Baby butchers admitting prenatal infantacide kills a baby


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
More PC mumbo jumbo bs diverting the issue of pro life or pro death. Just the kind of thing sufferers of fecal encephalopathy are easily distracted by.


Veteran Expediter
More PC mumbo jumbo bs diverting the issue of pro life or pro death.
It's not PC mumbo jumbo at all ... and you might actually know that ... had you actually bothered to read the article that I linked ... an article which discusses both sides of the argument and the historical context (legal, philosophical, and religious) that the argument has occurred in ...

In fact, one could say that it drills right down into the very core of the issue.

Of course, any cretin is perfectly capable of being completely dismissive of something when they aren't willing and don't bother to actually look ... in a somewhat similar way as those who have attained physiological adulthood (but clearly not intellectual adulthood) can insist in a rather infantile manner:

... I'm right and you're wrong

... without ever demonstrating any capacity or real competence for a well-reasoned and intellectual debate ...

Just the kind of thing sufferers of fecal encephalopathy are easily distracted by.
Well, I would consider you as one of the world's foremost authorities in the matter of suffering from fecal encephalopathy ... certainly from a highly personal perspective and long experience ...
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
More PC mumbo jumbo bs diverting the issue of pro life or pro death. Just the kind of thing sufferers of fecal encephalopathy are easily distracted by.

Mumbo jumbo and fecal encephalopathy. that's rich. You wanna talk mumbo jumbo by people suffering from fecal encephalopathy, talk to someone with a religious objection to abortion, especially a Christian, most of whom have their head so far up their rectal cavity that a tractor couldn't pull it out.

The problem with the religious objection to abortion, Christians in particular, is credibility. Or rather, the complete lack thereof. For thousands of years, including Biblical times, there was no religious objection to abortion by Christians. None. Then, in the 1800s a small group of Puritanical descendents with Puritanical values decided they needed another hobby horse to ride roughshod over people in order to control them and tell them what to do and how to live their lives.

There is a deep-seeded, insatiable need in many Christians to mind other people's business and tell them what to do. They can't help themselves. So, on their own, they invented, literally invented, a heretofore unknown religious objection to abortion. It's amazing what people can accomplish in the name of the Lord.

They had to to use a fine-toothed comb to sift through the Bible and come up with passages (all of them out of context, of course) which can be interpreted to saddle their hobby horse. It wasn't too hard, though, since if you try hard enough, you can interpret the Bible to say anything you want it to. Never mind that on any important issue the Bible is unambiguously clear, you know, like the Ten Commandments, but on abortion, such an oh, so important issue, the Bible chooses to speak in muddled parables slathered with vague, cryptic inexplicitness that could just as easily be interpreted as the ball scores from last Thursday.

The Bible doesn't mention abortion, not even once. It does mention, in clear unambiguous terms, when your life as a person begins. Genisis 2:7 is astoundingly clear on that one. Soon as you can breathe, you're a person. Soon as you stop breathing, you're not.

One of my favorite passages that people use to "prove" the Bible says you're a real live person in the womb is one that is always chopped off and out of context:

"The LORD called me from the womb. From the innermost parts of my mother, God named me..."

Yet they always avoid the fact that the partial quote is the nation of Israel talking, not an individual. The full context is here, and it's got nothing to do with a fetus.

It's no coincidence that Christians are likened to a flock of sheep, a characterization they embrace. They will generally believe what they are told, without question, and will go and do what they are told, just like sheep. They're told abortion is bad, and it says so right here in the Bible, and they go, "Uhm, OK. Sure!"

Exodus 21:22-25 describes a case where a pregnant woman jumps into a fight between her husband and another man and suffers injuries that cause her to miscarry. Injuries to the woman prompt the normal penalties for harming another human being: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life and all that. Killing the woman is murder, a capital crime. The miscarriage, however, is treated very differently - as a property loss, not murder. The assailant must pay a fine to the husband. The law of a life for a life does not apply. The fetus is important, but it's not human life in the same way the woman is. Christians like to not-pick and not-choose that one.

There is no valid, authentic, bona fine, compelling and convincing religious objection to abortion. Not a single supporting Biblical passage stands up to even the most cursory objective scrutiny. It is an invented objection born of the need to control people and tell them what to do, and it's one that is accepted unquestionably by the sheep. So when Christians use religion and God's Word to steadfastly tell you the absolute truth about abortion, they're full of crap.
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Retired Expediter
Mumbo jumbo and fecal encephalopathy. that's rich. You wanna talk mumbo jumbo by people suffering from fecal encephalopathy, talk to someone with a religious objection to abortion, especially a Christian, most of whom have their head so far up their rectal cavity that a tractor couldn't pull it out.

The problem with the religious objection to abortion, Christians in particular, is credibility. Or rather, the complete lack thereof. For thousands of years, including Biblical times, there was no religious objection to abortion by Christians. None. Then, in the 1800s a small group of Puritanical descendents with Puritanical values decided they needed another hobby horse to ride roughshod over people in order to control them and tell them what to do and how to live their lives.

There is a deep-seeded, insatiable need in many Christians to mind other people's business and tell them what to do. They can't help themselves. So, on their own, they invented, literally invented, a heretofore unknown religious objection to abortion. It's amazing what people can accomplish in the name of the Lord.

They had to to use a fine-toothed comb to sift through the Bible and come up with passages (all of them out of context, of course) which can be interpreted to saddle their hobby horse. It wasn't too hard, though, since if you try hard enough, you can interpret the Bible to say anything you want it to. Never mind that on any important issue the Bible is unambiguously clear, you know, like the Ten Commandments, but on abortion, such an oh, so important issue, the Bible chooses to speak in muddled parables slathered with vague, cryptic inexplicitness that could just as easily be interpreted as the ball scores from last Thursday.

The Bible doesn't mention abortion, not even once. It does mention, in clear unambiguous terms, when your life as a person begins. Genisis 2:7 is astoundingly clear on that one. Soon as you can breathe, you're a person. Soon as you stop breathing, you're not.

One of my favorite passages that people use to "prove" the Bible says you're a real live person in the womb is one that is always chopped off and out of context:

"The LORD called me from the womb. From the innermost parts of my mother, God named me..."

Yet they always avoid the fact that the partial quote is the nation of Israel talking, not an individual. The full context is here, and it's got nothing to do with a fetus.

It's no coincidence that Christians are likened to a flock of sheep, a characterization they embrace. They will generally believe what they are told, without question, and will go and do what they are told, just like sheep. They're told abortion is bad, and it says so right here in the Bible, and they go, "Uhm, OK. Sure!"

Exodus 21:22-25 describes a case where a pregnant woman jumps into a fight between her husband and another man and suffers injuries that cause her to miscarry. Injuries to the woman prompt the normal penalties for harming another human being: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life and all that. Killing the woman is murder, a capital crime. The miscarriage, however, is treated very differently - as a property loss, not murder. The assailant must pay a fine to the husband. The law of a life for a life does not apply. The fetus is important, but it's not human life in the same way the woman is. Christians like to not-pick and not-choose that one.

There is no valid, authentic, bona fine, compelling and convincing religious objection to abortion. Not a single supporting Biblical passage stands up to even the most cursory objective scrutiny. It is an invented objection born of the need to control people and tell them what to do, and it's one that is accepted unquestionably by the sheep. So when Christians use religion and God's Word to steadfastly tell you the absolute truth about abortion, they're full of crap.

to this date there is no scientific evidence God even is all hearsay and old wives tales....which makes all religions null and void...bunch of old ninnies...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
to this date there is no scientific evidence God even is all hearsay and old wives tales....which makes all religions null and void...bunch of old ninnies...

There is also no scientific evidence that God does NOT exist. Which makes those who don't believe a bunch of old ninnies who relish in ridiculing everything that THEY don't believe in.

Science does not have a very good record either. If it did Washington D.C. would now have been under water since the year 2000 due to "global warming".


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Somehow, that little baby without the umbilical stub doesn't look dead, yet 12-week fetuses cannot live. Here is a picture of what a 12week fetus looks like (also, see the links regarding that pic)
View attachment 6626
12-week fetus -
Trick-or-treat fetus models - Jill Stanek

That 12 week old fetus is alive in the uterus unless it dies from natural causes or is killed in an abortion.

Whether one believes that a fetus of that age is "human" or not does not alter the fact that it is alive, growing at a normal rate, assuming there is no defects in it, for that stage in it's life. The ONLY way to abort that fetus is to kill it.

Also one should be VERY careful about saying that it is not human until it can survive outside of the womb. MOST humans cannot survive on their own until they are 5 or 6 years old. There are also many physically and mentally handicapped people who cannot survive on their own. Not to mention many elderly people.

Slippery slopes.


Retired Expediter
There is also no scientific evidence that God does NOT exist. Which makes those who don't believe a bunch of old ninnies who relish in ridiculing everything that THEY don't believe in.

Science does not have a very good record either. If it did Washington D.C. would now have been under water since the year 2000 due to "global warming".

Scientists are real like religious leaders some are quacks


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Scientists are real like religious leaders some are quacks

Some religious leaders are good, some are bad. Some who believe in God are good, some are bad. Some who don't believe in God are good, some are bad. No need to call those of us who have strong beliefs, ninnies or other names.


Veteran Expediter
It is the context in which the "term of endearment" is used. When used to ridicule neither is good. Keep that in mind.

Do you have the same advice for someone who refers to liberal members on here (I'm sure there are some) as "morons" and different terms he Google's to basically call them feces?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Do you have the same advice for someone who refers to liberal members on here (I'm sure there are some) as "morons" and different terms he Google's to basically call them feces?

I was speaking to one person only. I know I am one of the very few liberal members that post in here. There are LOTS of "Neo-Cons", "Neo-Liberals", "libertarians" , "Progressives", and "Conservatives" but few "liberals" who love and believe in the liberal values that our Nation was founded on.

No one else was posting at this time.

Besides I know both those old farts very well and I can call either a ninnie if I do it in an endearing way.


Not a Member
Pro life, pro death. Those are the two choices. The left loves to create new vocabulary and to redefine things to cloak the true definitions and intentions which would be received and supported in a far less enthusiastic way. They count on gullibility and being able to lead others down their desired path by doing so. There is no pro choice in this hunt, just pro life or pro death.

How about all you fog horns who have the audacity to suggest, determine, and expound about what a woman chooses to do with her own womb put your money where your mouth is. I submit you create an organization that agrees to adopt at least one child per pro lifer. You don't even have to love the child. Just be willing to provide whatever resources are necessary to allow the child to reach adulthood.This seems like a perfect solution to me. If you wanted to you could even indoctrinate the sweet little cherub with all your imperial wisdom. This way the child isn't likely to fall prey to what it's evil, murderous mother was willing to do. Jerry Falwell ran his mouth like you jokers but he put his money where his mouth was and gave these pregnant girls a free education if they would agree to not abort and either keep the child or give it up for adoption. The entire world could then truly respect your way of thinking if you were to choose a path like this. How about it? Raise your hand.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I would consider you as one of the world's foremost authorities in the matter of suffering from fecal encephalopathy ... certainly from a highly personal perspective and long experience ...

Yes, you are correct. I have had a long experience of exposure to it in certain participants I regularly see in this forum.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
what a woman chooses to do with her own womb

It doesn't matter what she does with her own womb. I could care less. It's the other person that matters. It's the one who can't speak for himself that's the point.