March 2017 this and that.


Seasoned Expediter
i think he means how he makes out at Bolt.....
I was just noticing that EVERY truck stop seems to have at least one (or more) Bolt vans parked. I know their business plan is to flood the market with trucks. They are a good company to work for but I will stick with CRE and recommend anyone considering a switch talk to Murray first.

Disclaimer:. I am NOT recruiting

Sent from my hand-held Etch-A- Sketch
I have talked to Murray and it is definitely a good deal. My concern is will my insurance increase going through CIS rather than the agent I have. Same insurance just a different agent. I surely would not want my premium to jump 2 or 3 grand a year just for making the move.


Veteran Expediter
A mighty tasty fish at that..... Hmmmm I think I know what's for dinner tonight!

Sent from a top secret underground bunker at the compound
Actually it's a garbage farm fish, as are Atlantic farmed salmon.

Don't know if it's a garbage fish, but it is a cheap ass fish. That's why you see it everywhere. Not a fan of it ;)
I meant garbage as far as how people raise them. They admit that farmers in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Honduras have starved their tilapia, so that they'd eat pig poop. To top it off, we don't label where it comes from.

The truth behind the most common tilapia farming myths

The Chinese won't even eat the Tilapia they harvest. I'm not a fish eater ( I love shrimp, lobstah and crab legs).


Retired Expediter
In Switzerland they have brotherly love and a democracy and peace for 500 years and what have done ? Invented the cuckoo clock...:p


Veteran Expediter
You can do the same w chickens and rabbits. If'n I had a pond, I think tilapia would be great.
Japanese quail, they're suburbs and garage friendly

Anything else will have to wait, the kids would refuse to eat anything they gave names to lol

We had a chicken when we were kids. Her name was Vicky and the day came when my Dad chopped her head off and Mom cooked it for dinner. None of us 5 kids would eat it.
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Veteran Expediter
Ahhh, what could be better then a cold day on a Sunday and the furnace stops working :rolleyes:

Facing a $135 charge just to show up and $135/hr labor that starts when he shows up (I'm really in the wrong business), I set out to fix it myself.

A little flashing light code decoding and a youtube video later, I discovered a very simple fix that even I could not screw up. My flame sensor needed to be cleaned with some sandpaper. Total time for me 15 mins and furnace is back to humming along :)

Utube has saved me a ton of money.


Veteran Expediter
That darn giraffe still hasn't given birth

Time for a C-Section :D

Worn Out Manager

Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
If anyone is preparing to head west on I-10, DON'T, 10 miles stopped and counting. We are headed east

Sent from my hand-held Etch-A- Sketch
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