Garden Center 2012


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I feel pretty lucky I was able to hobble out to turn on the water to the garden and let it soak for a couple of hours..looks the peas are ready to be picked and OMG the weeds look like they're winning..c'mon dang foot...get better..I need to get busy!



OVM Project Manager
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to have cukes this year..can't tell from the back window.

Good thing I've got lots of pickles left!:D


OVM Project Manager
I seem to be watering the grasshoppers food...boy are they ever abundant..they were even on the corn this morning..

I do have tomatoes on the vine now..itty bitty ones but they are there! I just want to pick those dang peas before they get eaten up too!


OVM Project Manager I weeded the peppers, eggplant and sweet potatoes and did enjoy that single banana pepper I found on my taco salad today!!!!!!

c'mon rain dangit!


OVM Project Manager
My grasshoppers are getting fat off of my garden..but yesterday I hobbled out on my crutch and picked a big bag of peas. Took me about 3 hours to shell them all. When I went out in the evening to move the sprinkler I noticed that my green beans are ready to pick too...I just may beat the hoppers at their own game! I've got small tomatoes on the vine now and my cantelope is blooming and my cuke plants are getting bigger! The corn is almost 4 foot tall, and the hoppers are eating those leaves along with the tops of the potatoes.


OVM Project Manager
Thanks to the hubby, who waged a war against the grasshoppers last week, the garden is still going strong...corn is over 6 tall now and I've got tons of tomatoes. Picked all the peas and a good helping of beans...collards and spinach are all eaten up. Potatoes are doing well...even the sweet potatoes are thriving. And I've got blossoms on the canteloupe, watermelon and cukes. Pepper plants are producing, but I've yet to see a blossom on the eggplants.

Thank you hubby for all the watering and killing hoppers!!!


OVM Project Manager
wow..I pulled two wheelbarrows full of weeds from my poor garden. And need to pull some more...not being able to get in there for 6 weeks hasn't been real healthy for it..:(


OVM Project Manager
So today I weeded the wandering plants..yes...the cukes are starting to grow...I have canteloupe the size of golf balls and watermelon the size of a nickel! I see more blossoms on the eggplants and more jalapenas and banana peppers...Corn is getting pretty good watching those cobs fill out! Next time Ken comes home I think we'll be digging all the onions and potatoes. The chives and green onions have taken a big hit from the hoppers but I'm hoping we'll get some.

**** I gotta put up pickles!!!


OVM Project Manager
I beat them!!! processing a huge crop of peaches and cream corn now!corn.jpg
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OVM Project Manager
Now the heirloom tomatoes are starting to ripen..huge, tasty and juicy. Had one with my breakfast yesterday and then a simple cuke and tomato salad for supper. I love the taste of summer.

so yesterday I mowed and started cleaning up the yard where the weeds have gotten ahead of me and the weedeater..this morning a nice gentle rain is helping make it green again...but oh boy is my ankle feeling it this morning!