Learning to be proud again

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Veteran Expediter
Surely you make this statement in a tongue-in-cheek manner. You would rather leave the conduct of war to politicians? Take another look at how Viet Nam turned out, being escalated and managed by LBJ and his lackeys. Then look at how the Iraq conflict was going before Rumsfeld got the boot and the politicians finally started listening to Gen. Petreaus. Would you seriously want Barack Hussein Obama managing a military conflict? If we get attacked again by Al- Quaeda or if Iran or North Korea decide to get froggy, he's our man. One can only speculate as to the confidence level of our troops that are serving under this Commander-In-Chief.

Just remember what Karl Marx said.

Turn the faith of the people from Religion to Dependency on Govt and what do you get??
In doing so Make the all might green back to yearn for and worship,
Remove their right to Bear Arms but do so cunningly call them Assault weapons. Poof Be gone. The right to Bear Arms given to us by our Forefathers unjustly is being removed.
No sir not by one one man but the Puppeteers whom are pulling the strings.

Maybe its time to stand up and Tell them enough is enough
Take our Country back.

Bring Jobs to America to let it Prosper (Drill our Oil Reserves)
Build Our own Refineries, Build New Nuclear power plants and Educate ourselves so we can run them.
Oh Ya I forgot I'm SO sorry.
The Environmentalist.
Nothing more than lobbyist to keep us in Oppression.
Could this really be the death of Democracy as we know it and it's all ending so it seem in a thunderous applause.
That sounds wrong but the way its going don't look good at all for us does it. ya got to admit getting us to loose the faith in Religion and Depend on Govt is the Steps in the wrong direction. Don't you agree.
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Veteran Expediter
Just remember what Carl Marks said.

Turn the faith of the people from Religion to Dependency on Govt and what do you get??
In doing so Make the all might green back to yearn for and worship,
Remove their right to Bear Arms but do so cunningly call them Assault weapons. Poof Be gone. The right to Bear Arms given to us by our Forefathers unjustly is being removed.
No sir not by one one man but the Puppeteers whom are pulling the strings.

Maybe its time to stand up and Tell them enough is enough
Take our Country back.

Bring Jobs to America to let it Prosper (Drill our Oil Reserves)
Build Our own Refineries, Build New Nuclear power plants and Educate ourselves so we can run them.
Oh Ya I forgot I'm SO sorry.
The Environmentalist.
Nothing more than lobbyist to keep us in Oppression.
Could this really be the death of Democracy as we know it and it's all ending so it seem in a thunderous applause.
That sounds wrong but the way its going don't look good at all for us does it. ya got to admit getting us to loose the faith in Religion and Depend on Govt is the Steps in the wrong direction. Don't you agree.

I think you mean Karl Marx. Carl Marks once owned grocery stores in northern Ohio. I believe that would make him a capitalist....


Not a Member
Some things bear repeating I guess.

Some will never see the light but a new generation has spoken and the old narrow minded brain washed extreme right will go the way of the dinosaurs. I can understand the resistance to Obama; imagine he gets the country out of Bush's fiasco and in the process builds a better society... that would be a national tragedy, right?.
A sign of a great man is the ability to change his opinion when confronted with evidence contrary to his beliefs; It is time to stop defending the indefensible.


Not a Member
Just remember what Karl Marx said.

Turn the faith of the people from Religion to Dependency on Govt and what do you get??
In doing so Make the all might green back to yearn for and worship,
Remove their right to Bear Arms but do so cunningly call them Assault weapons. Poof Be gone. The right to Bear Arms given to us by our Forefathers unjustly is being removed.
No sir not by one one man but the Puppeteers whom are pulling the strings.

Maybe its time to stand up and Tell them enough is enough
Take our Country back.

Bring Jobs to America to let it Prosper (Drill our Oil Reserves)
Build Our own Refineries, Build New Nuclear power plants and Educate ourselves so we can run them.
Oh Ya I forgot I'm SO sorry.
The Environmentalist.
Nothing more than lobbyist to keep us in Oppression.
Could this really be the death of Democracy as we know it and it's all ending so it seem in a thunderous applause.
That sounds wrong but the way its going don't look good at all for us does it. ya got to admit getting us to loose the faith in Religion and Depend on Govt is the Steps in the wrong direction. Don't you agree.

O'Reilly's indoctrination makes Goebbels look like an incompetent!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A sign of a great man is the ability to change his opinion when confronted with evidence contrary to his beliefs; It is time to stop defending the indefensible.

Don't give up. Greatness may still be in your future. Your last statement shows there's at least a glimmer of hope.


Staff member
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Some will never see the light but a new generation has spoken and the old narrow minded brain washed extreme right will go the way of the dinosaurs.

Some will never see the light but a new generation has spoken and the old narrow minded old guard will go the way of the dinosaurs - I think I read this somewhere else. It was in a speech, maybe from the 20's?

It worries me to read this "O'Reilly's indoctrination makes Goebbels look like an incompetent!" because when people put too much emphasis into an entertainer who is a hack to begin with, it shows that they don't know history or the people they mention.


Expert Expediter
What a brilliant post, I have the same feeling of being proud to be an American; and I haven't felt that way in a very long time!!

"For a fool to be elected President it takes even more fools to vote for one"
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Not a Member
"For a fool to be elected President it takes even more fools to vote for one"

Alot of fools for sure, 2 terms, 2 Wars and a messed up economy.
Common sense has come, and there is one more fool back in Texas. Lets just hope the last 8 years of foolishness is fixable.

Now all the people who voted for George W. Bush TWICE(HAHAHAHA Dummies) Tell us we are dumb.


Veteran Expediter
Ouch Dougie.... your words wound me. This scenario is like dumb and dumber. Those voting for Obama are the latter.

Maybe Sarah Palin will cruise to victory in 2012. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! *L*


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Acorn voters take note!
cigarette tax = $10.00 pak-newports
soda tax(today on tv)= $5.00 soda
cap&trade tax = $3,000.00 yr. more for the light bill!!
obumer obumer change change what's "left" -- in your wallet?
plus ten obumer states are RAISING-- STATE TAXES!!
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Veteran Expediter
Acorn voters take note!
cigarette tax = $10.00 pak-newports
soda tax(today on tv)= $5.00 soda
cap&trade tax = $3,000.00 yr. more for the light bill!!
obumer obumer change change what's "left" -- in your wallet?

You guys and your Acorn references. First of all it's an archaic reference. Secondly, your far right wing friends have run it into the ground. Can't you find something more current or at least original?


Veteran Expediter
The American people could really use the clear, mature thinking of Dick Cheney right now. Why has Providence forsaken us?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
You guys and your Acorn references. First of all it's an archaic reference. Secondly, your far right wing friends have run it into the ground. Can't you find something more current or at least original?

you can't be in business!! I'm laughing ALL THE WAY!! TRUST ME!


Veteran Expediter
Hmmm i guess TC is related to the newest 1st lady, he is also proud of her country now.................sayes alot, like racist, socialist, marxist just tyo name a few....so if the shoe fits.......as Charlie Daniels sang, "Be proud" gather round children and get down, get down children be load...you be proud here and be proud your rebel..." But then again something tells me you and charlie aren't thinkin of "Bein Proud in the Same Manner"..........
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Not a Member
Alot of fools for sure, 2 terms, 2 Wars and a messed up economy.
Common sense has come, and there is one more fool back in Texas. Lets just hope the last 8 years of foolishness is fixable.

Now all the people who voted for George W. Bush TWICE(HAHAHAHA Dummies) Tell us we are dumb.

And they're off
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