Veteran Expediter
Bought another one. This seems to be a recurring theme.
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Here's an interesting article that goes along with that train of thought. Although there may not be one identifiable homosexual gene, there may be several factors that make up the recipe.Hard to tell. I personally think it is something that they may be born with, but at the same time, I would have to acknowledge there is no proof and a theory at best.
While current scientific and psychological research indicates the existence of genetic causes for homosexuality, there is no basis for the belief in one controlling “gay gene”. Homosexuality appears to be the result of a cluster of genetic factors that are influential only when particular psychological and social factors are present. As we cannot control the genetics we are dealt, or the environment we grow up in, it is highly unlikely that homosexuality is a life-style choice for the vast majority of gay individuals.
Is Homosexuality Genetic?
Here's an interesting article that goes along with that train of thought. Although there may not be one identifiable homosexual gene, there may be several factors that make up the recipe.
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Proof....just ask anyone that's gay...pretty easy..they will tell you that they we're born gay
Talk about a non-argument argument. That supports your relative that you are emphatic about supporting just like the pro death camp uses pretty phrases and ignoring facts to support their desire for death to innocents. Doesn't alter the truth though.
No... ask anyone of them..there nice people ...they Dont won't turn gay by talking to them....what you think there lying to you..facts...who knows better of there gay..then a gay person ...quit trying to tell them why there gay!...and what truth is being altered ...curious??
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A link from the Gay Wing of the Huffington Post? Really? That which purports to refute my statement is cherry-picked statistics massaged for a purpose. The stats which show marriage is actually up due to same-sex partnerships, not the marriage of traditional couples.
So here's another one that refutes the claim that gay marriage will harm traditional marriage:
Marriage Rates and the Defense : The New Yorker
BTW: the article in Slate [that I didn't cite because it's 10 years old] specifically separated same sex marriages from traditional, and it didn't change the outcome: traditional marriage rates declined prior to gay marriage, then began increasing. The later stats say it's declining again, but not as fast as before. The explanation isn't clear, but gay marriage doesn't seem to be it.
PS you said that traditional marriage has worked very well for all of recorded history, but with the divorce rates where they are, it doesn't look like it works that well for half the people who do it. If there's a backlash, well, so be it - that's not a reason to stop trying to do what people believe is right.
Boy Scouts: if preventing pedophiles wasn't the reason for banning gays from leadership, it sure was used as a scare tactic to sway public [especially parental] opinion on the issue. And what Jerry Sandusky has to do with it is the irony of who the real threat to young boys is: someone who is pretending to be exactly the kind of man the Scouts would look up to.
Free speech: it comes with a price, and we all know what it might cost to express an opinion on a highly emotional subject. If someone loses their job, that is the risk they chose to take. If you joke about bombs in an airport, same deal: you lose something you value [your time] but it's a choice you're free to make.
Just complete ignorance and a total lack of understanding about what the debate is really about because you have been fully brainwashed. Try thinking for yourself instead of parroting the ignorant propaganda and stupidity that they tell you to believe. The debate has nothing, zero, nada to do with women's reproductive rights and only those that fell for the propaganda and stopped thinking would repeat or believe it. The debate is simple either you believe life begins before birth or you don't. It is about the fetus and not about a woman's ovaries so again it has NOTHING to do with women's rights so stop believing the garbage they tell you. It might mean that you have to think about things from the other side to get a clear perspective but you need to think for yourself.
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Actually it is, but I'll let your statement stand on its own, because it's the epitome of those who believe warm and fuzzy intentions always trump unintended consequences. It's a remarkable sentiment.If there's a backlash, well, so be it - that's not a reason to stop trying to do what people believe is right.
Actually it is, but I'll your statement stand on its own, because it's the epitome of those who believe warm and fuzzy intentions always trump unintended consequences. It's a remarkable sentiment.
Actually it is, but I'll your statement stand on its own, because it's the epitome of those who believe warm and fuzzy intentions always trump unintended consequences. It's a remarkable sentiment.
I believe it would have to be something outside of the genetic makeup. Why? Because you have identical twins with the same genes yet one is gay and the other isn't. They looked at a lot of that in the 90's when they doing all kinds of tests. Google will have hundreds of pages on it.
I'm not the one who is guilty of "complete ignorance and a total lack of understanding about what the debate is really about" here - you are.
The debate is not about whether life begins at conception, because that doesn't make any difference, really. For the sake of argument, let's agree that it does. The question is whether an exception to the 'sanctity of life' should be made in the case of unwanted pregnancies, just as it is in other cases.
Exceptions are made for self defense and combat, and [arguably] capital punishment, so the claim that life is sacred doesn't wash - the only debate is about which exceptions are valid.
Even in cases of conjoined twins, where separation means the loss of one to save the other, the sacredness of life is overruled. You cannot say it's ok to kill in some cases, then say that life is sacred - can't have it both ways.
The debate is about who has the right to control a woman's reproductive capabilities, period.
PS the hostility and condescension is getting tiresome, already. I don't appreciate [nor deserve] being called ignorant, brainwashed, etc, simply because you disagree.
I'm quite capable of thinking for myself. I'm also capable of experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, which gives me a perspective you will never have, and that makes a helluva difference, IMO.
Talk about a non-argument argument. That supports your relative that you are emphatic about supporting just like the pro death camp uses pretty phrases and ignoring facts to support their desire for death to innocents. Doesn't alter the truth though.
Do you believe science has found ALL the answers to everything already? [Or anything, for that matter] There's so much more that remains to be discovered, and the thing is, they're not likely to find things they aren't even looking for. I don't think there's a whole lot of heavy research in this area, and even if there was, it can take a very long time to make new discoveries.
Science has just found the gravitational waves that confirm the Big Bang theory, and they've been looking for a long time for them.
The more we learn, the more we find we don't know, lol.![]()
Science has just found the gravitational waves that confirm the Big Bang theory, and they've been looking for a long time for them.
The more we learn, the more we find we don't know, lol.![]()