March 2017 this and that.


Veteran Expediter
You better change your's been the same for a couple days now lol
When he gets closer to it maybe i can get a count down clock ... Murray is trying to keep Ovm atleast 1500 miles from Home ..

107 days and counting till OVM RETIRES
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Veteran Expediter
Expanding my magic circle.. Heading into Georgia. Feeling confident that I won't be driving home empty.. Out of my comfort zone but gotta give the new carrier a shot.. Time will tell if I go back or not..
New carrier?? Did I miss something? Details !!! :)

In due time..Need to get thru the honeymoon period first.. And I'm moving already this evening..A mini but a really decent rate and puts me back in the solo loop. So that works well...(Honeymoons are always good)


Veteran Expediter
The number that never seems to stop climbing. Never.

They're probably proud. LOL! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Question..How many are active trucks? How often is that list cleared/recounted?
Does it benefit them to carry ghost trucks on their roster like some carrier I know to make it look good for Fords/NLM
OK that's more then 1 question.