Finally back in service. Stitches were supposed to come out after 10 days, but it wasn't healing like it should have been. First 48 hours I didn't touch it, then I removed the bandage and left it to the air. Because if open to the air it heals faster, right? But it kept getting banged and pulled on and was just ripe to get infected (would have been even worse out here in the truck). So after 4 days of that I kept Neosporin on it and kept a bandage on it. But that kept it too moist and it was looking like it wanted to separate. So, after 10 days they puled every
other stitch (4) out and left the other 5 in. Said, "No bandage, no ointments, no nothing, leaved it open to the air - come back in 4 days."
I did get a bendable splint that keeps my finger hooked so I can't straighten it out and pull on the stitches. With I'd had that from day one. That helped (and helps) a lot. They said use that for a few more days. But I finally got the remaining stitches out yesterday afternoon (Thursday), two weeks after they went in.
I still have pictures if anyone wants to see 'em. Before stitches, with stitches, and no stitches.