Just another one of those "Gotchya" questions.


Veteran Expediter
Oh the irony of it all. I feel sorry for this woman, I really do.

What's really sad, these are the same talking points we hear, here in the Soapbox almost everyday by more than a few.

Watch the interview here: John Quincy Adams a Founding Father? Michele Bachmann Says Yes - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Never fear Michelle, Mr. Hannity will come to your rescue and have you on his show tonight to explain all this away.

It seems to me aristotle, that you are about to go three for three my friend.


Veteran Expediter
She sounds like she doesn't know what she is doing when she is trying to force talking points into the interviews. The problem you have is you are just to liberal to think clearly, do you really think Obama was never on video making himself look bad? I bet if I searched all 57 states I could find some. Why don't you find something to go after that she stands for that you believe is wrong? I wouldn't vote for her due to a complete lack of experience, can you come up with any other reasons not to vote for her that are not a personal attack or should I just start posting videos where Obama looks bad?

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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Need not feel sorry for this lady- try feeling regret for the same media that DIDN'T do the same to boy bama- soro's sweep thru Europe's destruction-now here buying up scripted media outlets, or the homeowners, job seekers, small business owners destroyed by the lame stream lousy media propaganda served to some who relish it as truth..


Veteran Expediter
Need not feel sorry for this lady- try feeling regret for the same media that DIDN'T do the same to boy bama- soro's sweep thru Europe's destruction-now here buying up scripted media outlets, or the homeowners, job seekers, small business owners destroyed by the lame stream lousy media propaganda served to some who relish it as truth..



Veteran Expediter
She sounds like she doesn't know what she is doing when she is trying to force talking points into the interviews.

So.....are you saying that is a good thing or bad thing? Is that what you want in a candidate? Someone who forces talking points when being interviewed?

The problem you have is you are just to liberal to think clearly, do you really think Obama was never on video making himself look bad?

I know, I know, I am Liberal:rolleyes: And I hate God to.:rolleyes:

I bet if I searched all 57 states I could find some.

Surprised this took this long. Are you really going to go with that argument? You are really going to compare the two? I'm surprised you didn't add what the President really meant; the 57 Islamic states :eek:

Why don't you find something to go after that she stands for that you believe is wrong?

Did you watch the interview that I posted? Here's one for you, she want's to do away with the minimum wage. How's that? Good enough for you?

I wouldn't vote for her due to a complete lack of experience, can you come up with any other reasons not to vote for her that are not a personal attack

How is pointing out her comments that are FACTUALLY WRONG a personal attack? Are you kidding me?

or should I just start posting videos where Obama looks bad?

Go ahead, I'm sure there a quite a few of 'em. But right now we are talking about one of the GOP's leading candidates for the Presidency making statements that are wrong and doubling down and defending those statements.

While you're at, why don't you look and see if the President actually came back and apologized or recognized the fact that he made a gaffe? Especially the 57 state comment that he made. If the President came back and tried to convince people that there are 57 states, then you would have a point.

The bottom line is, Bachmann, and you can throw Palin in the mix also, both of them have a problem with admitting to making a mistake and to top it off, will not apologize for making a mistake. It's assanine behavior.


Veteran Expediter
Need not feel sorry for this lady- try feeling regret for the same media that DIDN'T do the same to boy bama- soro's sweep thru Europe's destruction-now here buying up scripted media outlets, or the homeowners, job seekers, small business owners destroyed by the lame stream lousy media propaganda served to some who relish it as truth..

In all seriousness. What are trying to say here? More importantly, what's your point?
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Veteran Expediter
So.....are you saying that is a good thing or bad thing? Is that what you want in a candidate? Someone who forces talking points when being interviewed?

I guess when I clearly stated I would not vote for her that wasn't easy enough for you to understand, I am sorry I can't make it any clearer than that, maybe if you read it a little slower.

I know, I know, I am Liberal:rolleyes: And I hate God to.

Yes, you are clearly a Liberal since you support their ideas, and aren't capable of doing anything but attacking people on the right, I don't know how you feel about God.

Surprised this took this long. Are you really going to go with that argument? You are really going to compare the two? I'm surprised you didn't add what the President really meant; the 57 Islamic states :eek:

I guess you didn't realize he is not a Muslim, sorry to break the news to you,:( hopefully you just follow him blindly for other reasons.

Did you watch the interview that I posted? Here's one for you, she want's to do away with the minimum wage. How's that? Good enough for you?

I did watch the video and oddly enough I guess you only have one reason not to vote for her, don't worry the minimum wage will not be stopped as it should be, so it looks like you should actually be supporting her.

How is pointing out her comments that are FACTUALLY WRONG a personal attack? Are you kidding me?

It is the way you go about doing it, you always act like conservatives are dumb but fail to use policies that go against the Constitution or in some way take away the rights of people. How many times have you attacked a Democrat for the stupidity that spews from their mouths? There are plenty of videos of them looking flat out stupid and being completely wrong not to mention going against what this country was suppossed to be. You attack conservative people because they support things you don't like. When you get down to it with the amount of time these people spend in front of a camera they are going to have good and bad moments.

Go ahead, I'm sure there a quite a few of 'em. But right now we are talking about one of the GOP's leading candidates for the Presidency making statements that are wrong and doubling down and defending those statements.

Yes of course we are talking about a GOP candidate because you are attacking a GOP candidate, wow what a suprise.:eek:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
. . . but further explained her comments about her definition of founding fathers, which if you look into it, a lot of people consider the founding fathers to be more than those that signed the Constitution.

Yes, a lot do consider the founding fathers to be more than just the Constitution signers. However, A 9 year old (as JQA was at the time) is not.


Seasoned Expediter
Obama wont be their either he is a one term kinda guy!

IT is personal when the biggest things that people bring up are that she got the johns wrong!or when palin got her history on paul wrong.

yet no one says much of anything about Obama saying he had been to 57 states and one more to go.or if you do,you say something like let me guess you think he was talking about the 57 states of Islam. I mean come on the guy said it and it was a stupid thing to say.you would think the guy running for president would know at all times how many states he is gonna be president of! or when Obama tries and rewrites the histoy of the civil rights movement to include himself.like when he said because of the civil rights march and the brave people that choose to march in selma alabama his parents did the dirty and he was born.Obama was born in 1961 that civil rights march that he tried to credit for his being born took place in 1965.this was not a misspeak,this was not a stupid statement,this was a out right lie.yet you on the left brush it under the rug.

or how about just last weak when Obama spoke to the US ARMY'S 10th mountain division.HE started talking about a member of their division Jared Monti and how Monti was the first person who he was able to award the medal of honor to who actually came back and was not reciving it posthumously.
the problem with this is Obama gave the medal to Monti's parents on september 17 2009.their son Monti was killed in action on june 21 2006. where is the left at?why are they not calling their God out on this one.
you would think the left would have more of an issue about this then some one who gets where someone was born wrong.


Veteran Expediter
you would think the guy running for president would know at all times how many states he is gonna be president of!

Are you kidding me? I couldn't read the rest of your post because of that statement. Do you really, really, believe the President of the United States doesn't know how many states are in the Union? Seriously, you really think that?


Veteran Expediter
Be so kind and include your sources for these examples.

or when Obama tries and rewrites the histoy of the civil rights movement to include himself.like when he said because of the civil rights march and the brave people that choose to march in selma alabama his parents did the dirty and he was born.Obama was born in 1961 that civil rights march that he tried to credit for his being born took place in 1965.this was not a misspeak,this was not a stupid statement,this was a out right lie.yet you on the left brush it under the rug.

or how about just last weak when Obama spoke to the US ARMY'S 10th mountain division.HE started talking about a member of their division Jared Monti and how Monti was the first person who he was able to award the medal of honor to who actually came back and was not reciving it posthumously.
the problem with this is Obama gave the medal to Monti's parents on september 17 2009.their son Monti was killed in action on june 21 2006. where is the left at?why are they not calling their God out on this one.


Veteran Expediter
Yes, a lot do consider the founding fathers to be more than just the Constitution signers. However, A 9 year old (as JQA was at the time) is not.

Well that would depend on how you view his actions, she talks about him working with his dad as a secretary to prove she is right. I understand your point about his age but you also have to remember 9 today is not the same as being 9 then. I just don't get how people are going to jump all over her about being stupid and wrong when there really is no clear definition of founding fathers. I think the biggest problem for her is her handlers are trying to put her up there like it is a pageant and keep telling her to reiterate how much she hates big government which causes her to sound like an airhead. If you listen to the differences in her answers when she is responding instead of her trying to channel her puppet masters you can see and hear a big difference. It comes back to inexperience and a lack of confidence, which the next president had better have. If someone is going to vote for a woman just to vote for a woman there are much better choices. I just hate when people like Witness attack the other side whether it is left or right but have no real idea what that person stands for, he is just doing it because it is what he sees the others on the left doing. It is no different than complaining that Obama hates America and that is where your statement ends. I'll listen to anyone about political beliefs but you should have some facts or reasons to show why you are right.

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Veteran Expediter
It is no different than complaining that Obama hates America and that is where your statement ends.

Actually there is a huge difference between saying the President hates America and Bachmann saying, and defending her statement that John Quincy Adams was a founding father. For example, the President has never came out and said, "I hate America". Bachmann on the other hand said, "Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that's absolutely true".

See the difference?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So the founding fathers list abruptly stopped with the signing of the Constitution I guess? In those days I'm sure many 9 year olds were living life pretty much as adults, whether by choice or necessity. I'm sure he was closer to a founding father than we are to having 57 states.


Veteran Expediter
Actually there is a huge difference between saying the President hates America and Bachmann saying, and defending her statement that John Quincy Adams was a founding father. For example, the President has never came out and said, "I hate America". Bachmann on the other hand said, "Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that's absolutely true".

See the difference?

As stated before you are to far to the left to process information correctly. If you do any actual research instead of just repeating left wing attacks you would realize there is no clear definition of the term founding fathers, to some it is narrowed to the framers and signers of the Constitution, to others it is anyone that had a hand in getting the country started. I can prove through Obama's statements and actions that he does not like a lot of the principles that this country was founded on, which I can then make a connection that he does not like the country as it stands. You cannot even prove this woman is wrong but still call her stupid. See the difference?

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Seasoned Expediter
1 no im sure Obama knows how many states there are!does not change the fact he said 57.It also does not change the fact that you seem to hold him to a lower standerd then you hold his republican counterparts.Which is really funny seeing how many on the left think that republicans should not be allowed to misspeak or mess up a speach or answer a question wrong.Because when they do it just proves they are not smart enough to be president in the eyes of the left.

2 Obama trieing to rewrite the history of the selma civil rights march.Chicago sun times,march 5 2007.After he was called out on it he said he ment the civil rights movement as a whole.however thats not what he said!!!Yet knowing how much the left gets stuck on what is said and not what a person ment to say. we on the right know there is no comeback for this lie.

3the medal of honor Obama tells a army division he was able to give to a living member of their unit who in fact was killed almost 6 years earlier .Chicago Tribune june 24 2011.this one above all else there is no excuse for.:eek:

the guy can give whatever reason he wants but when the man stops wearing the flag pin on 11-12-01 Why would anyone trust him.
the american flag stands for many things most of all freedon and american pride.so while all of america was raising their flags and making a statement that we will not be borken.that we will stand together and overcome the hate.Mr Obama put his away!!!!

funny how the left gets stuck on what is really said.the whole end minimum wage statement was said in 2005 yet the left is tring to make it sound like she just said it.yet how is that any different then Obama saying "I wanna spread the wealth around" that the rich should pay more.that the rich should just give their earnings to the poor. funny thing is no one has been able to tell me how some one paying 15-18% of $60-$100,000 is paying more then the guy paying 35% of 250,000.hell say someone makes ten million a year and with all the right offs they wind up paying 1% in taxes they are still paying more in taxes then the person paying 15-18% of 100,000 yet the left says the rich does not pay their fair share.
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