I wonder how Obama will react


Retired Expediter
I have been watching this develop this morning..

I think the Iraqi government will deal with this and of course with the Yanks giving their "expert" (cough) advice....:rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
Obumma isn't going to do anything about it at all! The boy has no Intestinal Fortitude to Stand up to Iran as has been seen by Irans Nuclear Program! However He will Probably Apologize to Iran for Not Having that Oil Field Closer to their Border! :) Face it, The Wimp in Charge is a Capon!!


Retired Expediter
Obumma isn't going to do anything about it at all! The boy has no Intestinal Fortitude to Stand up to Iran as has been seen by Irans Nuclear Program! However He will Probably Apologize to Iran for Not Having that Oil Field Closer to their Border! :) Face it, The Wimp in Charge is a Capon!!

Actually Obama can not do anything about it...Iraq is a soveriegn country and has their own army now and it is their problem...


Veteran Expediter
Actually Obama can not do anything about it...Iraq is a soveriegn country and has their own army now and it is their problem...
Wow ....... what a concept ...... I dunno ...... :confused:

You mean that other countries could actually manage their own affairs, and their relations with others ....... all without our interfering and sticking our noses in it ?

Is that even possible ?

I mean doesn't that violate some inherent law of the universe or something ?

What will become of us, if others do not need us to lend our vastly superior moral insights into their affairs, being the disinterested honest brokers that we are ?

Will we become irrelevant ?

What national purpose could we possibly have, if no one desires to avail themselves of our vast wisdom ? (as evidenced by innumerable postings here in the EO SoapBox :rolleyes:)


Retired Expediter
It appears now they may not even be Iranian soldiers....

Be careful Rlent..you are treading shallow water over hallowed ground...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No National interest in an Iranian attack on Iraq? If Iran was really behind it, and they likely are in one form or another, it has grave implications on our economy, the worlds economy and security and of the region and the world. I see no reason to worry. We did not worry when Hitler did stuff like this and it cause no problems for us or the world. We did not worry when Japan did stuff like this and it caused no problems for us or the world. We did not worry when Soviet Russia did stuff like this and that caused no problems for us or the world. Oh the shame that history was either never taught in school or it was ignored. Why is it that people think that doing nothing will work this time when it never has worked though out history?

Roll your eyes all you want OVM, I don't see Canada doing anything in the world right now. Not that we are, be at least we have a better excuse, we have a flaming wimp commie of a pretend CIC!!


Retired Expediter
No National interest in an Iranian attack on Iraq? If Iran was really behind it, and they likely are in one form or another, it has grave implications on our economy, the worlds economy and security and of the region and the world. I see no reason to worry. We did not worry when Hitler did stuff like this and it cause no problems for us or the world. We did not worry when Japan did stuff like this and it caused no problems for us or the world. We did not worry when Soviet Russia did stuff like this and that caused no problems for us or the world. Oh the shame that history was either never taught in school or it was ignored. Why is it that people think that doing nothing will work this time when it never has worked though out history?

Roll your eyes all you want OVM, I don't see Canada doing anything in the world right now. Not that we are, be at least we have a better excuse, we have a flaming wimp commie of a pretend CIC!!

Excuse me? No one did not say not to be worried....Said the US should let Iraq take care of their own business first befoe anyone sticks their nose in...

Some get real tired of this US intervention in the name of "protecting our freedom" crap. When it is more protecting our investments and protecting our dominate position.
This paranoa garbage that is thrown around this forum...is nothing more then excuse to spend trillion of dollars on a military that does nothing but defend US industries overseas...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just as we let France handle Nazi Germany? Just like we let most of Eastern Europe handle Soviet Russia? Which is better? Let the entire mess fall apart, or, take on Iran as I feel we should be doing? It is likely that we will have to take them on sooner or later, the longer we wait, the harder it will be. Just like with Japan, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. That sit back, do nothing, and wait attitude last century cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

That is how it is. Canada and England were right in being upset that we did not help at the beginning of WWII. If take those sorry watchamacallits on now, we would be right. Canada, England, and the rest of the near normal countries should join. The stakes for them is just as high as it is for us.


Retired Expediter
YOU guys started the Japanese war! The Japs attacked YOU...and I wish sometimes the US hadda stayed out of the German theater so some wouldn't have to be subjected to WE saved the world crap...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Japan attacked China in 1937. Rape and murder was the rule, not, the exception, there. As it was in Korea and French Indo-China. Japan was a member of the Axis powers, a "grand" bunch of fellows to say the least.

I guess we could have stayed out of Europe since the rise of Hitler was Europe's fault, why should have we cared if they all goose stepped over there. Nothing wrong with what they did over there, eh?

What is going on now in the world is no different. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are doing the same kinda stuff that Nazi Germany and Japan did. Fight 'em now or later, or, accept defeat now and live under their rule. Take your pick.


Veteran Expediter
I don't see Canada doing anything in the world right now. Not that we are, ......
Gee .... first off, you also don't see Canada being targeted wholesale for terrorist attacks like we are ..... (gee - wonder if there is any correlation there ? :rolleyes:) - and that is despite the fact they have participated in activities in regard to the War on Terror.

Most likely it is because they have a significantly less interventionist foreign policy.

If you want to really understand what is driving al Qaeda to target us, then read what bin Laden has written - he lays it out pretty clearly.

It ain't because of what we believe, how we live in this country, our freedoms or any of that other crap that the delusional in the media/political/religious elite are trying to sell.

It is due to what we are doing over there ......

Secondly, if you actually believe that we are doing nothing in the world, I can assure that you are suffering from some type of a hallucinatory state.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What ever you want to believe. I for one am very tired of hearing us blamed for everything wrong in the world. None of what I read or hear matches to what I learned over a lifetime. But, that's ok, it's all our fault, all we have to do is go away and the world will be perfect. Russia is not involved, China is not involved, North Korea is not involved, just us. We did it all. :rolleyes:

I have no doubt that if we just crawled into a hole that none of those "bad guys" would ever do anything like they have been doing for years, their reign of rape and murder across the world is likely our fault too. Right?


Veteran Expediter
I can read an encyclopedia but unless it was written by Japanese people or Gore I don't think anyone established that we in fact started the war.
"It is truly unfortunate that those engaged in public affairs so rarely make notes of transactions passing within their knowledge. Hence history becomes fable instead of fact. The great outlines maybe true, but the incidents and colouring are according to the faith and fancy of the writer." - Thomas Jefferson, 1814


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, Japan did not really join the Axis, or attack China, or use rape and torture as policy, it is a fable to be sure. They had no intention of really enslaving all those people, they were just herding them into those camps to protect them from us.


Veteran Expediter
I think this is funny.

We caused the war with Japan is like saying that we cause Germany to go to war with France. We were not the only one's with embargo and freezing assets. I think Canada and Australia both doing the same thing and our embargo, like scrap metal had a start date which was months in the future after it was passed. We were not the only one's selling oil to them and they had ample supplies before and during the war.

Regardless, no one seems to get the connections between the countries nor understand what actually was the attitude of the people who declared war on us at the time.

Nevertheless our arrogance is well deserved, during the first two years of the war, we supported three theaters of war and provided tons of material to countries and refugees alike. We did what we could while our leaders listened to the people who didn't want to go to war. It took an attack that we may or may not have provoked and our sole effort to defeat the people who killed millions but just like the justification we hear today over terrorist, we have caused all of it.

After the war, we provided money and material to rebuild both Europe and Asia and even handed the Soviets tons and tons of equipment and machinery.

Just a reminder OVM that England, which included its territories, and France both caused the first and second world wars - we didn't. Before any one says a word that I am wrong, look at English history, the House of Hanover, Edward VII and Kaiser Wilhelm and of course Lloyd George to understand what I am getting at. The war was started 11 years before the actual fighting. If you can put it all together, then you will see what the war was really about.