dropping off in Dalton, GA, glad to be rolling. Should put us in a better freight line in order to get better rates.
Thanks dispatch for getting us rolling.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Retired Expediter
Did a shortie today, anything is better than nothing.Hopefully it gets busier this week..

Wait now....busier? it is Monday and you've already run 1 load....that is pretty busy to are 1 for 1 already...batting a couldn't handle "busy"...boy..:p


OVM Project Manager
This business is a funny one
When you're waiting on the freight
Sometimes you can't sleep enough
Sometimes all you do is wait

It isn't for the faint of heart
And it isn't for the meek
You'd better be a leader
Cuz you sure can't be a sheep!


Retired Expediter
Ya see the Panther forum? talk about sheep.....why do they stay?....

they have an option to look for their own loads...and instead they sit on EO and whine....