March 2017 this and that.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
national average for gas as of 1/30/17.....2.408 and as of 03/06/17...2.452
diesel is about the same plus minus 1 cent

what I need now is for something to go wrong and a major shortage of gas and it goes to $4-$5 bucks a gallon for gas only....zing....try running at .60 for that! LOL
A lot of freight won't get moved.


Retired Expediter


Retired Expediter
national average for gas as of 1/30/17.....2.408 and as of 03/06/17...2.452
diesel is about the same plus minus 1 cent

what I need now is for something to go wrong and a major shortage of gas and it goes to $4-$5 bucks a gallon for gas only....zing....try running at .60 for that! LOL
A lot of freight won't get moved.
I'll move it, Roadtime will move it Eddy will move it...all us diesel guys....hell with them gasers....LOL they be living off the gift of us diesel guys forever.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
.so what time is it?>>



Veteran Expediter
national average for gas as of 1/30/17.....2.408 and as of 03/06/17...2.452
diesel is about the same plus minus 1 cent

what I need now is for something to go wrong and a major shortage of gas and it goes to $4-$5 bucks a gallon for gas only....zing....try running at .60 for that! LOL
A lot of freight won't get moved.
I'll move it, Roadtime will move it Eddy will move it...all us diesel guys....hell with them gasers....LOL they be living off the gift of us diesel guys forever.....
I'd move it too.


Veteran Expediter
Kept my CNG tanks. Still 1.04 a gallon in Buffalo, as it has been in that range since I've been watching in 2011...this one weird guy will survive...


Veteran Expediter
Talapia is a fish.

A mighty tasty fish at that..... Hmmmm I think I know what's for dinner tonight!

Sent from a top secret underground bunker at the compound
Actually it's a garbage farm fish, as are Atlantic farmed salmon.

Don't know if it's a garbage fish, but it is a cheap ass fish. That's why you see it everywhere. Not a fan of it ;)
I meant garbage as far as how people raise them. They admit that farmers in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Honduras have starved their tilapia, so that they'd eat pig poop. To top it off, we don't label where it comes from.

The truth behind the most common tilapia farming myths


Veteran Expediter
now I am confused...laptop says 11:36 but phone says 10:36.....i would have bet the farm the phone would have changed what time is it?>>

I changed my phone(and GPS) to always stay on Eastern time to stay inline with QC/dispatch times. Takes the guess work out of setting the alarm and driving while in different time zones ;)
My last otr job had us use the zone that corresponded to the shipper/receiver. Surprisingly, it worked quite well, after doing the expedite head scratch for so long.


Veteran Expediter
Since we're talking fish, try looking up aquaponics. You can raise your talapia and vegetables in one system, and be completely self sufficient in a small space. The vegetables feed the fish and the fish feed the harvest the extra...

The only downside I see, been trying for 5 years and the wife and kids just won't share the pool with scary fishies


Veteran Expediter
I meant garbage as far as how people raise them.
I don't know about pig poop but talapia are the only fish that can eat exclusively vegetable protein and be table size in a season...try that with trout
Not a problem, if you get American tilapia, where the farms are supposed to be constantly inspected. Asia is another story. I like the fish, but won't eat it if it's a guess as to where it came from. Asia is out, same as Atlantic salmon. Norway is not very particular about their farming practices either. Wild caught sockeye is about it, as far as salmon goes for us.