Just another one of those "Gotchya" questions.


Veteran Expediter
1 no im sure Obama knows how many states there are!does not change the fact he said 57.It also does not change the fact that you seem to hold him to a lower standerd then you hold his republican counterparts.Which is really funny seeing how many on the left think that republicans should not be allowed to misspeak or mess up a speach or answer a question wrong.Because when they do it just proves they are not smart enough to be president in the eyes of the left.

2 Obama trieing to rewrite the history of the selma civil rights march.Chicago sun times,march 5 2007.After he was called out on it he said he ment the civil rights movement as a whole.however thats not what he said!!!Yet knowing how much the left gets stuck on what is said and not what a person ment to say. we on the right know there is no comeback for this lie.

the medal of honor Obama tells a army division he was able to give to a living member of their unit who in fact was killed almost 6 years earlier .Chicago Tribune june 24 2011.this one above all else there is no excuse for.:eek:

Hey calm down there, the left can't handle you pointing out their inconsistencies with facts. ;-)

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Seasoned Expediter
Hey calm down there, the left can't handle you pointing out their inconsistencies with facts. ;-)

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

I know thats just one more reason why you gotta love the left!!:D I think the real reason they attack people on the right over such stupid points is because if they did not then more people would have the time to really look at what their sheep hearder really stands for.Its like the one guy in another post talked about how bad fox was because all they were talking about was anthony weiner scandel and the casey anthony trial and was not reporting on any real news.But what was the big story of that week on MSNBC,thats right the sarah palin emails.


Veteran Expediter
Hey calm down there, the left can't handle you pointing out their inconsistencies with facts. ;-)

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

But the issue here is Ms Bachmann's 'inconsistancies' [of which there are quite a few], so why deflect the criticism to what "the left" does [in your opinion]?
Oh, that's right: because it's what "the right" always does when one of their own is criticized: point out what the other side is guilty of, rather than discuss the question at hand.
Neither Bachmann or Palin is doing much to promote women as viable presidential candidates, while furthering the Republican image of hypocrisy a great deal.
Now talk about the Democrat's image of hypocrisy, and the bickering continues, with no one gaining anything at all. :(


Veteran Expediter
But the issue here is Ms Bachmann's 'inconsistancies' [of which there are quite a few], so why deflect the criticism to what "the left" does [in your opinion]?
Oh, that's right: because it's what "the right" always does when one of their own is criticized: point out what the other side is guilty of, rather than discuss the question at hand.
Neither Bachmann or Palin is doing much to promote women as viable presidential candidates, while furthering the Republican image of hypocrisy a great deal.
Now talk about the Democrat's image of hypocrisy, and the bickering continues, with no one gaining anything at all. :(

Do you ever read what people say or do you just browse through and come up with what you want because you do this all the time. What did I deflect? I pointed out she is right and used an example to show Witness pulls the same uninformed garbage constantly, try fully reading and understanding what people are talking about before you jump on people, it makes your cause look bad. A fool opens their mouth because they have to say something, a wise man opens his mouth because he has something to say.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Dude it was on my FOX NEWS HOME WEB PAGE! soro's was listed on 30+ media outlet boards! Dude I listened to one of NPR'S rep. wanting to know why soro's wasn't listed anywhere on her infor.. she was SHOCKED! HER WORDS! DUDE! soro's bought newspapers/ and other news outlets in the GREAT European markets. DUDE! Fired all non believers DUDE! Now your the town cry-er!


Veteran Expediter
Do you ever read what people say or do you just browse through and come up with what you want because you do this all the time. What did I deflect? I pointed out she is right and used an example to show Witness pulls the same uninformed garbage constantly, try fully reading and understanding what people are talking about before you jump on people, it makes your cause look bad. A fool opens their mouth because they have to say something, a wise man opens his mouth because he has something to say.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

Not sure why I'm doing this, but here goes.

So you believe that John Quincy Adams is a Founding Father, right?

Alright, answer this for me then. Where is the cut off when speaking of our Founding Fathers? Who is included in your list of Founding Fathers? What criteria do you use to ascertain that someone should be considered a Founding Father?
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Veteran Expediter
Dude it was on my FOX NEWS HOME WEB PAGE! soro's was listed on 30+ media outlet boards! Dude I listened to one of NPR'S rep. wanting to know why soro's wasn't listed anywhere on her infor.. she was SHOCKED! HER WORDS! DUDE! soro's bought newspapers/ and other news outlets in the GREAT European markets. DUDE! Fired all non believers DUDE! Now your the town cry-er!

Wow.....you are one whacked out dude.


Veteran Expediter
Now your the town cry-er!

Town crier? Thank you. It's funny, because that moniker fits quite well for me actually, especially coming from you. You see, In Medieval England, town criers were the chief means of news communication with the townspeople, since many were illiterate!!! So again, thank you.


Veteran Expediter
Dude I'm in the delivery business- SMALL BUSINESS OWNER- I DELIVERED! What business are you in??

Then I should add this; you are one whacked out small delivery business owner. I'm in the business of pointing out, whacked out small delivery business owner's.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Town crier? Thank you. It's funny, because that moniker fits quite well for me actually, especially coming from you. You see, In Medieval England, town criers were the chief means of news communication with the townspeople, since many were illiterate!!! So again, thank you.

You'll welcome TOWN CRY-ER -- CRY----ER--! Kool-Aid drinker-do you commit to anything else of value like a business? All I see is- you kick sand in your EO sandbox! harassing business owners

soro's news. Making the ignorant.....confident.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So the founding fathers list abruptly stopped with the signing of the Constitution I guess? In those days I'm sure many 9 year olds were living life pretty much as adults, whether by choice or necessity. I'm sure he was closer to a founding father than we are to having 57 states.

Let's see, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S.Virgin Islands (3 of them), that's 6 possible states, would make 56. Close enough to 57 for me. :D


Veteran Expediter
Do you ever read what people say or do you just browse through and come up with what you want because you do this all the time.

As the two aren't mutually exclusive, I read what people say, then respond to what kind of 'jumps out' at me.

What did I deflect?

The comment about "the left can't handle pointing out their inconsistancies" in a thread about the candidacy of someone on the right - that's deflection. Which follows every critical comment about anyone on the right - the conversation gets turned to examples of the left's behavior. Do you read what people say, or did that escape your notice?
I pointed out she is right and used an example to show Witness pulls the same uninformed garbage constantly, try fully reading and understanding what people are talking about before you jump on people, it makes your cause look bad.

Um....what cause?

A fool opens their mouth because they have to say something, a wise man opens his mouth because he has something to say.

Pretty intelligent observation, there. I had something to say: when every criticism of 'the right' is deflected by folks pointing out that 'the left' isn't perfect either, the only communication going on is defensive. Reread the posts: how many pointed out what 'the left' and/or Obama did, while ignoring the subject: Bachmann's candidacy.

Yes, I KNOW 'the left' is equally guilty - it's just that the other side holds a large majority here, so offers more opportunity to point out the barriers to real discussion.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Seasoned Expediter
Hey calm down there, the left can't handle you pointing out their inconsistencies with facts. ;-)

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App

But the issue here is Ms Bachmann's 'inconsistancies' [of which there are quite a few], so why deflect the criticism to what "the left" does [in your opinion]?
Oh, that's right: because it's what "the right" always does when one of their own is criticized: point out what the other side is guilty of, rather than discuss the question at hand.
Neither Bachmann or Palin is doing much to promote women as viable presidential candidates, while furthering the Republican image of hypocrisy a great deal.
Now talk about the Democrat's image of hypocrisy, and the bickering continues, with no one gaining anything at all. :(

Im not deflecting anything I have said she has said some pretty stupid stuff.just pointing out to you all that think this makes her unqualified or to stupid to be presdient that your guy has a much worse record when it comes to lies misspeaks knowing his history.I mean really because she did not know where John wayne was born shes to stupid to be president?and is it really deflecting when the things being talked about making her look bad really mean nothing when it comes down to it.when its being done to just make her look bad?the only thing the OP could bring up about her other then the foundeing fathers was something she said 7 yes i said 7 years ago.and yes i want a president that is not going to let a news reporter push them around in a interview.

just how is it they are furthering the image of hypocrisy.as far as talking about the democrats image of hypocrsy I dont need to.just wait for a democrat to say something then look back a week and you will see hypocrisy at its best.I guess my point is that the democrats want to hold Palin and buchmann to a very high standerd while they hold their guy to a much lower standred.:D
when i point out something that Obama or anyone on the left has said its not a opinion its a fact that can be backed up.with news articles and videos of many of the things coming right out of Obamas mouth.Im sorry if you think defending someone is wrong but many of us refuse to be lead like sheep to the slaughter.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
just how is it they are furthering the image of hypocrisy.as far as talking about the democrats image of hypocrsy I dont need to.just wait for a democrat to say something then look back a week and you will see hypocrisy at its best.I guess my point is that the democrats want to hold Palin and buchmann to a very high standerd while they hold their guy to a much lower standred.:D

They should all be held to the same standard, but having a "Oh yeah, so's your mother" attitude is the problem.


Veteran Expediter
It's not just the inconsistencies of Bachmann that make her look bad, it's also the tremendous hypocrisy of railing against "government welfare" [such as Medicaid & farm subsidies] while collecting them herself. Apparently, she's against them for other people but not when they benefit her own family. The last thing we need in politics is more successful hypocrites ruling our lives.
Personally, I crossed her off the list when she said God told her to run for the Presidency - in my experience, that's what delusional people say to justify their decision to do what they want to do, and to deflect criticism for doing it in advance.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's see, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S.Virgin Islands (3 of them), that's 6 possible states, would make 56. Close enough to 57 for me. :D

I'm going on the theory you weren't at all serious, not that you had the same civics teacher as our clueless leader.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So the founding fathers list abruptly stopped with the signing of the Constitution I guess? In those days I'm sure many 9 year olds were living life pretty much as adults, whether by choice or necessity. I'm sure he was closer to a founding father than we are to having 57 states.

Let's see, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S.Virgin Islands (3 of them), that's 6 possible states, would make 56. Close enough to 57 for me. :D

I'm going on the theory you weren't at all serious, not that you had the same civics teacher as our clueless leader.

Actually, I'm being quite serious. I feel we are closer to having 57 states than JQA was a founding father.
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