June Locations .....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Indianapolis at the J Hoping to get into A shop tommorrow to see why # 4 injector is not firing CAT C-15 4 day wait at stoops freightliner.


Veteran Expediter
Very large Cat shop just N of 70 just inside the loop on East side. McCallister. I spent 10 days in a row there in 1991. They did such good work I only spent 104 days in Cat in a12 month period.
New 3176. My last Cat . A customer service rep in Mossville told my wife " Hey, I didn't tell your husband to buy that piece of crap !" I had to be restrained. I wanted to drive to Ill.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Found A small shop just down the street they pulled the valve cover and found the wire broken going to injector # 4 and now still sitting at the J exit 4 465 in indianapolis


Expert Expediter
At home in Dayton .... I'm out of service until tomorrow .... and may take the rest of the week. We are pulling the rv down to Louisville on Thursday for the "Rally" at the Convention center, (same place as the Mid-America truckshow) .... be sure to blow ya horn as you go by ..... we'll be out there somewhere on that hot parking lot!


Expert Expediter
Sitting at the Pilot in Dexter, MI waiting to pick up a load in Saline, MI at 11pm going to Chattanooga, TN. $1/mi. Nite nite!


Seasoned Expediter
At home until 7/9/12, Gotta wait until I close on the sale of my pizza joint then I get a sigh of relief for a week before I join all of you on the road somewhere.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At a motel in Elizabethtown, KY. Mrs. Layoutshooter got REALLY sick, just after we picked up a load. She spent several hours in the hospital and we had the load taken off the truck. Heading for the house a week early. She needs a rest and more time at the doctor. Not fun.


Veteran Expediter
At a motel in Elizabethtown, KY. Mrs. Layoutshooter got REALLY sick, just after we picked up a load. She spent several hours in the hospital and we had the load taken off the truck. Heading for the house a week early. She needs a rest and more time at the doctor. Not fun.
Sorry to hear that. You'll both be in our thoughts and prayers. Hope she gets to feeling better soon!


Active Expediter
Sorry to read about your tough day. We too will be praying for your next week.
Remember to take care of yourself too....


Veteran Expediter
At home until 7/9/12, Gotta wait until I close on the sale of my pizza joint then I get a sigh of relief for a week before I join all of you on the road somewhere.

Hey, if you're bringing any pizza out with you, keep us posted - it's too hot to cook, lol. ;)


Veteran Expediter
At a motel in Elizabethtown, KY. Mrs. Layoutshooter got REALLY sick, just after we picked up a load. She spent several hours in the hospital and we had the load taken off the truck. Heading for the house a week early. She needs a rest and more time at the doctor. Not fun.

Uh oh - REALLY sick & hospital sounds pretty scary - hope Mrs LOS feels better quick.