No, you're not "full of love for me, brother!", otherwise you wouldn't have done what you did. The above non-apology apology certainly doesn't diminish or dismiss what you did, nor the consequences of your actions. Even if what you said about me and my van were true, it should have never been posted in a public forum. What you did was not because you are full of love for me or anyone, it was out of pure meanness and thoughtlessness. You can't slap a cross on your van and tell me you're "full of love for me, brother!" while at the same time having failed utterly, even after learning of the consequences of your actions, to apologize publicly or privately, and think everything is OK.
Ya know, I'm sitting here reading this reply, and just shaking my head, wondering how to reply to this to begin with, in the best way...I don't know, I'm trying to change my ways about things...Wondering if this is an open threat to me, or what...I mean, Something that happened over a year ago re-surfaces now, from a sentence in a post that really had nothing to do with this to begin with, right? And slapping a cross on my van does not make me perfect, or clear me of all wrongdoing, as I will fail in many ways just as much and easily as the next guy.But it is what I believe in, just as you,believing in a Turtle.
If you are so bitter about this, after a year ago, possibly longer, then, why, didn't you confront me about this when we were in the driver's lounge a months ago? We were there talking,and you sure did not seem too bitter towards me than....Do you not like face to face confrontations? Hey, I'd like to work this out, but something tells me you're not wanting to.But, if you would like to talk about it face to face, I welcome the opportunity,so this can be laid to rest... .so, be that it may, I will still say hello to you when I see you,and for the risk of being sued,convicted,or whatever, a hug will be out of the