Learning to be proud again

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Yuck Yuck!

look TWIN LOOK ALIKE A** PARK AND BARK--posted more family photo's


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Yuck Yuck!

No record found, please try different search parameters. For name searches use as little of the name as you are sure of. USDOT Number:
Docket Number:
Legal Name: letz rock express
DBA Name:
State: Select State/OHIO
can't find your business!! are you having BIG TRUCKER WANT A BE?? imaginations??


Veteran Expediter
look above

I don't have a business named Letzrock Express. That is my user name on this forum. If you would have read my profile you would know that instead of wasting other people's time trying to assassinate my character...
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Veteran Expediter
Alot of fools for sure, 2 terms, 2 Wars and a messed up economy.
Common sense has come, and there is one more fool back in Texas. Lets just hope the last 8 years of foolishness is fixable.

Now all the people who voted for George W. Bush TWICE(HAHAHAHA Dummies) Tell us we are dumb.

This economy should have crashed 3 months into Bush's term (or sooner), i don't know what slowed it down, i can't put my finger on it nor can i explain it, but Bush and Greenspan did, . they talked about a soft landing and we got one.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
ok, i'll bite..what is it that you think i 'want a be" as you put it?

you talk like you are big business-- but you are a fraud!! You are a business want-a-be!!!! You can't fool me!! AND OTHERS- YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE PRIVATE MESS."s I'M GETTING ABOUT YOUR want-a-be-FRUAD!!
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