Veteran Expediter
You've got to be kidding about not finishing the war with Japan, Rlent! Are you some French tactical genius or something? Not everything is touchy-feely, ya know. War is hell!
You've got to be kidding about not finishing the war with Japan, Rlent! Are you some French tactical genius or something? Not everything is touchy-feely, ya know. War is hell!
Live by the sword, die by the sword.BTW, you seek to justify our (horrific) actions and condemn theirs ...... I, on the otherhand, condemn them both:
Allied war crimes during World War II
Source: WikipediaSupporters of the bombing also argue that waiting for the Japanese to surrender was not a cost-free option. "For China alone, depending upon what number one chooses for overall Chinese casualties, in each of the ninety-seven months between July 1937 and August 1945, somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 persons perished, the vast majority of them noncombatants. For the other Asians alone, the average probably ranged in the tens of thousands per month, but the actual numbers were almost certainly greater in 1945, notably due to the mass death in a famine in Vietnam. Newman concluded that each month that the war continued in 1945 would have produced the deaths of 'upwards of 250,000 people, mostly Asian but some Westerners."
We didn't have a working atomic bomb before the end of the war in Europe. Would we have used it if we did? Probably not.Why didn't we nuke Berlin?
We didn't have a working atomic bomb before the end of the war in Europe. Would we have used it if we did? Probably not.
After viewing the video online here, one word came immediately to mind: Amateur.
How many times did he have to bow to the Empress? Reminds me of one of those old fluid-filled toys you used to see that was shaped like a bird and would rock back and forth, eventually dipping its "bill" in a glass of water, then starting the whole process all over again.
What's your source ?
Please, please tell me that it's not the author of the LA Time piece ..... or something else from the right-wing blogosphere ....
I mean, you aware that the guy that wrote the LA Times piece was ..... Laura Bush's former press secretary ... right ?
The agenda should have been evident from the portrayal in the "article" of the personalities mentioned in various lights and the inclusion of a comparision video from ..... the UConn College Republicans (heheheh ...... you couldn't make this crap up ..... suckered again)
From the Protocol School of Washington DC:
"Japan: The Japanese greet with a bow and light handshake. Always return a bow with a bow. A light bow and nod of the head with eyes cast down is acceptable from Westerners. Western educated Japanese people often shake hands and make eye contact."
Quite true - but I never said that it was correct diplomatic etiquette - I just elucidated the reasons why someone - perhaps one who had a simplistic and shallow knowledge, and was not fully informed of all the nuances of the custom - might attempt such a gesture.
You assume that the guy is not a clod and actually knows what he is doing. While he certainly should given his present occupation, I make no such assumption.
There's little doubt in my mind that it was done to show genuine, sincere respect .... of course, I'm quite sure to some, that it was completely nefarious and no doubt portends that Obama will be soon announcing our new status as a prefecture ..... right after the announcement of our inclusion in the caliphate ......
Yeah - so what's your point ? I mean, we're not talking about an employee and a corporate manager here ..... they are equals - both heads of state.
What is an "open greeting" ?
Yeah, yeah, yeah ..... it is very complex, owing to the complexities of their cultural traditions .... but of course you assume that Obama has full knowledge of the practice and customs, and their nuances.
In fact, if the whole thing had been done properly, someone would have set it up and choreographed it, with all the correct pomp and circumstance .....
Like I said previously, the gesture was made, I think, to show respect ...... although based on the fact I pointed out at the beginning of my original post it certainly could be said that we have plenty to apologize for .......
Horrific ? ..... pulease ...... gimme a break .....
Perhaps you would have preferred that he vomit on the Emperor instead, as did one of his predecessors ?
Now that was indeed horrific .......
In the end, this is really much ado about nothing ..... it's a diplomatic gaffe, probably done with good intentions ..... no harm, no foul.
Now, if one wanted to talk about something that was really significant, or that really mattered, the fact that the guy can't seem to make a decision about Afghanistan would be a matter of some import worth discussing .....
By history accounts the US was directly responsible for the war with Japan....
When you back a rat into a corner as the US did what else could one expect...
Oh you deleted your post, well here is my reply anyway.....
How? We didn't attack them, we didn't force their hand into a situation to invade Korea or China, we didn't make an agreement with others to attack Japan.
We cut off our supply of oil and scrap metal (the latter was a joke by the way) which they still had other sources, we were just cheaper. They still had supplies of food and rubber, two items they claim we were holding back ... and all of this was because of China.
But see they were planning on attacking us back into the late 30's when they were looking into expanding their pacific holdings near our territories, a plan that went back into the 20's.
Now it looks like we backed them into a corner because how things are revised, but again there are history books that said Lincoln freed all the slaves.
Trying to say we were in the wrong about our methods to stop a horrible war by any means, cheapens the lives lost on both sides during a war of aggression. To stop this aggression it took countless lives and so much material, that most today can't grasp the size of it. Instead we have idiots trying to say we were wrong, they ignore the fact that today the only reason that they can speak openly is the fact that those who faced evil, fought evil and won.