Learning to be proud again

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Seasoned Expediter
As I sit here relaxing in my PAID for Home here in my Town,I'm Proud to be an American.Proud of what our for Fathers have given me,and my Family.I am watching our President Travel around Europe seeking adulation,Like a Rock Star Bashing My Country that I'm Proud of,this Man is a DISCRACE to this Country.Why is he not in Washington Montoring the goings on in North Korea!!!!!!! And what is the Left Wing Media Talking about,how many times Michelle touched the Queen....! and what is she wearing! Unbeliveable!!!!! SO NO I'M NOT PROUD OF THIS PRESIDENT....I'M ASHAMED and EMBARRASSED!!!!!!! The Spending is out of control,and dont tell me how much George spent,Obama has TRIPLED it!! Wake Up America before it's to Late. And everyone needs to STOP Looking at the PAST and Look ahead to what is Coming your Way....This Man is going to take My Country to someplace we have only seen in History Books.....
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Veteran Expediter
It's a dangerous game to proclaim one's lack of foolishness on this forum. However,in a gesture to keep things impersonal,I would suggest to Leo that such a proclimation could very well be construed to the famous Nixonian admission "I'm not a crook".
The ultra right crowd just love to grandstand and claim higher ground. It's nothing new,but it's a little trite at this point,all things being considered.

Just for your information,we invite you to come along,but your proclimations about what your are NOT does little to reinforce just exactly what it is that you ARE . If I were in your shoes I would also be cautious to describe exactly what I stand for. You may then have to justfy your foolishness in voting for "it" twice.That could be demmed as the actions of a fool. Once a fool ,oh never mind. I so hate to say I told you so, OVER AND OVER, but what else can I say? I told you so.

I'm getting prouder as each day pass's. Soon,I will pinch myself and w will be out of the light and under a rock in Crawford for ever. I'm sure his speaking tours will be sold out NOT.
Nobody wants his libarary on their campus. Maybe he should try Slippery Rock ?LOL

It's nonsense like this that makes me avoid responding to you or other UBER-libs. Some ppl have skulls so thick, you can't penetrate them with obvious fact, let alone hope that they could understand why you think a different way than they do. It's the militant left who screws up a movement where most in that movement would love to have some give and take... ie the gay marriage/civil union. Likewise, showing pure hatred for a president or party, regardless of what they do, shows how little genuine thought you really have on the subject, and how much you just tow the party line.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
That's because liberalism is a mental disorder. And I don't mean the kind that Michael Savage writes about in his book of the same name. He's just the flip side of the coin, a right wing wacko with his own agenda (selling books and advertising space). It's the kind of fundamental mental disorder that prevents people from seeing things as they are, and they instead see things through a delusional veil.

An excerpt from The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, by Lyle Rossiter, Jr., MD:

What the liberal mind is passionate about is a world filled with pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice. Those who occupy this world are “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed.” They are poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited and victimized. They bear no responsibility for their problems. None of their agonies are attributable to faults or failings of their own: not to poor choices, bad habits, faulty judgment, wishful thinking, lack of ambition, low frustration tolerance, mental illness or defects in character. None of the victims’ plight is caused by failure to plan for the future or learn from experience. Instead, the “root causes” of all this pain lie in faulty social conditions: poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: “Big Business,” “Big Corporations,” “greedy capitalists,” U.S. Imperialists,” “the oppressors,” “the rich,” “the wealthy,” “the powerful” and “the selfish.”

The liberal cure for this endless malaise is a very large authoritarian government that regulates and manages society through a cradle to grave agenda of redistributive caretaking. It is a government everywhere doing everything for everyone. The liberal motto is “In Government We Trust.” To rescue the people from their troubled lives, the agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and other-pity, fosters government dependency, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, denigrates marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship. Through multiple entitlements to unearned goods, services and social status, the liberal politician promises to ensure everyone’s material welfare, provide for everyone’s healthcare, protect everyone’s self-esteem, correct everyone’s social and political disadvantage, educate every citizen, and eliminate all class distinctions. With liberal intellectuals sharing the glory, the liberal politician is the hero in this melodrama. He takes credit for providing his constituents with whatever they want or need even though he has not produced by his own effort any of the goods, services or status transferred to them but has instead taken them from others by force.


Retired Expediter
Just as suspected...SOME conserves can't type dialog without the insults...:rolleyes:

So far TC.......
1....has a mental disorder.
2....Little command of facts
3....You speak nonsense and have a thick skull....

and why? Because they think....no wait...they know they are right. :eek:

Why can't you guys have "dialog" with out the innuendo:confused:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You mean like the so-called Liberals do? HEHEHE. Like posting pics to make fun of other soapbox contributers? I could do that, but I won't. It really is not my fault that liberals 'taint got a clue. It is just my duty to inflict my beliefs and total correctness on the globe to insure that these "goobers" crawl back under the rocks they crawled out from. :eek: Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
You mean like the so-called Liberals do? HEHEHE. Like posting pics to make fun of other soapbox contributers? I could do that, but I won't. It really is not my fault that liberals 'taint got a clue. It is just my duty to inflict my beliefs and total correctness on the globe to insure that these "goobers" crawl back under the rocks they crawled out from. :eek: Layoutshooter

*LOL* Sorry Joe I should have included the "other side" as well..

I know you guys respect everyones right to believe and say what they do....:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No problem, I was just raggin on you. It is my job. You are a "recovering" Liberal. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just as suspected...SOME conserves can't type dialog without the insults...:rolleyes:

1....has a mental disorder.
2....Little command of facts
3....You speak nonsense and have a thick skull....

How is pointing out little command of the facts insulting? That's just how it is with many liberals. They are all about the feelings and facts are an inconvenience at best and a detriment at worst. Facts refute their claims and disprove their theories. Facts are the enemy of a liberal.

Your point three is tangential to point two. Because liberals abhor facts and truth they often speak nonsense because they are saying what they want to hear or what they believe others need to hear, regardless of the veracity or in their case the lack thereof. The thick skull pretty much goes along with it as well since even with reams and reams of facts, truth and evidence proving their errors and inaccuracies they refuse to see/hear/listen/believe any of it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just as suspected...SOME conserves can't type dialog without the insults...:rolleyes:

So far TC.......
1....has a mental disorder.
2....Little command of facts
3....You speak nonsense and have a thick skull....

and why? Because they think....no wait...they know they are right. :eek:

Why can't you guys have "dialog" with out the innuendo:confused:

There was no "insult" or "innuendo" in my response to that post. T/C claimed that "Nobody wants his library on their campus..." That statement was absolutely false. He should have known it was false because it's been known for quite some time that SMU is going to be the site of W's library. I refuted his assertion with fact. Just because someone is convinced in his own mind that he is right about something doesn't make it so.


Retired Expediter
Without meaningful engagement, participatory democracy is an oxymoron.

Advocacy requires effort. It's so much easier to go with the flow, to let situational democracy evolve with each reflex, stopgap, jerry-rigged response to every new policy demand and political threat. But that leads away from accountability.

Where accountability is little more than a campaign bumper sticker, where the police play politics and where there is no connection between scandal and punishment for those in privileged places.

Recent Presidents and even the present one, now operate in the omnipotent manner of a king. Surrounded by subservient cabinet barons, fawning unelected courtiers and answerable to no one, they manage the affairs of state more or less as they please.

If war is too serious to leave to generals, then surely democracy is too important to delegate to politicians.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If war is too serious to leave to generals, ...

Surely you make this statement in a tongue-in-cheek manner. You would rather leave the conduct of war to politicians? Take another look at how Viet Nam turned out, being escalated and managed by LBJ and his lackeys. Then look at how the Iraq conflict was going before Rumsfeld got the boot and the politicians finally started listening to Gen. Petreaus. Would you seriously want Barack Hussein Obama managing a military conflict? If we get attacked again by Al- Quaeda or if Iran or North Korea decide to get froggy, he's our man. One can only speculate as to the confidence level of our troops that are serving under this Commander-In-Chief.


Retired Expediter
Surely you make this statement in a tongue-in-cheek manner. You would rather leave the conduct of war to politicians? Take another look at how Viet Nam turned out, being escalated and managed by LBJ and his lackeys. Then look at how the Iraq conflict was going before Rumsfeld got the boot and the politicians finally started listening to Gen. Petreaus. Would you seriously want Barack Hussein Obama managing a military conflict? If we get attacked again by Al- Quaeda or if Iran or North Korea decide to get froggy, he's our man. One can only speculate as to the confidence level of our troops that are serving under this Commander-In-Chief.

Yep...tongue in cheek....:D

Personally I don't think a President, any President should be Commander-in Chief by default...They haven't earned the position.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree with you on that in todays world, OVM. Our country is set up for control of the People and that includes a civilian, the president, as commander in chief. This is one of the many checks and balances put into to the founding of the nation to insure that the PEOPLE are in control. Lately though we have had a real knack for nominating and then electing 'Putzs". We, as a nation for some unknown reason, see no reason to elect people that have a clue about anything. It is really so odd. A person that runs a company would never dream of hiring an employee to run his company who has had no kind of experience in the job he was going to do, or even really ever had a job. Let's put an English major grad in charge of a hospital, straight of school. Yeah, that would work. IF we elected our representitives as we should be, looking for the highest caliber people, both in character AND experience, we would not be in the mess we are in today. Instead we, as a people, go in and just pull that lever based on what party or how much will this guy do for me and relieve me of my personal responsibility. We elect criminals, drunks, druggies, scoundrels and all sorts who are there for no other reason than to line thier own pockets.



Veteran Expediter
Our president was never intended to be a rock star or the center of attention. He was there to run a branch of government and be the figure head for the country on the foreign front - nothing more.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is not like that anymore, all you need to get elected now is to look good and read off a telepromter. Ability is no longer relevent. Layoutshooter


Not a Member
After so many years of experiencing shame,guilt by association and physical discomfort at the mear site of w,it's a geat relief to feel pangs of being a proud American again. For all the bone head excuse's,lack of protocal (winking at the Queen) and misuse of the language (the ambassador from Ghana had to correct him one memorable time) it's just ****ed refreashing to know I won't have to make excuse's to my good friends overseas every stinking day.The leader of the free world can not only speak to world leaders without blowing every other sentence,he and his wife are quickly regaining (and repairing) the respect of working people for Americans in far away lands.

I know,this scinario strikes anger and fear in the hearts of those who long for another Texas million dollar cowboy with absolutly no idea of the damage he and his train wreck wreaked on the world. But,alas it no longer matters.I for one am about 2 inch's taller with my jaw no longer ensconsed in my chest when our leader appears in public. "Whats's he going to say now" is no longer a fear. "How will I explain this to my friends overseas when the emails start coming in",as they did after every public w speech. But it's on the world stage that w's style was so appauling,and the Obama's are so thrilling.It is truly remarkable that the PR shambles left just 3 months ago is changing so quickly. The axis of evil verbage is being replaced with straight talk about how to over come differences,not we have a bigger stick.For N Korea,they are on the edge of pushing the envelope and will be dealt with. They should have been spanked hard,but alas we invaded Iraq. W let them off the hook. Those sorry *** days are over.

I for one believe once again the best days are ahead. I have a pretty good track record on this forum for predicting the political future (w made it easy) but this time we have a leader who is educated,open,bright and charismatic.His wife is no slouch either. I know,Sara Palin would be many of your choice as a woman who could best capture the imagination of the world,but,ahhh,that dope dealing Mother of her daughters ex boy friend,father of her granddaughter,oh well,never mind. Ms. Obama rocks,and represents me and you,like it or not,so get over it.

What a brilliant post, I have the same feeling of being proud to be an American; and I haven't felt that way in a very long time!!


Veteran Expediter
Our president was never intended to be a rock star or the center of attention. He was there to run a branch of government and be the figure head for the country on the foreign front - nothing more.

Oh come on Merely a Puppet Yes

Of which strings are being pulled by a master puppeteer

Who would have thought.

Common Sense Yes.

Interesting isn't it.
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