Yuck Yuck!
look TWIN LOOK ALIKE A** PARK AND BARK--posted more family photo's
Yuck Yuck!
Yuck Yuck!
can't find your business!! Are you having big trucker want a be?? Imaginations??
Which business, I have several...
look above
I don't have a business named Letzrock Express. That is my user name on this forum. If you would have read my profile you would know that instead of .
want a be--wasting other people's time posting this nonsense
yeah, ok boze, see ya in the funny papers....
nothing but a park-n-bark want a be!!
Alot of fools for sure, 2 terms, 2 Wars and a messed up economy.
Common sense has come, and there is one more fool back in Texas. Lets just hope the last 8 years of foolishness is fixable.
Now all the people who voted for George W. Bush TWICE(HAHAHAHA Dummies) Tell us we are dumb.
ok, i'll bite..what is it that you think i 'want a be" as you put it?
you talk like you are big business-- but you are a fraud!! You are a business want-a-be!!!! You can't fool me!!
I don't waste my time on YOUR FRAUD! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE!!My real name is Stewart Hawk. If you google my name it will speak for itself.
I don't waste my time on YOUR FRAUD! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE!!
For not caring about who I am you certainly have babbled enough crap for the last couple hours about how I am a fraud...What was that about?
That's funny...there are some on here that would beg to differ with you...Are you a native Georgian?so you are GAY RIGHTS advocate!! who cares??
WHO CARES?? you have every right to be a want a be!!
have you bathed today?
have you bathed today?