Garden Center 2012


OVM Project Manager
I think this wind is going to blow for Ken's entire trip home..and two more nights of freezing weather this weekend is delaying the planting...only thing in the ground as of yet are the yukon gold potatoes.

And I just got my yellow lilac bush that is awaiting it's new home too. The first daffodil is blooming and there's growth on all my bulbs.


OVM Project Manager
Thanks to the hubby..I now have a yellow primrose lilac bush, two yellow mandevillas and another raspberry bush is good!;)


OVM Project Manager
Got a good bit planted today between the sprinkles...onions, shallots, garlic, leeks, green onions, spinach, collards, carrots, beets, peas and radishes.

And we've had sprinkles of rain for most of the afternoon and more on the way, so I don't have to water it..................yet..


OVM Project Manager
With the good soaking that the garden got, I'll just bet that the first crop of weeds is already poking


OVM Project Manager
The garden is officially planted...except for the hot plants ie tomatos, peppers and sweet potatoes and just turned the sprinkler on to give all those seeds a good jump start.


OVM Project Manager
Sure am glad I got the garden planted...seems like rainy season has finally arrived. Saves on the water bill!


OVM Project Manager
[h=6]Gotta love hoeing in the wind..and boy is it every windy! The dill is starting to pop up and I'm trying to keep it contained to the herb corner of the has a tendency to run amok throughout the garden and it looks like I'll have a healthy serving of asparagus in the next day or so.
Trying strawberries in the garden this year too and I've already eaten a couple small ones. Hope they get bigger![/h]


OVM Project Manager
The tomatoes are IN the ground! With the crazy changes in weather we have out here, the first step is putting landscape fabric down to hold down the weeds. Then I transplanted all my tiny little plants and gave them a healthy dose of miracle grow. Next step is putting milk jugs on top to ward away any frost and hold them down with a stick thru the middle and cages over the milk jugs. Now the sprinkler is running on the garden.

UP...shallots, radishes, collards, spinach,beets, and a few onions have popped through. As have a few


OVM Project Manager
And a good neighbor here in town just brought me up some raspberry transplants...they are also in the garden and watered! It's been a good day...:D


OVM Project Manager
Since the rhubarb is coming up good I figured I'd better get last years done up...making a rhubarb cherry sauce! And while I was in the freezer I also grabbed some green beans and collards and decided to make some jag...smelling pretty yummy in here for a rainy day!:)


OVM Project Manager
Today I'll run to town to see if I can find some eggplant and banana pepper seeds there weren't so successful. I need to get my peppers plants in the's warm enough.


OVM Project Manager
The jalapena, banana and minibell peppers and the eggplant are IN the garden. I took the plastic jugs off the tomato plants and watered them all well..
Happy Gardening everyone!


OVM Project Manager
And the corn and potatoes are starting to pop through..had another rain shower last night and it looks like my tomatoes and peppers made it through...come on sun!!!