I wonder how Obama will react


Veteran Expediter
.... not exactly ..... you need to look a lot farther back than Carter .... read the links I posted in the other thread about CIA (and British) involvement in Iran and the overthrow of their government ..... as but one example of the more fundamental issues ... it goes back further than Carter .....

You are right about going back, we need to go back to the end of the first world war and what England and France had a hand in and how the area was divided up. The Arabs who fought for the allies were promised independence but were made into slaves by these two countries and the promises made were ignored.

The CIA had a hand in every country from Egypt to Iran but that was at a time when there was cr*p being done by a number of countries. BUT we never exploited any of these countries as a colony or territory.

The problem has been Carter set the tone for the issues we have, the underlying problems within the middle east were pretty much contained until he started to retract support for the leadership in a number of countries, especially in Iran. He weaken our country to be accepted on the world stage as has Obama. When this opened the door to opposition establishing a powerbase in their country, it changed the game and we ended up what we have today. Carter is the blame for it, if we continued our programs of support for containment, then I think we would have been better off.


Veteran Expediter
Didn't we use sanctions in the 30's and 40's and we caused a war with Japan?
Read the fine print (footnotes) linked below ... maybe something there to be learned (besides just revisionist history ..... or ...... government-sanctioned propaganda):

The 1941 De Facto Embargo on Oil to Japan: A Bureaucratic Reflex - The Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 44, No. 2. by Irvine H. Anderson, Jr.

BTW, if you have access to JSTOR, you could read the entire document - which appears to document the fact that Dean Acheson, as Assistant Secretary of State, designed the American/British/Dutch oil embargo that cut off 95 percent of Japanese oil supplies and escalated the crisis with Japan in 1941 ..... despite the fact that he knew it could produce war.

Given that Japan was importing 80% of it's oil from the US, this also puts your "everyone-else-was-doin'-it-too" comments in the other thread into the correct and proper context:

Yeah, they (everyone else) may have been (doing it too) ... but what they were doing (or not) was insignificant when compared to what we alone, ultimately did do - by cutting off their oil.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That embargo was put in place after Japan attacked China. In the process of that attack they used rape, murder and enslavement to control the people they encountered. They murdered hundreds of thousands there. Just as their Axis powers buddies did every where they went. We stopped them. Thank God we did!!! No one else could have done it. Even if embargo was designed to provoke the attack on Dec 7th it was the right thing to do!! Evil must be stopped every time and every place it raises it's ugly head. Even here.

The leftist movement of the world has taken hold murder, rape and torture become the rule of law. It did in Japan, Germany, Italy, Soviet Russia, China, Viet Nam etc etc etc. The left must be stopped every time it surfaces to murder again.

It has happened throughout history and it it is starting again. We have only two choices, destroy it or or it destroys us.

All the silly hand ringing, moaning and crying will not change it.

This Country is not perfect. We have made mistakes in the past and will in the future. We will make those mistakes because we are men and men are not gods. All men are prone to mistakes.

In spite of the mistakes, no other country in the modern day has sent so many of their own to free others from the scurge of the left.

At least we try!!!

I take pride in my efforts in trying to stop the slaughter. I worked with good men and women who cared!! I get just a bit tired of hearing them ridiculed. THEY DID SOMETHING!! Most in the world and in this country did nothing!!!

When you allow evil to survive, by doing nothing, you give your blessing to the death it causes. The do nothings are just as responsible for what happens as those who do the deed.

You are either the part of the problem or part of the solution.

There are no other options.

There is right and wrong, black and white. That is it.


Veteran Expediter
Rlent .... Do you think ... now this is strictly opinion ok? Would America be so diligent in the M.E. if oil were not an issue?
Likely not - how involved has the US been in say ....... Iceland ?

Or ..... in Gabon ?

Or in ..... ad infinitum ...... :rolleyes:

I mean just look at N. Korea .. It is a poor country and has little that would benefit the U.S ... you think that is why we are not at war with them?
Perhaps another fine example where ill-advised, misinformed, disingenuous and double-dealing US foreign policy (circa 1940's: the Cairo, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences) help to create a disaster .... and eventually war. (Not that it was entirely the US's fault by any measure)

To answer your question, apart from the fact they are now a nuclear power (which complicates matters), ..... follow the money ... or the oil, as the case may be ...... if there had been significant resources that we really wanted I'd imagine that someone would have been trying to use their crayon to draw a line a little further north than the 38th Parallel ...

BTW, we were never in a formally-declared state of war (the weak, effeminate body known as the US Congress having eschewed taking any such masculine actions in recent memory)

The atrocities in some African countries ..... are we battling them?
Of course not ..... (despite an apparent unquenchable thirst to be the world's policeman .... and meddle in everyone's business) .... there's no money in it ......

And then there is CHINA the worse case of hypocracy ever perpetrated by the western world. Where untold thousands have died for just questioning the government. A country that suppresses freedoms and human rights, a communist country no less ... And yet we've let them own us up to the tune of almost 3 TRILLION $$ in US bonds alone!
Not to mention allowing US companies to outsource and move key infrastructure and whole industries (for which there is a national security concern) over there ....

And some wonder at the fact we are viewed as hypocrites ...

Somethings not right, out of balance.
Ya think ? :D


Veteran Expediter
But I'll not concede that interfering and killing anyone that opposes Western interests is a solution neither .... that would be to assume that ours are better ...
Indeed. One would assume that in a country which espouses the ideals that All Men Are Created Equal, and have A Right to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness that these fundamental truths would inform and guide our foreign policy and affairs with others. Sadly, they don't.

There are assumptions out there that THEY are out to get us....I ask WHY?
While it is certainly true that there are bad guys and bad regimes in the world, and we do have valid national security interests and concerns, it also very true that most people in the world, by and large, would just prefer to be free, live their lives, try to survive and better themselves .... and just get on with it. For the most part, they could give a flying you-know-what about us - provided we leave 'em alone.

The reason WHY is that it's an easy sell to a populace who has been placed into a state of fear ..... in case anyone has failed to make the observation: people that are in a state of fear, are cowed, and are in a state of mortal terror .... don't always make the greatest of decisions (the witch trials and burnings of Salem come immediately to mind, as but one example)

It's also a way that some acquire and hold onto to POWER ...

Moreover, the reason WHY is, is that to some extent it's true (that THEY are out to get us) - if only from the perspective that we continue to do things that are only in our interests - to the exclusion of all else - and ignore the legitimate interests of the peoples which such actions on our part affect. This should really come as no surprise to anyone - even the most dull and slow-witted .....

Our actions in this regard would fairly easy to remedy: just stop doing things that are inherently criminal and which, ultimately harm entire populaces .... stuff like supporting and financing repressive regimes and murderous tyrants .....

It ain't rocket-science ......

If I were to know about about US politics and foreign policies I could debate better...
The information is out there, just read and inform yourself - for starters have a look at the following:

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

SAVAK (The Shah's Secret Police)

"A U.S. Army colonel working for the CIA was sent to Persia in September 1953 to work with General Teymur Bakhtiar, who was appointed military governor of Tehran in December 1953 and immediately began to assemble the nucleus of a new intelligence organization. The U.S. Army colonel worked closely with Bakhtīār and his subordinates, commanding the new intelligence organization and training its members in basic intelligence techniques, such as surveillance and interrogation methods, the use of intelligence networks, and organizational security." - Encyclopædia Iranica

"In March 1955, the Army colonel was "replaced with a more permanent team of five career CIA officers, including specialists in covert operations, intelligence analysis, and counterintelligence,including Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf" who "trained virtually all of the first generation of SAVAK personnel." (wow ..... guess who's daddy that was ...... some apples don't fall far from the tree indeed ....)

"In 1960/61 the CIA trainers left and were replaced by a team of instructors from the Israeli Mossad" (this was no doubt a very bright move strategically - given that we are talking about a Muslim country ...... from the very same retards no doubt, that were pushing the idea of "containment")

"Chief CIA Iran analyst Jesse Leaf in an interview on 6th Jan. 1979 stated that the CIA teaches Nazi torture techniques to SAVAK."

Of course, what sane people could possibly not want the fine methods developed by the authors of the Holocaust to employed on themselves and their fellow citizens ..... afterall, if it was good enough for Adolph, then why not for us ? :rolleyes:

Mr. Leaf further stated in regards to the torture practiced by the SAVAK: "Why should we protest? We were on their side, remember?"

Yeah, why indeed ? ..... I'm quite sure that many do remember ..... and obviously, many would also prefer to forget (as evidenced by some comments here) .... with good reason of course - when one has blood on their hands as a consequence of the acts done in their name, forgetfulness is, indeed, bliss ....

"Although the Iranian use of torture was widely known inside the agency, Mr. Leaf said, he knew of no Americans who admitted that they witnessed such treatment. (this is called plausible denability) "I do remember seeing and being told of people who were there seeing the rooms and being told of torture. And I know that the torture rooms were toured and it was all paid for by the USA."

Undoubtedly Mr. Leaf was a man of very high moral character ......

"Mr. Leaf said he decided to resign from the CIA after receiving an adverse fitness report in 1973. His basic complaint, he said, was that "policy pretty much determines reporting rather than the other way around."

Well now, that last part is certainly particularly interesting ..... in light of Dick "I'm-a-Chickenhawk" Cheney's recent pronouncements and activities over the last 8 or so years ....

"According to Iranian political historian Ervand Abrahamian, after this attack SAVAK interrogators were sent abroad for "scientific training to prevent unwanted deaths from 'brute force.' Brute force was supplemented with the bastinado; sleep deprivation; extensive solitary confinement; glaring searchlights; standing in one place for hours on end; nail extractions; snakes (favored for use with women); electrical shocks with cattle prods, often into the rectum; cigarette burns; sitting on hot grills; acid dripped into nostrils; near-drownings; mock executions; and an electric chair with a large metal mask to muffle screams while amplifying them for the victim." Prisoners were also humiliated by being raped, urinated on, and forced to stand naked.

Hey - what's not to like ?

Iranian Revolution

Ruhollah Khomeini

(There's little doubt that Khomeini ended up being just as bloodthirsty and brutal as what he replaced (if not even more so) - he wasn't a nice guy by any means - but the relevant point would be that had we not interfered to begin with (with all that resulted from that), he might not have even been motivated to become politically active .... but just another unknown mullah in Qom.)

FWIW, before anyone starts, the Wikipedia cites above are done with the full recognition that not everything on it is always accurate, or is unbiased - indeed that is often not the case.

However, in many instances, sources are cited in the footnotes, and the articles point to other more scholarly works that may (or may not) be more neutral, less biased, and perhaps more accurate:

Witness: From the Shah to the Secret Arms Deal : An Insider's Account of U.S. Involvement in Iran - by Mansur Rafizadeh (SAVAK's United States director during the 1970s)

Another possibility would several of Ervand Abrahamian's books:

Books By Ervand Abrahamian

After doing a little reading you can then at least to start to draw your own conclusions as to whether it's all Carter's fault ..... or whether or not all the shenanigans and criminal activity that we were either directly involved in, or indirectly promoted and allowed might have had some bearing on the position that we find ourselves in and the issues that we face today.

Carter was certainly a goober and a dumb**** ..... but the cause of all our current problems ? ..... Pluueease .... such an assertion is ludicrous on it's face, and it's hard to construe such an assertion as anything other than merely a de facto attempt to deny culpability .....

Dunno about you ..... but the idea of having acid poured down my nostrils or boiling water poured into my rectum likely wouldn't make me much of a fan of those proposing such treatments for my edification .... nor of those that had enabled and supported the individuals proposing to do so ......

In fact, it might tend to pizz me off in the extreme .... to the point that I might be inclined to take up arms and do a little edifying of my own ..... and I'm a fairly easy-going sort of guy :eek:

Yeah, yeah ...... it was Carter ...... all Jimmy's fault ..... :D .... ya literally couldn't make that **** up if you tried .... :rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Carter was told what would happen if he withdrew support from the Shaw, that is a fact. He ignored what he was told, that is a fact. What he was told was going to happen, did. That is how is is.

He was told that our embassy was going to be attacked. He was given a date range as to when that was going to happen. He ignored the warning. That is a fact. I know that because I helped draft that warning, in a very small way. I also read the final product that was issued. The attack took place in the middle of the date range he was given and 3 days after the earliest date noted. That is a fact.

Our agency got everyone of our people out, so did everyone, except the the staff that was under direct control of Carter. They were taken captive. That is a fact.

When our people left they lost everything they owned minus one suitcase per family. Carter ignored their sacrifice and it took over 18 months for those people to get compensated. By that time most had lost any chance of recovery.

I thank God everyday that Mrs. Layoutshooter refused the orders to go there when I had them in my hand. Wives had that right in our agency. Had she not turned them down we would have been there with our friends that Carter ruined. None of this is found in "books" it is the reality.

Carter can rot in hell as far as I am concerned.


Veteran Expediter
None of this is found in "books" it is the reality.
It may well not be found in any books .... however whether it (and everything else you posted in this last post from which the above quote is taken from) is or not, is entirely irrelevant to the point I was making - it's just not significant to the entirety of the circumstances we find ourselves in regard to the Iran, and the greater Middle East.

IOW, it's a strawman (a false argument or issue presented to divert attention from the real issue)

Nice try, but: FAIL

BTW, Carter claims in his book (Keeping the Faith: Memoirs of a President, Bantam, 1982, p.438) that a CIA analysis in August 1978, just six months before the Shah fled Iran, had concluded that the country "is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation."

Dunno - mebbe they ought to declassify that one so we can all see exactly what the spooks were saying, whatcha think ? .... not that I don't just absolutely believe what you allege (but unfortunately, can't back up, of course)
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Retired Expediter
That embargo was put in place after Japan attacked China. In the process of that attack they used rape, murder and enslavement to control the people they encountered. They murdered hundreds of thousands there. Just as their Axis powers buddies did every where they went. We stopped them. Thank God we did!!! No one else could have done it. Even if embargo was designed to provoke the attack on Dec 7th it was the right thing to do!! Evil must be stopped every time and every place it raises it's ugly head. Even here.

The leftist movement of the world has taken hold murder, rape and torture become the rule of law. It did in Japan, Germany, Italy, Soviet Russia, China, Viet Nam etc etc etc. The left must be stopped every time it surfaces to murder again.

It has happened throughout history and it it is starting again. We have only two choices, destroy it or or it destroys us.

All the silly hand ringing, moaning and crying will not change it.

This Country is not perfect. We have made mistakes in the past and will in the future. We will make those mistakes because we are men and men are not gods. All men are prone to mistakes.

In spite of the mistakes, no other country in the modern day has sent so many of their own to free others from the scurge of the left.

At least we try!!!

I take pride in my efforts in trying to stop the slaughter. I worked with good men and women who cared!! I get just a bit tired of hearing them ridiculed. THEY DID SOMETHING!! Most in the world and in this country did nothing!!!

When you allow evil to survive, by doing nothing, you give your blessing to the death it causes. The do nothings are just as responsible for what happens as those who do the deed.

You are either the part of the problem or part of the solution.

There are no other options.

There is right and wrong, black and white. That is it.

Why? For 1,000's of years no one stopped the killing why must we? It is the natural way to trim the population over there...

Let the conquered be conquered...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"BTW, Carter claims in his book (Keeping the Faith: Memoirs of a President, Bantam, 1982, p.438) that a CIA analysis in August 1978, just six months before the Shah fled Iran, had concluded that the country "is not in a revolutionary or even a pre-revolutionary situation."

I will be quite happy to take another polygraph on this subject, I bet Carter would not!! All he had to do was watch the nightly news and he should have been able to figure it out on his own. After all, my wife did. Remember, that for almost a year prior to the attack on our embassy the Islamic radicals that took over Iran were fire bombing theaters, colleges etc etc etc.

When my wife found out exactly where my orders were for, she just put two and two together and said NO WAY!!! Carter had the advantage of input from the best intelligence service in the world and could not figure it out.

I too wish that we would de-classify some of what I am speaking about. Then Carter would finally answer for his lies, yes, I am calling him a liar. By the way, I have passed 5 or so polygraphs over the years. It was required to get and maintain a security clearance.

I am not picking bones with you, or anyone here for that matter. Most in here have no choice, after all, except for 4 other members that I know of, most in here only have open source information to go on.

OVM, this is a world full of evil. You can chose to accept it and live with it, that is, until they come after you, or, you can stand up to it. I chose in the past to stand up for what is right, I still do. That is the right thing to do.
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Veteran Expediter
OVM said:
The atrocities in some African countries..are we battling them?

Of course not ..... (despite an apparent unquenchable thirst to be the world's policeman .... and meddle in everyone's business) .... there's no money in it ......

What are you talking about?

There is a lot of money in natural resources from Oil to strategic metals sitting right in the middle of some of these conflicts.

greg334 said:
The problem, like the problem with other things say Food for Oil, is the UN. Just this past week there has been a serious complaints about the UN peace keepers being involved with and allowing killing of civilians in the Congo. The UN is complicit in the death of civilians while their charter forbids such action, much like the issue of raping civilians who were being protected under the blue flag. Nothing even comes to it, because it is all a non-issue.

If the US wanted to do something about it, we would have the world against us because it is an African issue, not a US issue and the Africa Union needs to solve their own problems but wants our money to do so. The UN is part of the underlying problems in Africa and has pretty much failed to stop the killings and the slavery issues that still take place on most of the continent.


Veteran Expediter
Even if embargo was designed to provoke the attack on Dec 7th it was the right thing to do!!
"It is painful enough to discover with what unconcern they speak of war and threaten it. I have seen enough of it to make me look upon it as the sum of all evils" - Major General T. J. Jackson, 1862

"He who is the author of war lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death." - Thomas Paine, 1777

And about concealing this from the American public - manipulating them unknowingly into war - you down with that too ?

"I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy." - George Washington, 1796

Evil must be stopped every time and every place it raises it's ugly head.
By committing yet more evil in order to do so .... ?

"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop." - George Washington

The leftist movement of the world has taken hold murder, rape and torture become the rule of law.
Yeah ....... it's all "the left" ..... you just keep repeating that mantra and avert your eyes:

THE CIA AND TORTURE: On the Record, Part 1

THE CIA AND TORTURE: On the Record, Part 2

All the silly hand ringing, moaning and crying will not change it.
"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth - and listen to the song of the syren, til she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great arduous struggle for liberty ? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation ? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry, 1775

This Country is not perfect.
Clearly, it is not.

We have made mistakes in the past and will in the future. We will make those mistakes because we are men and men are not gods.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."- George Santayana

All men are prone to mistakes.
Some apparently more so than others ....

In spite of the mistakes, no other country in the modern day has sent so many of their own to free others from the scurge of the left.
Free some ....... and help to brutally repress, enslave, and torture others ...

I take pride in my efforts in trying to stop the slaughter.
By enabling and helping those that commit more of the same ?

How about that Iran thing - overthrowing a popular government - the Shah, and SAVAK - are ya proud of that one ?


I worked with good men and women who cared!! I get just a bit tired of hearing them ridiculed. THEY DID SOMETHING!!
Indeed they did ....

Most in the world and in this country did nothing!!!
No, actually - they did do something: they went about their lives, had and raised families, were productive and industrious, created wealth, and generally left their fellow man alone to do the same.

When you allow evil to survive, by doing nothing, you give your blessing to the death it causes.
Indeed - that is certainly true - perhaps you might be able to apply that little premise to understand why I sometimes post as I do - because I am speaking out against evil.

I just am not quite as selective as you are, in terms of condemning it ..... nor in excusing it.

You are either the part of the problem or part of the solution.
And sometimes those seeking to be part of the solution ..... end up becoming the problem .....

There is right and wrong, black and white. That is it.
Actually there is a whole rainbow of colors .....

"America is her own mistress and can do what she pleases" - Thomas Paine, 1778

"America is a new character in the universe. She started with a cause divinely right" - Thomas Paine, 1782

"The cause of America is in great measure the cause of all mankind." - Thomas Paine, 1776

"Paine thought more than he read" - Thomas Jefferson, 1824

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Veteran Expediter
I am wondering with all of this stuff your posting, would you rather live in say England or France where there is no real freedoms like we have here?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So by what you are saying, correct me if I am wrong, I was a part of the evil. I lie, I did not ever see the things I say.

China did not use rape and torture, only the CIA, who, by the way I did not work for. I did however, work with many of those fine people, good, solid, hard working men, (sorry ladies, I never met a female CIA agent) You chose to accept what you read in books, and not believe those who were there? Again, if I am wrong on this I am sorry. I have no problems with any project I was a part of. I am an honest man, I did what I saw as right. I am PROUD of everything I did!!!! I frankly don't give a flying flip what anyone feels about what I did for 20 years!!! When it comes right down to it, we saved lives!!! By going about their "own business" the "rest of the world" assisted in the murder, rape and enslavement of millions. I, for one, could not live with myself if I had done that.
Maybe you can, I could not.
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Veteran Expediter
I think when confronted with issues that are beyond what we could control, the more important question to ask is this;

If all of this does actually matter and our country is at fault for these ills of the world and the problems associated with the modern age, who in this world is qualified to judge us based on their righteousness and innocence in the world can actually tell us what we have done in the world that is actually wrong?

I see no one, even Tibet for that matter that can judge us.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You know, maybe I should not take this personal, but I do. I lost far too many friends over the years. I am only 58 (not for long) and most of my friends that I worked with are already dead!! So yeah, it is a very touchy subject for me. It will always be!!

WE WERE RIGHT!! (yes, I AM internet shouting, so stick it in your ear if you don't like it!) KEEP ONE THING IN MIND!!!! Those garden slugs that the CIA (according to some) were torturing and killing, are the SAME garden slugs that fly airplanes into buildings!!! Attack schools!! Blow up weddings!! Yeah, we must have forced them to murder!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!

It always amazes me how book people know more than those who were there. Sounds a LOT like my brother, he READ stuff too!! In his basement!!


Veteran Expediter
I am wondering with all of this stuff your posting, would you rather live in say England or France where there is no real freedoms like we have here?
Not at all - if that is what you see, you miss the point entirely.

Some udoubtedly read what I post and immediately assume that I am anti-US - that's simply not the case at all - in fact, it's quite the reverse:

"The citizen who thinks he sees that the commonwealth's political clothes are worn out, and yet holds his peace and does not agitate for a new suit, is disloyal, he is a traitor. That he may be the only one who thinks he sees this decay, does not excuse him: it is his duty to agitate anyway, and it is the duty of others to vote him down if they do not see the matter as he does."

"My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death."
- Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You quote pretty RELNT, but what have you DONE? What have you seen in REAL Life? OR, as with most other, only READ what a FEW malcontents wrote?

The ONLY THING that I regret is that we did not KILL more of the scum that would kill us!!

I STOOD STRONG as did my friends!! RIDICULE THAT!!! Same goes for those who have TRIED and FAILED to LIBEL ME!!


Veteran Expediter
Some udoubtedly read what I post and immediately assume that I am anti-US - that's simply not the case at all - in fact, it's quite the reverse:

No not at all.

But I can't help not to wonder why you simply can't accept the fact that the world is actually better off with us than without us.


Veteran Expediter
But I can't help not to wonder why you simply can't accept the fact that the world is actually better off with us than without us.
LOL ..... but I do accept the fact that the world is better off with us .... again you have missed the point:

However, what I don't accept is that the world is better for everything that we have done, or are culpable for ..... clearly that just isn't the case.

The first step that is necessary for an errant individual to correct his behavior is to be willing to unapologetically examine it ......

Without that, there is no hope of change.

As it is with individuals, so it is with nations ...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It DOES seem that you have a problem accepting reality!! As bad as we may be, we are the BEST hope in this world. Don't like or accept that? TOO BAD!!! We have NOT come CLOSE to MURDERING one TENTH of what Hitler, Japan, Soviet Russia,

China, North Korea, Cuba or what Obama MIGHT do soon!!!

Face it, as BAD as you MIGHT THINK we are, we are THE BEST in the world today!!

Don't see it? Can not fathom that? Go protest in China, Iran or Russia!!!

Just do me one favor, before you do, get a life insurance policy and name my wife as the one to receive the benefits!!